View Full Version : Very Confused!
01-31-2007, 03:58 PM
I've posted several dark shots in the last few days. Someone has been rating them as bad.
I've narrowed it down to who it is but using who online. Theres only been one user online on both days at the time the ratings were posted. It seems very likely its the user giving me bad ratings.
I don't understand why?
These are naturally dark photos. But the subject is in focus. If I didn't think these photos were fine I wouldn't post them.
So do you have the guts to come forward and say why you think they are bad?
As I'm writing this post, another user has rated the pics as bad. Why?
Have the guts to come forward and say why these are bad photos? I really do think you will struggle to justify it somehow...
I also appeal for the thoughts of other users on the pictures... you will see my recent offerings here:
I really am at a loss to figure out where I'm going wrong with these pictures?
Rate them bad if you wish, but have the maturity to come forward and tell me where you think I'm going wrong?
Thank you.
01-31-2007, 04:15 PM
As I said at your posts in the phto section, forget it. This guy or gal is trying to get some attention to his looser life. We should ignore him/her and look for the coments only. At least is what I'm trying to do. The star rate system doesn't get my attention I just look to the coments.
01-31-2007, 06:45 PM
Maybe they've got bad eyesight or a bad monitor or are afraid of the dark?
I wouldn't be too worried! I think the shots are cool.
General Scarlett
01-31-2007, 07:21 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]As I said at your posts in the phto section, forget it. This guy or gal is trying to get some attention to his looser life. We should ignore him/her and look for the coments only. At least is what I'm trying to do. The star rate system doesn't get my attention I just look to the coments.[/QUOTE]
Hey man!! DO NOT imply that it's me in any way shape or form!! I have nothing but positive things to say!! unless of course your busting on my choice of guns, Luis!!!! ;) :p
Seriously, Jock-I agree with you, if somebody's trying to punk you, they should just post on their thoughts........we're all nice people here!!!!!
01-31-2007, 07:49 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I think this needs to be referred to hammerfel. The people rating are unregistered guests.. they shouldnt have a facility to do this.
Alright saying to ignore it but when you spend time and effort the only people who should be able to comment on your efforts should be those willing to post a comment and rate it how they see fit.
The rating system need embedding into the comments section for members. This way theres no anonymous ratings or whatnot. I don't mind rating an image a 2 if it really is that bad.. but for the most part the work done by the members on this site is of really good consistency.
I have actually stopped uploading pictures here now.. and don't plan to unless this is addressed. It seems a major flaw in the whole process.
On a side note.. Dave your work is very inspiring.. some of your shots are eerily good and the wet suit one I saw earlier reminded me of a cinema/film style shot.. I really enjoy the photos you put out and hope that you continue to share with the community but Me personally I can't put my work out at the moment because I dont feel justified to let some two bit guest or unknown slate it.. this is very :( to see. [/COLOR][/FONT]
01-31-2007, 08:10 PM
I must agree. I liked the dark photos, I tried to kick your rating up, it was at a 4 when I voted, but my vote didn't push it up a notch! :P
I can tell you from experience that it is hard to make nice photos in the dark like this, you did an excellent job, you can see the figures, they are in focus, etc., I cant get dark photos to come out when I do them, they are never good.
Job well done and ignore the loser who is giving you bad ratings, he/she is just a punk with nothing better to do.
Can unregistered people vote? That should be fixed if that is the case so they can't
--== Paragon ==--
01-31-2007, 09:06 PM
I think your dark pics look great, especially the one of the night watch trooper!
01-31-2007, 09:17 PM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]The rating system need embedding into the comments section for members. This way theres no anonymous ratings or whatnot.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more.
Dave, I've had the exact same problem with a number of my pics too. One time I was posting five theme week pictures, and they had one star ratings even before I had finished posting them all. Of course, the little coward didn't have the guts to leave a comment to support their judgement, but like you I have a fair idea of who the culprit was. If I could prove it, they would be receiving a p.m. from me letting them know my thoughts on their gutless actions. Your pics are great Dave, just ignore the jealous little loser and keep posting those awesome shots, which the rest of us appreciate.
General Scarlett
01-31-2007, 10:57 PM
[QUOTE=Paragon]Job well done and ignore the loser who is giving you bad ratings, he/she is just a punk with nothing better to do.
--== Paragon ==--[/QUOTE]
SERIOUSLY, guys!!! Unless this person that you think is doing it IS a woman (or a petty girl as the case may be), don't put the 'she' in there!! As far as I know I am the ONLY female on this board (well the only registered one in any case) And all I have is nice things to say......... :)
Don't worry about being 'PC' on this one......... :p
02-01-2007, 02:51 AM
Those dark photos were better than anything I could do in the dark. They were very nice! Just like Frank said "Whos the a-- clown giving bad ratings!?!?"
02-01-2007, 04:05 AM
I wouldn't worry about it. It takes alot to make something. Don't let some fool discourage your efforts. I just post comments.All your guy's stuff is cool!! If it wasn't, I wouldn't be here on this site!!!!!!!
02-01-2007, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I think this needs to be referred to hammerfel. The people rating are unregistered guests.. they shouldnt have a facility to do this.
