View Full Version : A tribute to Captain America
03-07-2007, 09:16 AM
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[Color=Blue]"We really need him now," said Simon, 93, who worked with artist Jack Kirby to devise Captain America as a foe for Adolf Hitler.[/Color]
I was checking my email today and came across this article on my home page.
After 66 years Captain America dies. That just sucks. Of course like the article says a death in the comic universe doesn't really mean it's final. On the bright side there is a movie about Capt. (about time) Anyway I just wanted to share this with you guys since Captain America has been a long time favorite Super Hero of mine.
General Scarlett
03-07-2007, 09:29 AM
Yeah, I replied to this thread over on JBL-just so stupid!!! :mad: But I'm thinking that this is one of their ploys to 're-boot' a la 'Superman Returns'.........well I hope so anyway.... :confused:
I have yet check out the boards over at 'SuperHeroHype', this should be interesting.......... :eek:
Nice pic-BTW!!!!!! :cool: I have to go find one of those Cap pics I drew a while back.........
03-07-2007, 11:42 AM
My ex emails me about this with it in the title so I have no choice but to see it, then it gets posted on the GI Joe site I go to on a regular basis...
Guess it's my fault for not working in a comic store, then I might have had a chance to read the issue before reading ABOUT it...!
Eh, deaths in mainstream comics have been pathetic for years. Unless it's another Crisis-type storyline, I absolutely don't believe he won't be back -- some miraculous new drug, some kind of timewarp crap, poor "but it was all a dream" type storytelling (turns out he wasn't killed after all, how amazing!)... there will be something. And if nothing else, someone else will show up with the same powers and take up the mantle (possibly followed by the former option and some kind of epic battle).
I enjoy comics, and I'm not bashing the storytelling in general (the average comic is immeasurably better than the average movie as far as plot), but the major publishers don't kill of characters. Not really.
General Scarlett
03-07-2007, 01:17 PM
Tru, tru-look, even Superman has 'died' 3 times.......... and he's still flying Lois around Metropolis to this day!!!:confused:
It's more of a 'marketing tool' than anything else......I think they'll end up keeping him 'dead' until the presidential elections........or the is whole war thing takes a major turn......but that's just my thoughts.
I'd go into more detail but I don't want to start a huge debate here-this is a place to have fun....... ;)
03-07-2007, 03:22 PM
Sounds like a cheap commercial stunt, not that I'd expect anything less from Marvel.
03-07-2007, 06:48 PM
This isn't even the first time Cap has died, actually. About 12-13 years ago, in the final storyline written by Mark Gruenwald, who had penned the title for over a decade, Cap succumbed to a defect in the super soldier serum and passed away. He was resurrected two issues later by incoming writer Mark Waid.
He may be gone for now, but I'm sure he'll be back soon enough-- Just like Marvel will probably de-unmask (or is it re-mask) Spider-Man in the near future. Honestly, of all the Civil War fallout, those two events are the ones I'm least concerned about-- And Cap and Spidey are two of my top favorite Marvel heroes!
EDIT: I completely forgot to mention how much I like that pic! Cap on his motorcycle is always such a great image, and the explosion in the background really adds to the whole thing.
03-07-2007, 07:21 PM
I think Civil War and the death of Captain America was more of a political statement on current events; just my thoughts.
03-07-2007, 07:31 PM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Sounds like a cheap commercial stunt, not that I'd expect anything less from Marvel.[/QUOTE]
Marvel didn't publicize it at all; I was talking to the guy in my comic store just yesterday and all he knew was that there were rumors of a major Marvel character dying in the post-Civil War stories, and the double-sized Cap #25 was one of the main suspects for something major like that to go down. Which was why I asked them to put a copy aside for me -- shame the mainstream news sources decided to spoiler it before I (and probably many more fans) actually had a chance to read it.
Can you imagine if, back in 1980, the news had run with "Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father! Fans of the popular sci-fi movies can see this revelation in The Empire Strikes Back, which opens today!" -- I wonder if they'll do something like this on the day the last Harry Potter book comes out, too.
Marvel might as well have played up on it in advance, got a few more orders in like DC did with Superman.
03-07-2007, 08:36 PM
[QUOTE=Southzen]I think Civil War and the death of Captain America was more of a political statement on current events; just my thoughts.[/QUOTE]
I never really thought of it that way...very good point.
But like General Scarlett this is a place to have fun. I was surprised when I saw the acticle since it didn't come from Marvel themselves. I'm sure Cap will return.
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