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View Full Version : where is the guy at tim's corner???

02-02-2007, 08:47 AM
[COLOR=Red]i love dios, i guess anyone on here does. my fav dio authors are general joe, then the guy from timscorner and the inner santum. does anyone know what happened to the tim's corner guy? his last dio, "TERROR", was completed in mid 2005. his next story entitled "GHOST" was supposed to come out in 06. so he missed a whole year, just wondering if anyone knows him, maybe he's on here with a name i dont know. i've been dieing to see the sand vipers again, maybe hes just taking some time off like everyone else does. [/COLOR]

02-02-2007, 08:51 AM
Life probably happened.
Family, work, life's unexpected twists. These things usually take priority over dio-stories.

02-02-2007, 02:31 PM
I emailed Tim a few weeks back to comment on his dios, he said he has been busy with normal life things. I agree he had some really nice stuff on there though, his dios are great and hopefully some day he'll be able to do some more.

--== Paragon ==--