Alright saying to ignore it but when you spend time and effort the only people who should be able to comment on your efforts should be those willing to post a comment and rate it how they see fit.
The rating system need embedding into the comments section for members. This way theres no anonymous ratings or whatnot. I don't mind rating an image a 2 if it really is that bad.. but for the most part the work done by the members on this site is of really good consistency.
I have actually stopped uploading pictures here now.. and don't plan to unless this is addressed. It seems a major flaw in the whole process.
On a side note.. Dave your work is very inspiring.. some of your shots are eerily good and the wet suit one I saw earlier reminded me of a cinema/film style shot.. I really enjoy the photos you put out and hope that you continue to share with the community but Me personally I can't put my work out at the moment because I dont feel justified to let some two bit guest or unknown slate it.. this is very :( to see. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
I thought this site was for us to post photos and gives opinions. So are we now going to refer these kinda of things to Hammerfel. Well in that case only 3 people relpied to this post and no one rated it. I posted countless photos and some get good replies other (most of the time) get smart a-- remarks. Now this photo if it's the Cobra Imp picture it's too dark. If there's other activity in the picture I can't see it. Maybe my eyes are bad or my monitor is bad I know I'm not afraid of the dark. So I guess that makes me an a-- clown for giving MY OPINION. So my point is not everyone is going to like your pictures...sorry if this offends you, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
02-01-2007, 08:52 AM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]I thought this site was for us to post photos and gives opinions. So are we now going to refer these kinda of things to Hammerfel. Well in that case only 3 people relpied to this post and no one rated it. I posted countless photos and some get good replies other (most of the time) get smart a-- remarks. Now this photo if it's the Cobra Imp picture it's too dark. If there's other activity in the picture I can't see it. Maybe my eyes are bad or my monitor is bad I know I'm not afraid of the dark. So I guess that makes me an a-- clown for giving MY OPINION. So my point is not everyone is going to like your pictures...sorry if this offends you, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.[/QUOTE]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]No your right B, everyone is entitled to their own opinion...but you seemed to have missed the whole point of my complaint.. its not that I don't like people giving out bad ratings.. its that i would prefer people to be honest.. not just rate the picture and leave without saying anything.. to rate a picture 1* or 2* and not say anything is very bad its not an opinion as so much of an insult... as dave pointed out.. comment if you think the picture is that bad explain where the photographer is going wrong.. but to simply slate a picture an not leave your name .. I just see that as cowardly... and a slap in the face.[/COLOR][/FONT]
02-01-2007, 09:05 AM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]No your right B, everyone is entitled to their own opinion...but you seemed to have missed the whole point of my complaint.. its not that I don't like people giving out bad ratings.. its that i would prefer people to be honest.. not just rate the picture and leave without saying anything.. to rate a picture 1* or 2* and not say anything is very bad its not an opinion as so much of an insult... as dave pointed out.. comment if you think the picture is that bad explain where the photographer is going wrong.. but to simply slate a picture an not leave your name .. I just see that as cowardly... and a slap in the face.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
Ok I'll give you that I can see that point, but who cares. Now I just gave my comments one these photos and left some tips. You can take them to heart or tell me to pack sand. Don't dwell on it. Atleast you tried.
02-01-2007, 09:31 AM
The point here is that if someone gives a foto a low rating, at least be polite enough to say why it sucks. Be it your opinion or not. I understand that people don't have the time or interest to rate or comment on EVERY picture out there. What fun would it be for Blowtorch or anyone elseto repeat over and over, "I find your shot boring." (I'm not picking on you, Blowtorch)
Like I am recommending, please PM Hammerfel about the rating system. Due to the mass problems it seems to be causing, I'm all for getting rid of it.
02-01-2007, 09:34 AM
Like I am recommending, please PM Hammerfel about the rating system. Due to the mass problems it seems to be causing, I'm all for getting rid of it.[/QUOTE]
There's a solution to the problem
02-01-2007, 12:00 PM
Yeah, I was thinking maybe update the script so you can't vote until you post, but that might bring the Lurkers outta the woodwork, and we Don't want another Valor13 Incident! LOL!
I could just see a lurker creating like 10 accounts to just spam the pics around here! I'm suprised it hasn't happened already!
I wouldn't stress over the ratings. It's like our fitness Reports in the Marine Corps. They have number ratings, but how accurate are they? One CO could be pumping your score up because he likes you and your next could put you in the gutter because he's a hard ass. The Comments hold a lot more weight! ;)
I only rate a pic if I comment. And if you really wanna, I say you "out" the Smacktards! LOL!
This problem is really starting to suck, it seems every few weeks someone comes along and gives all the pics I've submitted low ratings.
As such, until a solution's been found, I'm pretty much going to take down all my pics. Just pisses me off that someone'd be such a punk that they'd go through all my archived pics (and I'm guessing other people have this problem too) just to give low ratings.
Maybe I'll start posting my own pics again when a solution's been found, but until then I'll just stick to looking at other people's pictures and commenting every now and then.
02-02-2007, 04:05 AM
I like your pics Jay. By not posting your pictures you are giving tremendous power to the douchebags that don't like them. It is important not to take bad comments personally. I think it takes guts to set up a picture and upload it. If I had a camera and knew how, I would. You contribute to this site in a positive way!!! Keep on doin it!! Don't let the douchebags win!!!!
