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View Full Version : Comic Box #6

02-13-2007, 07:46 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#6. To Fail Is To Conquer… To Succeed Is To Die!

A swell Russian spy plane has crashed in the boondocks and it’s up to a squad of Joes to retrieve it. They are given the best technology and can build a vehicle within minutes! Things go from swell to bad when the Oktober Guard show up. Things only get worse when Cobra stops by to take the spy plane from BOTH of them!

Notables. 1st appearance of Oktober Guard and 1st time for a story that spans 2 issues!

Discuss away!

-image from yojoe.com-

General Scarlett
02-13-2007, 09:22 PM
I really enjoyed this 2 issue arc!! Not only was it the 1st appearance of the Oktober Guard-counterparts to the Joes-but it was also the first time that I got to the end of the comic & was pi$$ed that I'd have to wait a whole 28 days to find out how it all ended!!!! That was like a 'lifetime' of waiting.............................

Oh wait, I still get that way.......... :rolleyes:

02-13-2007, 09:46 PM
Talking about these old issues brings back so many good memories. This issue is legendary simply for one fact - the the amount of "panel time" for the Oktober Guard. They brought so much depth to the Joe world, the only regret I have is that they weren't used more often. :)

02-14-2007, 07:23 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]They brought so much depth to the Joe world, the only regret I have is that they weren't used more often. :)[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better. And as Hama used to sign off:

'nuff said! see you in thirty!

02-19-2007, 09:49 AM
This one was a great intro for the October Guards!!! It was Great to see another force like G.I. Joe!!!

Lava Boss
02-20-2007, 08:47 AM
A classic issue, I do wonder why Stalker is in charge, when Steeler is a Lieutenant.

02-20-2007, 07:58 PM
That was something that always did bother me, Steeler was the top officer of the original 13 aside from Hawk, but I do not think he was ever in charge of any missions...

This was the first issue I ever picked up when I was 6 years old, I had just gotten most of the Joes for Christmas, and I was amazed with the comic from that point forward. I didn't miss an issue until the around issue 90ish and kinda lost interest for a while. But this issue will always be one of my favorites for nostalgic purposes and for the fact it was a good read.