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View Full Version : Ender098 and ebay

03-07-2007, 07:20 AM
[COLOR=Red]ok, ok. enough is enough. you spoke badly of ebay, now lay off the bidding a lil and let me get some goodies. im currently looking at 70+ joe items and wouldnt you know it, everytime i think im gonna get lucky and find something cheap i see a name. ENDER098!!! come on man, i just wanna get a few snow serpents and blueshirts and some weapons. maybe 3 or 4 of each, dont bid on them all. your hurting my feelings:( i thought you were a nice guy. comeon man, plzzzzzz... [/COLOR]

03-07-2007, 07:47 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]ok, ok. enough is enough. you spoke badly of ebay, now lay off the bidding a lil and let me get some goodies. im currently looking at 70+ joe items and wouldnt you know it, everytime i think im gonna get lucky and find something cheap i see a name. ENDER098!!! come on man, i just wanna get a few snow serpents and blueshirts and some weapons. maybe 3 or 4 of each, dont bid on them all. your hurting my feelings:( i thought you were a nice guy. comeon man, plzzzzzz... [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
You should try a higher bid. I know you can beat this guy. LOL!

General Scarlett
03-07-2007, 07:57 AM
'And coming up next on our tour folks.....if you look to the right of the tram you will have a front row seat to a 'good old fashioned pi$$ing contest'!!! Get those cameras ready!!!!!!'

:p :) ;) :D :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:

03-07-2007, 08:42 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]You should try a higher bid. I know you can beat this guy. LOL![/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]naw, outbidding him would defeat the whole purpose of trying to find cheap army builders. besides, im sure hes willing to pay more then i, i think he said he has over 1000 figures, i only have a lil over 200. as much as i love my joes and as much as i want a decent army, i have to watch where i spend my money.
and scarlett plz, your the only girl here but ive yet to see a guy who post vulgar comments like you do,lol.[/COLOR]

03-07-2007, 12:35 PM
Auctions aren't about who wants it more... they're about who's willing to pay the most. My suggestion: Find a less popular figure that strikes your fancy, that way you won't have to make a fool of yourself on the forum when people outbid you. That's what I do! :D

03-07-2007, 01:11 PM
[COLOR=Red]no worries, i got'em, i got'em[/COLOR]

03-07-2007, 03:37 PM
Well, I when I bidded on the auctions I didn't want to win all of them. Funny. I had bids on 10 of the same figure in some cases, only to find out I was outbid on some (for like $6.00) and others weren't even bid on at all. I was hoping to get one or two someone overlooked. It's like fighting a communist Army...shoot into the wave attacks and hope you get lucky!

03-07-2007, 03:44 PM
Ugh, I have bought WAY too much stuff off ebay in the last couple weeks... :(

I had an old bank acount that I'd left a few hundred bucks in just in case any of my bills were still being drafted from it and I'd forgotten... well, it went several months without dropping, so I decided I might as well use it as my Joe fund.

A week later, four months of electric bills suddenly got pulled out of it, leaving the balance negative.

So I dumped more cash in it... and now my Joe fund is back. :D

03-07-2007, 03:47 PM
And I wasn't talking bad, or at least if I was, I didn't mean to! EBay serves a purpose. It's just that people on there for the most part don't care about collecting, thye just want to see how much they can eek out of a figure or playset. And some buyers will even not list what they want for shipping until the auction is over so that if they don't make a profit, they can inflate the shipping and still make a killing.

I'm an old salt at ebay (over 1,200 purchases) so I know what to look for. It can be great, or it can be a rip off. I meant to sound cautionary, not discouraging! BTW, what is your ID on ebay? If I see it, I'll avoid trying to outbid you!

A friend of mine wouldn't tell me his ID and I accidentally outbid him on some V7 Vipers! Boy was he pissed, but had I known it was him I was bidding against, I would have let him won......

The only thing I'll try to outbid you on, no holds barred is a PDD or a dino hunters set. I have everything else I want in my collection! ;)


03-07-2007, 04:21 PM
[COLOR=Red]dont worry about it. i didnt bid on the ones i saw your name on. i dont like to bid against people i know, well you know what i mean. i got 3 of the snow serpents but only 1 trooper:( but i didnt bid on anything i saw your name on. i just need to get some of the weapons now. all in all i did pretty well. 3 snow serpents, 1 trooper, 2004 torpedo, medi viper, scalpel, ripper 2002, and bombstrike for 16.50. not counting shipping though, but since shipping is combined, im hopeing it wont add much more onto it.[/COLOR]

03-07-2007, 07:48 PM
I saw the link from Frank in the other thread too, and checked out the stuff in Timeless Collectibles' auctions, but held off bidding on anything with ender098 in the high bidder spot. Since I wouldn't have even been looking at those auctions without that heads-up!

So I'll carry on looking for a Spy Troops Zarana, but at least within the next couple weeks I should be in possession of a Sgt. Airborne/HALO Jumper at long last, as well as the VvV single-card Scarlett I've wanted to have as my default for about 2 years now!

So thanks, Frank!

Stormer -- andymort on eBay (and yojoe.com)...

03-07-2007, 08:25 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I saw the link from Frank in the other thread too, and checked out the stuff in Timeless Collectibles' auctions, but held off bidding on anything with ender098 in the high bidder spot. Since I wouldn't have even been looking at those auctions without that heads-up!

So I'll carry on looking for a Spy Troops Zarana, but at least within the next couple weeks I should be in possession of a Sgt. Airborne/HALO Jumper at long last, as well as the VvV single-card Scarlett I've wanted to have as my default for about 2 years now!

So thanks, Frank!

Stormer -- andymort on eBay (and yojoe.com)...[/QUOTE]

Hey, I don't even mind if you outbid me. I have most of the figures I bid on and I'm usually bidding on them to get for someone who needs them. If I'm bidding on something you want, just IM me here and ask me if I need it, if not, I'll send it to ya!


03-07-2007, 10:52 PM
[COLOR=Red]in that case if you happen to come across a dirt cheap letherneck V1, mainframe V1 and/or beach head V1 let me know. these are the 3 joes that make my team feel incomplete. its like going to christmas dinner and your family not being there. i also wouldnt mind a law, V1 of dusty or shipwreck if you happen on these too. but im like stormer, the ones i saw where the ones you posted, so we have no right to even bid against you.[/COLOR]