02-02-2007, 06:08 AM
[QUOTE=rds13601]I like your pics Jay. By not posting your pictures you are giving tremendous power to the douchebags that don't like them. It is important not to take bad comments personally. I think it takes guts to set up a picture and upload it. If I had a camera and knew how, I would. You contribute to this site in a positive way!!! Keep on doin it!! Don't let the douchebags win!!!![/QUOTE]
I agree you shouldn't take them to heart. It took balls to post a pic so why let someone ruin that for you. I get smart a$$ remarks from certain people all the time. Like some of the comments here
but you don't see me pulling every pic, or whining because someone didn't rate my pic the way I wanted. I got pics up now that I thought were great but only one person replied to it and it has no rating. So does that mean I pull every pic? It's called an opinion we all have one.
BTW did anybody stop to think that maybe the guy who rated GIJock's pics wasn't comfortable about posting comments yet. (Honestly I found some too dark and stated so.) To be honest every one of you have been unfair about this you've singled this guy out and ripped him apart (ie calling him a douchebags, an a$$ clown) Can any of you prove this guy did this out of spite ? He could have another member to the site, but after reading some of the comments here I don't know if I even want to continue being apart of this site.
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]I agree you shouldn't take them to heart. It took balls to post a pic so why let someone ruin that for you. I get smart a$$ remarks from certain people all the time. Like some of the comments here
but you don't see me pulling every pic, or whining because someone didn't rate my pic the way I wanted. I got pics up now that I thought were great but only one person replied to it and it has no rating. So does that mean I pull every pic? It's called an opinion we all have one. [/quote]
Are you referring to my comment? Because I meant it in jest, as a joke because most of the guys featured were Joe heads on Viper bodies. No offense was intended, if you took it as an offense I apologize.
I took my pictures off to show the admins that I don't like this current situation where people go through someone's pics and just gives them all bad ratings. I'm just not finding it very cool to come online one morning and see that all my pictures have gone down a star or two in rating because one or two guys went through all my photos and gave them all 1 star ratings.
02-02-2007, 06:57 AM
The rating system is there for...well giving the pic a rating. If a person doesn't wish to leave a comment but still would like to give the person that posted some feedback they can rate the pic.
To me this site is a way of sharing each others collections, kind of showing off what each of us has and a way to actually play with our figs without playing with them. It is also a way to show our imagination and creativness as well as skill in some of the customs showcased. And lets face it, some pics are great, some not so great. The key is not to take it too seriously. I for one rarely use the rating system, I mostly leave comments.
As for the pic in question, I found that at my work I was not able to make much out. The pic looked too dark. But at home the resolution on my monitor is higher and I can see the pic as it was meant and it looked much better. So I guess that would be something to keep in mind when doing night shots.
This site is fun, and our administrators have done an excellent job in regulating and giving the site a friendly atmosphere. So lets not get too hung up on minor details and just have fun and refraim from getting confrontational and leave the name calling to the kids. Sound like a plan?
02-02-2007, 08:56 AM
[QUOTE=Fantom]The rating system is there for...well giving the pic a rating. If a person doesn't wish to leave a comment but still would like to give the person that posted some feedback they can rate the pic.
To me this site is a way of sharing each others collections, kind of showing off what each of us has and a way to actually play with our figs without playing with them. It is also a way to show our imagination and creativness as well as skill in some of the customs showcased. And lets face it, some pics are great, some not so great. The key is not to take it too seriously. I for one rarely use the rating system, I mostly leave comments.
As for the pic in question, I found that at my work I was not able to make much out. The pic looked too dark. But at home the resolution on my monitor is higher and I can see the pic as it was meant and it looked much better. So I guess that would be something to keep in mind when doing night shots.
This site is fun, and our administrators have done an excellent job in regulating and giving the site a friendly atmosphere. So lets not get too hung up on minor details and just have fun and refraim from getting confrontational and leave the name calling to the kids. Sound like a plan?[/QUOTE]
My point exactly very well put.
02-02-2007, 12:13 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]I took my pictures off to show the admins that I don't like this current situation where people go through someone's pics and just gives them all bad ratings. I'm just not finding it very cool to come online one morning and see that all my pictures have gone down a star or two in rating because one or two guys went through all my photos and gave them all 1 star ratings.[/QUOTE]
Having been a victim of this too, I thought about doing the same thing. But then I thought "why should I let some sad little coward spoil my hobby?" I enjoy posting pics here and sharing comments with the regulars, so I just ignore the rating. It's the comments that matter. If someone is lame enough to waste their time going through someone's pics and rating them as one star out of spite, then they deserve our contempt, and nothing else. DON'T LET THEM WIN!!!!
02-02-2007, 01:04 PM
I've made some changes to the forum you can read about here:
In the future, instead of removing your images to "tell the admins" how you feel about something, just try a PM instead, k? ;)
02-02-2007, 02:17 PM
Is it possible to only be able to rate a photo if you leave a comment along with the rating? That might solve the problem of the anonymous raters giving 1's to everyone.
