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03-16-2005, 06:34 AM
I've got a bit of a scripting problem.

I was working on getting some shooting done last night, and pulled up my script on my computer to start working. However, the changes that I made wren't there. I went into a mild panic, and then began searching for my backup.

The backup didn't have the changes either. I looked on my thumdrives, and all 3 of them had a different version of my script. So, doing a scan on my system, I found 23 copies of the same file.

I was able to narrow down the 3 most recent copies, but now I have some cross-referencing to do. All of them have changes and modifications that I need, so once I get those incorporated I will only have 3 copies - the final, a working, and a backup.

Has this ever happened to you?


03-16-2005, 07:19 AM
Similar story: On an older PC, I had a large file (20,00 word story) I was working on, and after everyone nagging me, I got out some floppies to make a backup. Basically, while saving the disk drive went 'crunch, grind, grind' then stopped, crashed the whole computer, corrupted the file beyond recovery and resulted in me swearing alot.

I did recover 10,000 words or so from a word auto backup/recovery file from after a backup. Lots of retyping....

03-16-2005, 09:07 AM
I think this has happened to everyone a few times. I learn a long time ago that it's worth it to buy CD in bulk and every single night I back up my latest work on CD. I back everything up on DVD-R's every two weeks and at that time toss all the last two weeks CD's.

Also try also viewing your files with details on. This way you can always see when the most recent file was saved.

General Hawk
03-16-2005, 09:46 AM
Ohhh, yeah. Happened to me in a big way a couple of times.

First when I was writing my fanfic, The Price of Peace...I made it all the way through, and went back, double checking my work, only to find that I had saved Chapter 16 over the top of Chapter 18 (I had named it wrong, apparenlty). Chapter 18 was a 30 page chapter or so. :(

Luckily it was fresh enough in my mind, that I was able to go back and rewrite it from the ground up, and fortunately enough, I actually ended up liking the second version more. That almost killed me, though...I nearly scrapped the whole thing right there.

Second time was when I was in the middle of Power Struggle...my CD Burner crashed while I was working, so I couldn't backup any files. I had a warranty with Gateway and brought it in to the local Gateway store. They asked what files I wanted backed up, in case they wanted to wipe it out and I was VERY specific.

Of course I got the computer back wiped out WITHOUT the specified files I had wanted. :( Gateway's excuse? "We don't backup .PSD files". I was like well, you coulda told me that right when I wrote it down on the friggen piece of paper I had! Plus, most of the stuff in the folders I wrote down were .jpg's anyway... :mad:

Can we tell I have some pent up frustration here? ;)

Anyway...now I try to do very regular backups. I actually use a section on my iPod to backup my website information pretty regularly.

But, as I did with the chapter of The Price of Peace, I sucked it up and reshot what had been lost...

It's a bummer, Dan, I hope you can get it ironed out!


Tim Elf
03-18-2005, 06:49 AM
Yea, when I'm writing a script, I often email it to my work and back, so I can keep working on it. Unfortunately, this usually means I end up with multiple copies, lik eyou were saying. I really need to be more careful.

03-18-2005, 08:51 AM
I post my scripts and general ideas to a secret forum in joedios so I can work on them whenever. :)