View Full Version : All Joes Killed in the Line of Duty
02-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Can anyone list out all of the Joes killed in the original comic book series? I've been trying to remember but haven't got a clue. I know there were too many killed in Trucial Abyssmia and need a list for some background info in a dio I'm writing out.
02-03-2007, 08:27 PM
Doc, Chuckles,Mainframe Flash,LadyJaye, CrazyLegs, Heavy Metal, Quick Kick, Breaker,General Flagg, Crankcase,Maverick,Blaster, DJ, Sneak Peak, maverick, er the other guy from BF2000 who isn't Dodger. I know I'm leaving some out due to mental block. Please help.
[QUOTE=rds13601]Doc, Chuckles,Mainframe Flash,LadyJaye, CrazyLegs, Heavy Metal, Quick Kick, Breaker,General Flagg, Crankcase,Maverick,Blaster, DJ, Sneak Peak, maverick, er the other guy from BF2000 who isn't Dodger. I know I'm leaving some out due to mental block. Please help.[/QUOTE]
He said the original comic book.
Devil's Due deaths like Chuckles and Flash don't count because they're Devil's Due "We gotta be gritty to sell issues!" deaths.
Here's the entire list of Joe deaths throughout the Marvel comic book:
General Flagg
Heavy Metal
Quick Kick
Cool Breeze
Interesting how Devil's Due's comic has been around for, what? Five years? And they're already damn close to matching the number of Joes killed during Marvel's entire 12-year run of GIJoe comics.
02-04-2007, 12:08 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]He said the original comic book.
Devil's Due deaths like Chuckles and Flash don't count because they're Devil's Due "We gotta be gritty to sell issues!" deaths.
Interesting how Devil's Due's comic has been around for, what? Five years? And they're already damn close to matching the number of Joes killed during Marvel's entire 12-year run of GIJoe comics.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but one thing I hated about the comics and cartoons in the 80's was with all those guns blazing, no one hardly ever died......
I like it gritty and real....
02-04-2007, 06:26 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Yeah, but one thing I hated about the comics and cartoons in the 80's was with all those guns blazing, no one hardly ever died......
I like it gritty and real....[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I had the same problem with all the '80s cartoon series. Transformers, Robotech, Voltron, GI Joe, all had guns blazing and yet, remarkably no one ever got hit, everyone had a chance to escape before the final explosion and military budgets didn't affect operations.
02-04-2007, 06:28 AM
Thank you for your information. Can anyone give me an idea how Mainframe died?
02-04-2007, 06:36 AM
Mainframe and Flash died during the Second Cobra Civil War; they were planting explosives in an installation on Cobra Island and while the rest of their team made it out okay, those two were caught by guards meaning they were still inside when the building went boom...
This was shortly before the beach landing assault where Overlord punched through Chuckles' torso and Skidmark was too close to an exploding thing. :(
02-04-2007, 07:24 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]Mainframe and Flash died during the Second Cobra Civil War; they were planting explosives in an installation on Cobra Island and while the rest of their team made it out okay, those two were caught by guards meaning they were still inside when the building went boom...
This was shortly before the beach landing assault where Overlord punched through Chuckles' torso and Skidmark was too close to an exploding thing. :([/QUOTE]
02-04-2007, 07:55 AM
[COLOR=Red]ok, since were talking about deaths here. ive saw all the others. have the books, or have them downloaded, but how did lady jaye die? i havent saw any of the new books in say 8 months or so. and does anyone know how i can get a copy online, if so email me. ill return the favor if i have any you need. i have the complete run of marvel, both the normal and special missions, and G.I. Joe vs the Transformers. I have DD's reloaded up to issue 40 and America's Elite up to 13.[/COLOR]
02-04-2007, 08:55 AM
She got stabbed in the tummy by a jabroni that worked for wingnut wingfield.
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]She got stabbed in the tummy by a jabroni that worked for wingnut wingfield.[/QUOTE]
Really? I thought it was that crappy Red Shadows faction they made that killed her... the dumb broad from that dumb faction... I forget her name.
02-04-2007, 09:30 AM
The Red Shadows were led by Nutzoida Wingfield. They were like the runners for him or something. So while the old man on life support sat behind a computer dropping satellites, that crew of big dumb russian bear, baldy chicky and non-descript duder were doing all the leg work by messing around w/ the Joes.
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]The Red Shadows were led by Nutzoida Wingfield. They were like the runners for him or something. So while the old man on life support sat behind a computer dropping satellites, that crew of big dumb russian bear, baldy chicky and non-descript duder were doing all the leg work by messing around w/ the Joes.[/QUOTE]
So Joe "asswipe" Casey retconned the Red Shadows so they were lead by Wingfield instead of Wilder Vaughn?
Geez, no wonder everyone hates the bastard. How much lamer can you get when a one-issue villain comes back over 20 years later for no reason?