As for rating the photos, I dont look at what type of photo it is, for example (to use what lehsreh said) someone might post a really sci-fi type of photo. I personally don't like sci-fi in my joe world, especially the neon colored goo spitting monster type of sci-fi... Someone did some more realisitic shots of a sci fi scene a while back and I really was impressed... but in any case, even though I don't particularly like sci-fi Joe stuff, I still look at the photo, the lighting, the figures used, is it in focus, is it scaled correctly with the background, etc, etc., and that sci-fi photo might get a 4 or 5 from me even though I dont like the photo...
I also only rate photos I post comments on too.
--== Paragon ==--
EDIT: After I read this post I read the message about how it is not an easy thing to make it so you have to comment in order to rate an image, I just wanted to point out that I made my comment about that before I knew that info. :P
General Scarlett
02-02-2007, 02:37 PM
You know something??? I've been following this thread for the past few days & I just want to say that I joined this board recently & I really do LOVE this site!! It's so much fun to post & comment and interact with all of you-some of whom I now chat with personally-I don't care what positive or negative thing you guys want to say about my pics (OK granted I've been slacking as of late-I'm getting back on track with that, promise) but still, I CHOSE to post here & share a very personal part of myself with all of you. I think we all know WHO our friends are here-the rest of the people are either new or not comfortable enough yet to 'say' anything. To those people I say, introduce yourself & let us get to know you-then feel free to interact with us. I have to say that all of you guys have been so nice & accomodating to me being a girl in this setting-I am looking forward to calling all of you 'friends' for a loooong time to come.
I'm just as sensitive as the next person, maybe even more so, but I also know how to take a joke or brush off a stupid comment. I think that it's amazing that something I fell in love with 25 years ago is now something I can share with people from all over the world!! We just have to realize that everyone is different & we know what we like, the rest is just 'fluff'. Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff!! ;) :)
*I'll put away the 'big sister' soapbox now, thanks.....*
02-02-2007, 02:55 PM
I feel the exact smae way, General Scarlett. :)
Thanks for sharing that.
02-02-2007, 03:21 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, for some reason when i posted this earlier it didnt work. so im posting it again. so here goes my thought.
mmm, i really dont see what the big deal is. i mean the rating thing is asking what we think of a pic, right? it doesnt mean how well the pic was taken. i have given a lot of 5 stars, but i have given some low ones too. its not only to do with the pic quality but also whats in the pic. that will change what the rating is for each person. say if a pic is taken well and has say sci fi in it. well for me that may be a 5 star pic since i love sci fi. however if someone hated sci fi beyond all understanding, then that pic wouldnt be so marvelous. i mean the pic may be well, but he would'nt really like it enough for 5 starts since he wouldnt like it because of the character. so really the pic thing is no big deal. i mean i only posted 1, it doesnt have 5 starts, it just means that someone didnt like the background, the characters or maybe it was a lil fuzzy, or all 3. actually, it is a lil fuzzy, but ive saw a lot worse get 5 starts, that just leaves the other two, i understand this. i know it wasnt worth 5 stars. i mean look at the pics speir has posted. no way in the world do i have the poto taken abilities he does. his is like a pro compared to mine. but what do i think, i like mine better just because i hate the fact that sigma 6 has taken over my 3 3/4 line. so if i had to put a sorta fuzzy pic with my fav 3 3/4 characters against his superb photo quality, id still give the former the best rating.[/COLOR]
02-04-2007, 04:03 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]mmm, for some reason when i posted this earlier it didnt work. so im posting it again. so here goes my thought.
mmm, i really dont see what the big deal is. i mean the rating thing is asking what we think of a pic, right? it doesnt mean how well the pic was taken. i have given a lot of 5 stars, but i have given some low ones too. its not only to do with the pic quality but also whats in the pic. that will change what the rating is for each person. say if a pic is taken well and has say sci fi in it. well for me that may be a 5 star pic since i love sci fi. however if someone hated sci fi beyond all understanding, then that pic wouldnt be so marvelous. i mean the pic may be well, but he would'nt really like it enough for 5 starts since he wouldnt like it because of the character. so really the pic thing is no big deal. i mean i only posted 1, it doesnt have 5 starts, it just means that someone didnt like the background, the characters or maybe it was a lil fuzzy, or all 3. actually, it is a lil fuzzy, but ive saw a lot worse get 5 starts, that just leaves the other two, i understand this. i know it wasnt worth 5 stars. i mean look at the pics speir has posted. no way in the world do i have the poto taken abilities he does. his is like a pro compared to mine. but what do i think, i like mine better just because i hate the fact that sigma 6 has taken over my 3 3/4 line. so if i had to put a sorta fuzzy pic with my fav 3 3/4 characters against his superb photo quality, id still give the former the best rating.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
While I understand people may rate things they like better than things they don't, I truely hope users on the site are more sensible with their vote. It seems petty to me. As well a definate abuse of the rating system, I doubt very much that the purpose of the rating system was intended for people to badly rate a picture because they dislike the subject(s) portrayed within the image. I hate Sigma 6. But I'd never badly rate a S6 image. Or think my work superior to it because it isn't what I like. Give people their due... If the pic is fine, but features Joe's we don't like then so what? It deserves a high rating, give it one. Who are we to dismiss a picture just because we don't like the subject? Everyone puts a lot of time and effort into taking pictures, so be thoughful of that before you badly rate a picture of Ice Cream Soldier or someone awful like that... 99% (I hope) Of the users on Joedios are here for the love of all things Joe and wouldn't be so petty to badly rate a pic because their favourite figure isn't it, be them s6 lovers or anti s6, or vice versa.
