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View Full Version : Apologies.....

03-09-2007, 05:38 PM
I have stuff for a number of you that I said I would ship out today. Well, Mr. Murphy (of Murphy's Law) has struck again. Our Tax preparer called and the IRS claimed our childrens SSN's weren't right. After tearing apart the house, driving the 30+ miles to the Social Security office and driving Mach1 back, i barely made it to the tax office in time to refile my taxes.....walking out I realized I had missed dropping the items I have for many of you off at the Post Office. I have them boxed and will be shipping them out Monday, time permitting!

;) Sorry about the delay!


General Scarlett
03-11-2007, 05:40 PM
Awwww Frank, your just too qute for words-No worries!!!! :cool: ;)