02-04-2007, 01:44 PM
Yeah, you didn't catch that? The head dude, Vince or whatever, kept on talking to another guy and getting orders from someone. The Red Shadows had the equivalent of the super soldier serum, right? Vance Wingfield was the one who kept on giving them that stuff. I mention it in the Comic Box #4 how DD brought bought Wingnut Wingfield as an old villian. But as I said there, when Kahn came back in Star Trek, that was awesome. Wingfield was not.
I don't bother with the comic anymore. After coming to grips that there are different Joeverses all around, who knows what canon is anymore. Even hasbro seems to go back and forth. I gave up and just did my own thing.
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Yeah, you didn't catch that? The head dude, Vince or whatever, kept on talking to another guy and getting orders from someone. The Red Shadows had the equivalent of the super soldier serum, right? Vance Wingfield was the one who kept on giving them that stuff. I mention it in the Comic Box #4 how DD brought bought Wingnut Wingfield as an old villian. But as I said there, when Kahn came back in Star Trek, that was awesome. Wingfield was not.
I don't bother with the comic anymore. After coming to grips that there are different Joeverses all around, who knows what canon is anymore. Even hasbro seems to go back and forth. I gave up and just did my own thing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I avoided reading America's Elite after hearing all the negative stuff.
Haven't read much Devil's Due stuff, just the good issues really (Frontline 1-4, History Repeating, the Beachhead issue of Frontline, Special Missions Manhattan, Special Missions Tokyo, The Hunt For Cobra Commander). The rest has been avoided.
02-04-2007, 09:10 PM
Actually, it happened right before the change over to AE. But what's it matter, it was a quick clean-up to bring in JCasey, right?
Lightning LA
02-04-2007, 09:56 PM
How did Quick Kick bite the Big One??
[QUOTE=Lightning LA]How did Quick Kick bite the Big One??[/QUOTE]
I haven't read the particular issue, but during the Trucial Abysmia mission, after Doc and the vehicle driver crew died, Duke, Breaker, Falcon, Quick Kick and Cross-Country made a run for it in a Rage tank, which got destroyed... Quick Kick and Breaker both died in the explosion.
02-04-2007, 11:28 PM
" MainFrame is not dead....he just went home!" :D
;) :eek:
02-05-2007, 03:54 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]" MainFrame is not dead....he just went home!" :D
;) :eek:[/QUOTE]
Semper Fi!!!
Lava Boss
02-06-2007, 08:43 AM
Devil's Due should never have continued where Marvel ended. They should've done Reloaded from the get go. Instead, reloaded bombed...go figure.
That anyone would kill Lady Jaye...ugh...can they call themselves "fans"?
02-06-2007, 09:28 AM
I think by that point in the series, I didn't care what DD did. I just viewed them as their own stories, doing their own thing. Honestly, I could care less about who they killed off. They're just stories. I mean, we could say that about Larry Hama, but most people consider that canon and everything after is just extended universe, y'know?
I'm not sure what DD should've done w/ GI Joe. I don't think starting with Reloaded would have worked simply cuz at that time in 2001, people wanted GI Joe. Not from the beginning, but what happens after 7 yrs. The idea was pretty sound. DD wanted to do an aged team and bring in a new cast of Joes for the next generation. Unfortunately, NOBODY wanted that. They just wanted more GI Joe adventures w/ their fave chars.
I didn't like Reloaded. I didn't like the main series either. Frontline was too varied for me so I couldn't remember one issue from another. BUT I do say that the Special Missions and Classifieds have been awesome and that's the route DD should've started. Forget a main story and main team idea, go with lil missions that use a variety of chars and most importantly, make them stand alone. That's just me, of course.
02-06-2007, 09:41 AM
[COLOR=Red]its true that killing characters is good in a way. but why the hell kill off some of the second class ones??? i mean why not kill off either the first rate one or the lower hardly used ones that most people wont really miss? sure quick kick wasnt big in the comics, but in the toons he beat the hell outta storm shadow. and lady jaye! heck she was a major player on all planes of the joe verse. why not kill off all of ninja force and let quick kick have lived, hell they were the reason G.I. Joe went downhill in my opinion. and why not kill off ji9nx and keep lady jaye? i say kill snake eyes, ( though that will never happen), kill duke, falcon, hardball, hard drive, hacker and some other names that are never in anyhting. i mean who uses cpt grid-iron? kill off some of the useless and overused and bring back quick kick. hell they did it for storm shadow and they made a new gen flagg. why not good ol quick kick, doc and lady jaye. [/COLOR]
02-10-2007, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Yeah, but one thing I hated about the comics and cartoons in the 80's was with all those guns blazing, no one hardly ever died......
I like it gritty and real....[/QUOTE]
They say battles are won with aimed fire. Someone said that during the Battle for Springfield.
If the terrorists ran into Joe bullets, we wouldn't need "a daring, highly-trained special missions force." We'd need a guy a with a .50 cal and another to keep feeding the ammo.
Okay, maybe that would be a little TOO gritty.
The great thing about my Joe-verse growing up was that sometimes guys did get killed. But I didn't sit there and have a funeral. I just "rebooted" my Joe-verse the next day and everybody was in play again. I never read any of the DD stuff, just Marvel.
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