Not all Pics uploaded are for the Target Range firing squad to give their thoughts on the subject of the picture.
As a community, we should get into the spirit of the site and quit with the arrogance?
If people on Joedios are truely like what lehsreh describes then please speak up. I don't wanna be part of a site where the community is that selfish.
The fact users may do such a thing makes me more angry and confused than I was about my the unexplained bad ratings my photo's got.
Quite simply, it's utter Pish.
02-04-2007, 04:36 PM
[QUOTE=G.I.*Jock]While I understand people may rate things they like better than things they don't, I truely hope users on the site are more sensible with their vote. It seems petty to me. As well a definate abuse of the rating system, I doubt very much that the purpose of the rating system was intended for people to badly rate a picture because they dislike the subject(s) portrayed within the image. I hate Sigma 6. But I'd never badly rate a S6 image. Or think my work superior to it because it isn't what I like. Give people their due... If the pic is fine, but features Joe's we don't like then so what? It deserves a high rating, give it one. Who are we to dismiss a picture just because we don't like the subject? Everyone puts a lot of time and effort into taking pictures, so be thoughful of that before you badly rate a picture of Ice Cream Soldier or someone awful like that... 99% (I hope) Of the users on Joedios are here for the love of all things Joe and wouldn't be so petty to badly rate a pic because their favourite figure isn't it, be them s6 lovers or anti s6, or vice versa.
Not all Pics uploaded are for the Target Range firing squad to give their thoughts on the subject of the picture.
As a community, we should get into the spirit of the site and quit with the arrogance?
If people on Joedios are truely like what lehsreh describes then please speak up. I don't wanna be part of a site where the community is that selfish.
The fact users may do such a thing makes me more angry and confused than I was about my the unexplained bad ratings my photo's got.
Quite simply, it's utter Pish.
i understand what you are saying, and i did not mean that i would give a sigma 6 a 1 star rating, just that if it were sitting beside a pic of a 3 3/4 pic of the same quality and i had to give one a 5 star it would be the latter. and as you said that you would not want to be part of a community where people are "petty", i think the same can be said for this place if everyone gave everybody a 5 star rating just because they do not want to hurt ones feelings. as i said before, my pic didnt get 5 stars, nor did i expect it to, its just not that good. if this site is a place where no one can give what they truely think for a rating and we cant take a lil bad criticism then i do not think i would want to be here. we are not kids, not everyone is gonna think the same about every pic, dio or whatever. lets all be grown up and let people do and say what they truely believe in, isnt freedom of expression an american right?[/COLOR]
02-04-2007, 09:30 PM
i understand what you are saying, and i did not mean that i would give a sigma 6 a 1 star rating, just that if it were sitting beside a pic of a 3 3/4 pic of the same quality and i had to give one a 5 star it would be the latter. and as you said that you would not want to be part of a community where people are "petty", i think the same can be said for this place if everyone gave everybody a 5 star rating just because they do not want to hurt ones feelings. as i said before, my pic didnt get 5 stars, nor did i expect it to, its just not that good. if this site is a place where no one can give what they truely think for a rating and we cant take a lil bad criticism then i do not think i would want to be here. we are not kids, not everyone is gonna think the same about every pic, dio or whatever. lets all be grown up and let people do and say what they truely believe in, isnt freedom of expression an american right?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I don't think any one has a problem with a picture being rated a 1 or 2 if is not very good. The problem arises when good pictures are rated poorly, seemingly out of spite. Constuctive criticism is always welcomed; after all, if you are doing something wrong, you want to be told so that you can fix it. What angers most people is a poor rating without an explanation. If someone doesn't like a pic, that's fine. Out of common courtesy, just let the contributor know why you don't like it. And you are absolutely right when you say that there is no point giving every picture a 5 just so no one's feelings are hurt, as that defeats the purpose of a rating system just as fully as giving everything a 1. All we need for the rating system to work as intended is for everyone to use it honestly!
02-05-2007, 04:37 AM
i understand what you are saying, and i did not mean that i would give a sigma 6 a 1 star rating, just that if it were sitting beside a pic of a 3 3/4 pic of the same quality and i had to give one a 5 star it would be the latter. and as you said that you would not want to be part of a community where people are "petty", i think the same can be said for this place if everyone gave everybody a 5 star rating just because they do not want to hurt ones feelings. as i said before, my pic didnt get 5 stars, nor did i expect it to, its just not that good. if this site is a place where no one can give what they truely think for a rating and we cant take a lil bad criticism then i do not think i would want to be here. we are not kids, not everyone is gonna think the same about every pic, dio or whatever. lets all be grown up and let people do and say what they truely believe in, isnt freedom of expression an american right?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Purple]OK lehsreh, here is the thing.. nobody here is asking you to spare your ratings.
You used the example of a 3 3/4 pic sitting next to a sigma 6 pic.. and you had to give one a 5 star? Why not them both?
