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View Full Version : The "DEFINITIVE" Version?

02-23-2007, 03:06 PM
Ok, how many figures out there have like 20+ Versions of themselves? A few come to mind! Duke, Roadblock, Snake Eyes and StormShadow, Cobra Commander.

I got to thinking the other day. When I do my dios, even though I may have 10 versions of a certain character, I chose a certain version for that particular scene. For Example, I used the Spirit from the DD 3 pack for my shots I did when GI Joe is attacking at night,( but I may use my DTC single pack for the day scenes, just because the color of the uniform. But the DTC mold is my "Definitive" version.) The one I chose to use over the others. Same with Major Bludd. The DTC is my Definitive version. The one I chose to use out of the 7-8 versions I have. But what about other figures? Which version is the Definitive version of the following Characters;

1. Duke

2. RoadBlock

3. Beachhead

4. Scarlett

5. Snake eyes

6. Stalker

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk)

8. Cobra Commander

9. Destro

10. Storm Shadow

11. Major Bludd

12. Baroness

13. Zartan

14. Zarana

15. Flint

16. Gung Ho

17. Lady Jaye

18. Dr MindBender

19. Xamot and Tomax

20. Clutch

You can add more if you like, but don't say "Night Force CrossHair" because I wanna know what sculpt, and there is only one sculpt of that character even though there are 3 color versions and in that case I can use the same scult throught my dio and just have the diffrent versions for the environment he's in! But saying "I like the Version of Barrelroll that came with the desert colored Glider" makes sense because there were two molds (the VvsV and the DTC, and you are highlighting one color variation of the VvsV mold) Am I making sense? Well, just try your hand at it and let me know!


02-23-2007, 07:58 PM
Okay, here goes;
1. Duke - Version 1
2. Roadblock - Comic pack version (except for the banana legs)
3. Beachhead - Version 1
4. Scarlett - Not a character I'd use, but 2nd Comic pack version (not the one in white)
5. Snake Eyes - Version 23 (2005) that came with the Swamp Rat
6. Stalker - Comic pack (darker green version)
7. Hawk - Again, Comic pack version (except his helmet won't fit properly)
8. Cobra Commander - Removable hood/helmet version (would be nice in a darker blue)
9. Destro - Gold head version that came with the Despoiler
10. Storm Shadow - Who cares? (Okay, mail away removable hood)
11. Major Bludd - DTC, without a doubt
12. Baroness - Version 1
13. Zartan - Comic Pack version again (see a trend here?)
14. Zarana - Ahem, Comic pack version
15. Flint - Version 1
16. Gung Ho - Version 16 (o-ring, removable hat & vest)
17. Lady Jaye - Version 1
18. Dr Mindbender - The new sculpt version in the lab coat
19. Tomax & Xamot - The crimson version from the convention set of 2002
20. Clutch - "Double Clutch" that came with the Desert Coyote

02-23-2007, 08:06 PM
1. Duke: 2000 version with repainted hair and boots

2. RoadBlock: Cross between Battle Corps version and 1997 Rock'n'Roll

3. Beachhead: v1!!!!!

4. Scarlett: Ninja Force Scarlett head on 97 Lady Jaye body

5. Snake eyes: custom based on 2002 BJ 8-pack version

6. Stalker: undecided at this time

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk): Cross between Comic Pack Hawk, 97 Hawk and 86 Hawk

8. Cobra Commander: Comic Pack with new head and helmet

9. Destro: Comic Pack head, 2001 body

10. Storm Shadow: 1997 version

11. Major Bludd: 2000 version with painted dogtags

12. Baroness: 97 version

13. Zartan: 84 version

14. Zarana: Comic Pack version

15. Flint: v1!!!!

16. Gung Ho: 2001 version

17. Lady Jaye: 2003 con version with CP head

18. Dr MindBender: v2

19. Xamot and Tomax: 6-pack versions with GTG Customs heads

20. Clutch: custom

What about yours, Frank?

02-23-2007, 11:07 PM
My Choices;

1. Duke - Version 1
2. Roadblock - V10 (or11)
3. Beachhead - Version 8
4. Scarlett - V6
5. Snake Eyes - Version 23 (2005) that came with the Swamp Rat
6. Stalker - Comic pack Lonzo R Wilkinson Version
7. Hawk - Comic pack version
8. Cobra Commander - Removable hood/helmet version
9. Destro - Gold head version that came with the Despoiler (although I'm looking into V11 got one on order)
10. Storm Shadow - mail away removable hood
11. Major Bludd - DTC
12. Baroness - Version 1
13. Zartan - V6
14. Zarana - V2 VvsV
15. Flint - Version 10
16. Gung Ho - Version 16 (o-ring, removable hat & vest)
17. Lady Jaye - Version 2
18. Dr Mindbender - The new sculpt version in the lab coat
19. Tomax & Xamot - V 1's
20. Clutch - V1

Mine are Very close to Outriders so I copied his and made MY mods on the ones we differed on!
I would go for Doube clutch with the Desert Coyote, but I don't own him.....YET!!!

