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View Full Version : Dio Vault website? What do you think?

02-04-2007, 11:22 PM
If you emailed me for a copy of my dio and still haven't gotten a copy, please e-mail me and let me know! I've been keeping everyone who requests my dios e-mail address and I have some that are showing up twice. I usually mail it within 24 hours of recieveing the request. And I have sent it to everyone who I got a request from!

WARNING; The Dio is about 5.2 Mb. If your email account doesn't have that capacity, that's why you're not getting it! I usually send it out from my Gmail account Ender098@gmail.com, because the Gmail account has a 5Gig Capacity. (even though the requests go to my Hotmail account ender098@hotmail.com)

I am looking into dropping some coin down on getting a website for a "Vault" or "Archive" of dios so we don't have this problem. With the site I have in mind, you just go, right click and "Download as".

At the end of this week, I'm gonna finalize my decision. I was thinking about calling it "The Joe Vault" . Anyone got any better ideas for a name? I was also thinking about having quarterly awards(which will compete at the end of the year for the grand honors) for all Dios stored there in diffrent catagories. We could call it "the Spankies" ! (The equivalent of the Oscars for Dios...but I WILL NOT wear a tux!)

I don't wanna delve into reviews, how-to's, forums or files. This site is doing great for that! We just need a big "vault" to keep these huge dios in! (and throw down some awards so we can have some friendly competition!)

I figuring this site will take at Least a month or more to get going (unless someone out there is a whiz at web programming and wants to code the whole damn thing for me!), but when it does come up, I'll let everyone know and tell you how to store your dios so others can download them! Sound cool?

Ender098 aka Frank......well, I TRY to BE Frank!


02-05-2007, 09:00 AM
I talked to Shane at length about this. He had the idea of JoeBarracks.com for a name. JoeVault sounds like it should be a yojoe.com-like site, imo. I was going for LordSonneilon098 myself but that's a tad more cryptic, eh? lol. I was also gonna steal a buddy's idea and use UndergroundJoe.com. *shrug*

Leonardo T Dragon
02-06-2007, 10:38 AM

Shoot me an email as I might be able to help you out with this in a week or so.

(Not trying to be too cryptic)

the commander
02-14-2007, 12:27 PM
I read Letter home Chris and it rocks. After reading this story I loved it. I relized that you are a service member, I was as well thats why it was so realistic I almost felt like I was back in basic training. Keep up the good work.