I mean c'mon everyone if a picture deserves a 5 star surely it should be rated it right? You don't have to be totally selective with your stars.. on a similar note if they were both 3 3/4 pics why does only one have to get a 5 star? Again I stress if both are of equal quality they should both get 5* ratings it really is that simple.
I am of the belief that the rating system was set up as to decide overall picture quality and execution. Usually I will first type into the reply box any comments I have to say about the pic. Usually if its eco warriors, ninja force or sigma 6 I explain that its usually not my liking.. but it never effects the overall rating of the pic.. if someone has the desire, liking or patience to spend a couple of hours setting up figures and taking the perfect shot.. and the execution is good then it deserves a 5 star rating and that contributor should get his dues.
Onto selfishness and pettyness.. people on here aren't (I hope) going to rate every pic a 5 star rating just to avoid hurting peoples feelings.. but look back at Jocks (dave) recent pictures and some of Outriders.. the figures are in focus.. sure they are dark.. but OM F G. They are meant to be dark as they are night shots/dark shots where he's experimented with the light/darkness. It's not that they have come out wrong or incorrect its simply the style of shot he's taken. The figures for the most part in both pictures are in focus.
Outrider was spot on .. most of the people on here will take criticism on the chin.. I for one will do.. but its simply frustrating when you know the pic deserves higher than its being rated.
As for freedom of speech.. take this your last comment:
"If this site is a place where no one can give what they truely think for a rating and we cant take a lil bad criticism then i do not think i would want to be here."
Bad criticism.. shouldnt be tolerated.. its bad because for the last two weeks people have been rating quality pictures a 1 or 2 star without saying why? I think you meant to say just criticism..
This is not about being childish and its not about being petty or not being able to take criticism on the chin.. this is about us as members being able to structure and support each other in our efforts to getting a better shot of our joes. If I released 15 Joe pics onto the board and got 1 or 2 star ratings everytime without comments on where I was going wrong I'd be frustrated as hell..
1. Because I'd want to get to a 5*
2. because I'd want to know what I was doing wrong.
The reasons behind these recent drop in ratings has nothing to do with opinion and I have every reason to suspect its more to do with as outrider put it "out of spite" this is the selfishness that dave referred to in his earlier post.
Now that the ratings system has been tweaked and people are hopefully working towards a similar goal we may get to see some balance and normality again [/COLOR]:rolleyes: [/FONT]
02-05-2007, 05:34 AM
son , you speak your mind and what you say others only think . :cool:
02-05-2007, 06:36 AM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, why would anyone give someone a 1 star out of spite? ive saw that written a few times and i dont know what you all mean. is it because someone has given someone a 1 star and then they do it back. i dont think that is the case...i hope its not the case anyway. and still, in my opinion a pic is judged partly on what is in the pic, (and i have a pretty strong art background, be it not in photography, but in pencil, poetry and martial arts, which the form that you have to perfect) the reason i still say this is because creativity has to be part of any art. once again i defend my point of view. say for example, and no this has never been done, someone on here is going to say "but no one does that" this is only a made up example. say i took a pic of a wall, the wall is blue in color with no markings what so ever. no pictures or anything on it. just blue flat surface. my pic is in perfect focus, the lighting is like the gods above have shown on it, would anyone give me 5 stars??? i hope not. and say i painted a smily face on a canvas, the yellow is so perfect that they have now named it the defaut yellow and the eyes are perfectly spaced apart. put my painting next to the mona lisa or something from luis royo and would you still give my oh so perfect smily face a 5??? dont get me wrong for saying this though,i hardly ever rate pics and when i do i think the lowest i have ever given was a 3 and that was because it was very, very blurry. i know someone on here has to give lower ratings, i had a 5 until someone had to give me a one, but im ok with that. and until i am kicked off of here, if i am able to rate and i do not think a pic is perfect enough to rate a 5, i will not, and i should not give it a five in order, i say for the last time, to spare someones feelings. it seems like i am the badguy because i am very opinionated, i have always been like this and i will never change. isnt this partly what this site is about, isnt everything in some way, shape, or form judged on opinion??? [/COLOR]
02-05-2007, 06:56 AM
This topic has just gone beyond beating a dead horse. Has this become ebay where only your rating count?
Once again how does anyone know the guy rated those pictures out of spite? I don't and isn't everyone entitled to there opinion? It's really sad when people would rather dwell on the bad rating of there pic. When the could just move on and post more. Not all my pics get 5 stars rating. In fact 42 out of 107 photo didn't get rated and 16 didn't even get replies does it bother me...NO! . It's been 6 days already the rating system issue was resolved by Hammerfel.(Thank you) Do you think we can all go back to playing nicely? or should we have a few more days to pout and cry because of a rating our picture got...let it go.
02-05-2007, 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]This topic has just gone beyond beating a dead horse. Has this become ebay where only your rating count?
