View Full Version : The Comic Box #8!
02-21-2007, 08:46 AM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel�s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It�s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.
#8. CodeName : Sea Strike!
Yojoe�s description is way too long. In the end, the Joes go up against 2-legged Cobra robot thingys while trying to deal with a space shuttle launch!
Discuss away!
-image from
General Scarlett
02-21-2007, 10:11 AM
Right off the bat I just want to say that my @$$ looks 'frakkin' amazin' in this cover!! :D
I can't really remember this issue too well...time to go grab it and give it a re-read!!
Feel free to check out my @$$, I give you all permission!! Matter of fact, I wish it still looked that good!!!!! :p
That comic sucked. The Joes lacked in personality, the story was lacking, the gimmicky stuff like undersea bases and SEA-Legs was just plain goofy and didn't fit in the more realistic (at the time anyway) world of GIJoe (even that large RTV transport they used in the previous two issues was given a realistic explanation)... The other Cobra vehicles were just as silly, the undersea base is just senseless and the Cobras were just WAAAAAAAAAAY too fanatical compared to how they usually are.
The action dialog was hollow, replacing the usual depth of character Hama gave them with typical action hero one-liners ("Sorry I'm late, guys! I took a wrong turn at the last alligator!")...
As a whole, Trimpe was a good artist but a poor writer, as he would again prove when he wrote Special Missions #26 (the Crystal Ball issue).
02-21-2007, 12:55 PM
I have to agree with Jay that the story was a bit "goofy." Of course, we are reviewing something based upon our "vast?" knowledge of Joes what with the 150+ issues after this one and the series re-kindled by Devil's Due, a grain of salt is needed to accurately rate Comic #8. I liked the fact that the story showed all of the team and a lot of the heavy equipment used such as the HAL and MOBAT, both of which make a rare showing in the later issues when it is all about Snake-Eyes. Even cameo appearances of Short Fuze launching motar rounds in combat became extinct in later issues.
02-21-2007, 06:31 PM
It was nice to see the entire Joe team in action at once, and the art was very nice, but there's a reason why most comic book artists don't become writers, and the story for this issue is an example of that. I will say that, however out of place, the goofy Cobra technology was at least pretty cool looking.
Lava Boss
02-25-2007, 01:37 PM
Eh, before I ever paid any attention to who wrote comics or realism, I loved this issue. I still like it. The undersea base and the sea legs were a bit much, but Cobra had a robot in issue 3, a Hama issue, and a high altitude hovercraft in issue #10, so....
I'd give it a 6/10. Yeah, great use of the team as a whole and the equipment. Too bad the MMS get wasted before deployed!
09-26-2007, 09:21 PM
I just downloaded the entire comic run off a torrent. Been reading. I thought this was an interesting issue. Kind of in line with the other issues, one-shot missions to show the Joes in action.
Cobra has alot of tech here, but they got plenty in other issues too. I don't see much a difference in that regard between writers. I thought the mention of fifth columnists within Cobra was interesting. I wonder if that was ever expounded upon. Probably not.
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