02-23-2007, 11:23 PM
This is hard, because for several of these I use my own customs as the definitive versions. But if we're talking non-customized figures, this is what I would choose:

1. Duke: Version 1 (though I use my custom)

2. Roadblock: SpyTroops

3. Beachhead: JvC v1

4. Scarlett: Second Comic Pack (issue 9?)

5. Snake eyes: VvV Swamp Rat version

6. Stalker: Comic Pack 5 (or is it 6?)

7. Hawk: Comic pack 75 or whatever issue it was

8. Cobra Commander: Version 1 (though I use my custom)

9. Destro: Version 3 (Battle Corps, I think) (though I use my custom)

10. Storm Shadow: Comic Pack for Cobra, Ninja Force for Joe

11. Major Bludd: DTC

12. Baroness: Version 1 (though I use my custom)

13. Zartan: Comic Pack

14. Zarana: SpyTroops

15. Flint: Comic Pack

16. Gung Ho: VvV

17. Lady Jaye: Comic Pack (though I use my custom)

18. Dr Mindbender: JvC v1

19. Xamot and Tomax: Version 1 and Version 1

20. Clutch: Version 2 (tan repaint of v1)

For the most part, it's whatever version makes the character look most like their cartoon appearance, because as I've said before, though I prefer the comic book's storyline, the cartoon's character designs are where it's at for me.

02-24-2007, 02:39 AM
Here's a few extra guys, with my own choices:

Dial-Tone: 2002 BJ 8-pack version (slightly repainted with a v1 head)

Dusty: 2000 version

Rock'N'Roll: custom

Ace: fully custom-painted 97 test shot

Firefly: Comic Pack version

Wet-Suit: custom

Torpedo: 2004 TRU VAMP version

Shipwreck: v1

Tunnel Rat: v1

Shockwave: v1

Heavy Duty: v3

02-24-2007, 11:01 AM
1. Duke - JvC w/ the added articulation. Yet, I use the W7 VvV (green) version that came w/ Overkill.

3. Beachhead - I have to go traditionalist on this. His v1 from 86. While I use the VvV as the main model, there isn't anything from 2002 that is better. I deal with what I have in terms of nu skulpts.

4. Scarlett - Still waiting.

5. Snake eyes - While I love his ARAH v2, the VvV W7 is great. Albeit, he's gray as opposed to black, but I love him.

6. Stalker - JvC buffed up model. I believe that Joe needed to be buffed up a bit and this was perfect. This is how Stalker should've been. It's like the body type differences between Chris Rock and Terry Crews. Who do you take more seriously?

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk) - The 1986 brown-haired version is my fave.

8. Cobra Commander - Ever CC has been a variant of the 2 originals. Yet, I like the black outfit VvV battle helmet look (w/ cape). That does it more for me than any other.

9. Destro - Most likely, the 25th Anniversary will be it for me. I haven't seen a decent one since the original flavor.

10. Storm Shadow - I love the VvV version, period.

11. Major Bludd - DTC, period.

12. Baroness - The VvV was close but the head mold had a lot to be desired.

13. Zartan - Still waiting. Just to mess things up, the S6 version is wonderful.

15. Flint - The original ARAH is it. I'd like the JvC except for the overly large Sigma boots.

16. Gung Ho - I use the VvV version but the iconic look is his ARAH v1. I'm not feeling that much from any of the others that have been made. I do like the 25th Anniversary one but I'm not sure how well it'll fit in with things now.

night creeper
02-24-2007, 12:38 PM
i'm covering my favs

stormshadow sleevless comic pack

zartan active camoflauge

firefly version 1

beachhead pack with the cpu disk

cobra viper troop builder

02-24-2007, 12:59 PM
1. Duke - mine will be the 25th

2. RoadBlock - spy troops with the gatling gun

3. Beachhead - I don't know. VvsV or the Spytroops

4. Scarlett - Comic pack #21

5. Snake eyes - VvsV wave 7

6. Stalker - Comic w/ oktober guard

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk) comic pack with T-Rat

8. Cobra Commander - v1 (althought I don't have him :))

9. Destro - v10

10. Storm Shadow - Ninja Battles

11. Major Bludd - DTC

12. Baroness - Comic pack #1 (But I don't have her yet :))

13. Zartan - Comic pack

14. Zarana - comic pack

15. Flint v7

16. Gung Ho VvsV

17. Lady Jaye - Spy Troops (But I don't have her)

18. Dr MindBender - Lab coat

19. Xamot and Tomax - I don't have any plans to have them.

20. Clutch - comic pack

02-24-2007, 01:56 PM
[COLOR=Red]i'm actually looking on yo joe.com making sur ei have the right one in mind.