Once again how does anyone know the guy rated those pictures out of spite? I don't and isn't everyone entitled to there opinion? It's really sad when people would rather dwell on the bad rating of there pic. When the could just move on and post more. Not all my pics get 5 stars rating. In fact 42 out of 107 photo didn't get rated and 16 didn't even get replies does it bother me...NO! . It's been 6 days already the rating system issue was resolved by Hammerfel.(Thank you) Do you think we can all go back to playing nicely? or should we have a few more days to pout and cry because of a rating our picture got...let it go.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Red]thank you blowtorch. if i were a rapper i could sum up just how strongly i agree with you in four letters... [SIZE=6]WORD!!![/SIZE]
now i'm going over to gengeral joes and probably read some of his old dios,lol.[/COLOR]
02-05-2007, 07:05 AM
Wow, I am surprised to see this thread is still going...I admit that I like to read replies to pics that I post, but if someone has something negative to say or if my pic gets a bad rating...well, let's just say it doesn't keep me up at night.
Again, this site is for fun. This site is to showcase your collections and creativity. This is not a contest and a bad rating shouldn't be bothering anyone this much. I have seen forums, online communities where there is lots of verbal abuse, people get into lame arguments and since no one is face to face people tend to not have any kind of inhibitions so it gets a bit out of hand. If a bad rating for a pic is the worse that this site's members has to offer, well I don't think we have that much to worry about.
From what I've seen from this group, all the regulars are very polite and constructive members. You guys are fun, funny, and very cool to interact with. There is not a problem here so lets get on with life and get to posting awesome pics...
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]This topic has just gone beyond beating a dead horse. Has this become ebay where only your rating count?
Once again how does anyone know the guy rated those pictures out of spite? I don't and isn't everyone entitled to there opinion? It's really sad when people would rather dwell on the bad rating of there pic. When the could just move on and post more. Not all my pics get 5 stars rating. In fact 42 out of 107 photo didn't get rated and 16 didn't even get replies does it bother me...NO! . It's been 6 days already the rating system issue was resolved by Hammerfel.(Thank you) Do you think we can all go back to playing nicely? or should we have a few more days to pout and cry because of a rating our picture got...let it go.[/QUOTE]
I don't know about Jock's stuff since only those three über-dark pictures seem to have been given low ratings (which frankly I can understand because even with my bright monitor I have problems making out the images), but in my case, I just hop along checking my files and realize every single one of my pictures, including a freakin' poster I got off the internet for the Files section, has had its rating go down by one or two points.
That pretty much means someone had decided to just go through all my pics and give them all ratings of one for no other reason than spite or pleasure of assclownness.
02-05-2007, 09:00 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]I don't know about Jock's stuff since only those three über-dark pictures seem to have been given low ratings (which frankly I can understand because even with my bright monitor I have problems making out the images), but in my case, I just hop along checking my files and realize every single one of my pictures, including a freakin' poster I got off the internet for the Files section, has had its rating go down by one or two points.
That pretty much means someone had decided to just go through all my pics and give them all ratings of one for no other reason than spite or pleasure of assclownness.[/QUOTE]
This why this kind of post is active for so long. Boo hoo, Jay someone didn't like your photos. As for the poster who knows maybe it was a case of someone wanting to use it for a dio story and it didn't turn out, I don't know, and .....I know this maybe a big surprise neither do you. Let it go.
Can we have this post locked or deleted ? It's getting to the point that I don't want to comment or rate a photo because I might offend someone by telling it's too dark. It's pretty bad when today I wanted to rate a dark photo then leave some construtive pointers then decided not to because I though tit would offend them. After all this post has had a lot of comments over the past 6 days. I've come to the conclusion that if you don't like a photo then you're an assclown or a douchebag. Well then I guess I'm both. I've been doing this kind of thing for years since high scholl before I even had a computer so figure about 20 plus years. People either like my pics or hate them. I have a comic page I did for Marauder Inc. he said it was too dark, but my co workers who saw it thought it was awesome. Even my wife said it was too dark. Didn't hurt my feeling on bit I'm still going to use it in my comic and I had FUN doing it. Let me type this in caps maybe some of you will get the point.
02-05-2007, 09:02 AM
02-05-2007, 09:16 AM
This is getting out of hand.
Blowtorch, I wasn't hurt at all by my ratings. But when the vast majority of people say the pictures are very cool and convey everything I set out to capture in a pic... well... that says a lot.
I haven't really been making comments to keep the thread going. I have replied when I felt a reply was needed. Especially when people miss the point. I think its fair to say you have missed the point. Thankfully though the majority of the others have not.
Also Blowtorch, you should perhaps word your posts a little more carefully in future. Some people might be offended by the use of some of your words. They could be misunderstood as being inciting, you know? Trying to get a rise out of people?
I know I'm not pouting or crying over bad ratings, I doubt Outrider did either when it happened to him... I don't care much for ratings at all to be honest... I do care when I do get a rating or ratings I don't understand, which is why I started the thread.
Now I don't care. Those whom I respect the most have told me what they think and thats fine by me. Some said the pictures were cool. Some said too dark... but not worth of a bad 1 rating. Which is as I pretty much thought.
02-05-2007, 09:33 AM
Lehsreh. Some of us have made a few enemies out there. ie; banned people. I had a whole rash of 1 stars come thru and I know they were coming from the mooks that I banned (most likely, several times). I believe that some people score low to be bastards. Some do it to be funny. Some do it to spite others. Some people can't be objective and some don't understand context of a shot.