1. Duke, V11

2. RoadBlock, V4

3. Beachhead, who would want to use anything but V1??? i mean really...

4. Scarlett, dont really care, hasnt been one i like yet, maybe the 25th ann coming out

5. Snake eyes, V2 or V4, maybe V14(god that bast@rd has 28)

6. Stalker, V2

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk) V2 (thats the one with the coat)

8. Cobra Commander any, i actually like the first battle armor

9. Destro V1

10. Storm Shadow V1

11. Major Bludd V4( i really want this one)

12. Baroness any

13. Zartan V1 i like the color changing effect

14. Zarana V1 same reason and there what i grew up with

15. Flint actually i have a killer custom that makes him one of my fav characters. hes very short though, which i think makes him have a grumpy bad attitude

16. Gung Ho V1

17. Lady Jaye i would say V4, but the head doesnt fit, so im going with V1

18. Dr MindBender V1

19. Xamot and Tomax V1, how can you not love that look

20. Clutch dont have one, never have. didnt like him till i read the comics, [/COLOR]

02-24-2007, 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Mine are Very close to Outriders so I copied his and made MY mods on the ones we differed on![/QUOTE]

Great minds think alike Frank, and so do ours! :D

02-25-2007, 07:24 AM
I've faced this question myself -- as some of you know, I've been taking a series of "class reunion" shots; group pics with all the Joes who joined the team (ie character first had a figure released) in a particular year. I'll probably post them at JoeDios when I have every year done, but there are characters I don't have any figures of yet (Starduster, Hardtop, Cold Front, etc...).

I was presented with the choice of which version to use from my collection; I was influenced by the comics since I follow them so closely, and being reunions it's how they could look now as opposed to back in the day. You can see the ones I've done already HERE (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stormer/sets/72157594226797669/) .

So with that in mind, here's my list for this thread:

1. Duke - VvV (o-ring, not buttplug)

2. Roadblock - Spy Troops

3. Beachhead - VvV (I do like the JvC design but the proportions are too much)

4. Scarlett - VvV (ideally the single-card version, but I don't have her!)

5. Snake eyes - VvV with Timber, although I'm often drawn to the Ninja Lightning one.

6. Stalker - VvV

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk) - VvV (might use a comic pack/'86 combo in stories though)

8. Cobra Commander - ARAH version that came with Chameleon

9. Destro - gold-head Despoiler pilot

10. Storm Shadow - VvV (mail-in for when he's a good guy)

11. Major Bludd - RAH Chinese exclusive (I don't have the DTC one yet)

12. Baroness - VvV single card

13. Zartan - comic pack

14. Zarana - comic pack (because I don't have the Spy Troops version yet)

15. Flint - comic pack

16. Gung Ho - VvV (o-ring)

17. Lady Jaye - comic pack

18. Dr MindBender - VvV

19. Xamot and Tomax - original (would be the 6-pack ones if their suits were mirror-image)

20. Clutch - Mega Marines (really. I like the head sculpt, and the armour on the sculpt is cool. DEFINITELY needs recolouring though. I might pick the Desert Coyote's Double Clutch if I had him)

And I'd just like to add comic pack Firefly to the list, since he's had quite a few variations himself!

02-25-2007, 08:57 PM
This is a cool topic, here's my favorite versions:

1. Duke (Think I'll go with the mission disc Spy Troops figure)

2. RoadBlock (I don't have a Roadblock right now, so I'm more likely to use Repeater or Rock N Roll for a Machine Gunner. However I do plan on getting the 25A five pack, so I would use that one.)

3. Beachhead (V2 - Battle Corps. I always liked Beachhead, and this was the first version I was able to buy in the store. It's grown on me since I've been using him in dios.)

4. Scarlett (I like the VvV that came with Switch Gears)

5. Snake eyes (For now I would use the V1 that came with the DVDs, but will likely switch to 25A. I prefer him as a commando)

6. Stalker (I have the JVC figure, but would use Tundra ranger for arctic missions. We'll see if he has a 25A figure)

7. Hawk (aka General Abernathy, aka Tomahawk) (I'd like the get the #76 comic pack, the only version I have is the jetpack, which I thought was cool back in the day, but looks too superheroish now.)

8. Cobra Commander (Definitely VvV with the removable helmet)

9. Destro (I like the gold headed Iron Grenadiers version the best. Not really a fan of the puffy collar versions)

10. Storm Shadow (V2, I've had it for years, but it's still cool)

11. Major Bludd (I plan on getting DTC)

12. Baroness (Not really into this character)

13. Zartan (probably go with V1 since a lot of the others are really bad... orange mohawk?!)

14. Zarana (not really into this character either)

15. Flint (I'll take the 1987 version. Yep, I'd use Falcon before I use Flint, but for Flint, I'd probably take the #76 comic pack.)

16. Gung Ho (I don't have this figure, so I'll go with 25A)

17. Lady Jaye (I don't use dead characters, so I'm not sure)

18. Dr MindBender (Definitely the lab coat version, I can't take shirtless guys seriously)

19. Xamot and Tomax (Not a huge fan of these characters, but I'd go with V1)

20. Clutch (Not familiar with his variations, guess I'd go with V1)