Craig pretty much said it. The problem is when decent pics get 1-star.
WHen a lot of us first started out here, some of the guys would just blindly take pics and throw 'em up. They wouldn't even look at them before posting. 80% of the time, they were ultra fuzzy. I'd give 'em a 1 star and honestly, do I need to explain to them that their shot is fuzzy? Can they not figure that out on their own??? I think the rating system can be obvious at times.
But when a well focused picture w/ excellent set-up, compisition and lighting gets nailed, EVERYONE looking at it and the rating has to wonder. Dave's only asking people to explain themselves.
Hammerfel is aware of the situation and simply believes that people should be on the honor system. Like I said, there are trolls and lurkers who'll just come in and blast away. And let me in on a lil tidbit. Try to post your pics on the JBL and you will be LUCKY if you get a comment or two. Believe me, I've given up doing 1-shots over there.
02-05-2007, 09:33 AM
[QUOTE=G.I.*Jock]This is getting out of hand.
Blowtorch, I wasn't hurt at all by my ratings. But when the vast majority of people say the pictures are very cool and convey everything I set out to capture in a pic... well... that says a lot.
I haven't really been making comments to keep the thread going. I have replied when I felt a reply was needed. Especially when people miss the point. I think its fair to say you have missed the point. Thankfully though the majority of the others have not.
Also Blowtorch, you should perhaps word your posts a little more carefully in future. Some people might be offended by the use of some of your words. They could be misunderstood as being inciting, you know? Trying to get a rise out of people?
I know I'm not pouting or crying over bad ratings, I doubt Outrider did either when it happened to him... I don't care much for ratings at all to be honest... I do care when I do get a rating or ratings I don't understand, which is why I started the thread.
Now I don't care. Those whom I respect the most have told me what they think and thats fine by me. Some said the pictures were cool. Some said too dark... but not worth of a bad 1 rating. Which is as I pretty much thought.[/QUOTE]
No I didn't miss the point you apparently missed mine because you really don't know if the ratings were done out of spite or not. As far as how I word my post I don't see a problem, but then I again I try and post how I talk which means I don't candy coat a lot of what I say. So if your offended by post here you should be glad you don't work for me. This is tame compared to how I deal with problems at work. Which in turn has made me one of the few most respected supervisors because they know I'm not going to BS them. You should get thinker skin.
General Scarlett
02-05-2007, 09:38 AM
Ok guys-I just want to interject something here, very quick & very brief, 'kay??
It's great how all of you have been so positive on my latest set of posts. I am going to go 'all girl' for a minute & tell you all that I love all of you for liking my pics!! SERIOUSLY!!
I have always loved this 'toy' line, and with this site, I am so revitalized with visions of what I want to do with my Joes!
You all have had a really big part in that. So now, let's all get back to what we were doing before this crap bomb exploded & post our pics in the spirit of this forum. PLEASE!!!
'Cause I really want to post and play with all of you for a loooong time to come-and man o man! I have got some creative juices burning in my brain right now!!!
Hugs & kisses to all of you guys xoxo :)
p.s.-please turn around and piss all the remaining testosterone off the port side of the USS FLAGG!!!! Thank you for your cooperation!!!! :D ;)
02-05-2007, 09:43 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett] So now, let's all get back to what we were doing before this crap bomb exploded & post our pics in the spirit of this forum. PLEASE!!!
p.s.-please turn around and piss all the remaining testosterone off the port side of the USS FLAGG!!!! Thank you for your cooperation!!!! :D ;)[/QUOTE]
Agreed (another point that was missed)
02-05-2007, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]No I didn't miss the point you apparently missed mine because you really don't know if the ratings were done out of spite or not. As far as how I word my post I don't see a problem, but then I again I try and post how I talk which means I don't candy coat a lot of what I say. So if your offended by post here you should be glad you don't work for me. This is tame compared to how I deal with problems at work. Which in turn has made me one of the few most respected supervisors because they know I'm not going to BS them. You should get thinker skin.[/QUOTE]
I wasn't offended. I did sugegst how ever that some people might be... I didn't miss the point either. I'm all to aware that I don't know if it was out of spite or not... So yes you have missed the point... I didn't understand the poor ratings and thats why I started the thread, hopefully for the person to come forward and tell me why...
Thanks for the insight into your working practises as well.
sabre squadron
02-05-2007, 09:48 AM
best thread for months ! but i still would not like to see a young kid or novice marked down explanation or not . encouragement should be given to all . :cool:
top marks to this thread for starting a first class discussion ! :cool: and everybody have fun tonight ! :D
02-05-2007, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=G.I.*Jock]I wasn't offended. I did sugegst how ever that some people might be... I didn't miss the point either. I'm all to aware that I don't know if it was out of spite or not... So yes you have missed the point... I didn't understand the poor ratings and thats why I started the thread, hopefully for the person to come forward and tell me why...
Thanks for the insight into your working practises as well.[/QUOTE]
This can go on all day. So yes whatever you say "I missed the point" thank you pointing out the errors of my ways.
02-05-2007, 09:55 AM
*administrator mode on*
Alright. Everybody to their corners. It's now time to take this outside the ring. Please email, livechat or whatever if this wants to be continued.
I'm locking this one down.
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