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View Full Version : The Comic Box #11!!!

General Scarlett
03-14-2007, 03:21 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#11. The Pipeline Ploy!

In Alaska, the GI Joe team is fighting against Cobra to protect an oil pipeline. New Joe team members show up to help in the fight. An unseen Cobra specialist (Destro) is trying to steal plutonium from a nuclear power plant. The Joes are able foil him and prevent Cobra from getting such a powerful weapon.
-summary from yojoe.com-

-image from yojoe.com-

Discuss Away!

03-14-2007, 05:08 PM
Also revealed: Doc is able to creatively solve problems, defeat Cobra, and serve as an active Joe, not just a medic. Carl Greer showed he was the man. Doc rocks!

But Snow-Job tricking Rock 'N Roll into asking Gung-Ho for a date with his little sister, well that is Hama being Hama. A master story-teller can weave side plots and jokes around the fringe of the main story without detracting from the main plot.

I liked this issue a lot and if I recall correctly there was a TV ad for the comic...

Yep, here is a link from YoJoe. http://yojoe.com/television/commercials/83/

Thank you General Scarlett for starting this one off!

03-14-2007, 10:44 PM
Nothing but good memories of this issue! A pretty straight forward storyline that works well and some great moments between the main players make this another of the early issues I really enjoyed. Issues like this one show that you don't need a super-convoluted plot to make a story interesting and enjoyable. Sometimes simplicity is an artform in itself. :)

Lava Boss
03-15-2007, 07:16 AM
New Joes galore, Destro in the shadows. Cobras and Joes fighting, no band uniforms, secret agents, militia groups! Definately an issue that makes you want toys! HISS tank's rather unsung debut. A one shot that introduces some classic characters.

Rating 8/10

03-16-2007, 10:05 AM
Just for the record, I believe this was THE first issue of GI Joe that had a tv ad tie-in. ie; buy the Battle Bear, Doc and Snow Job to do battle just like in the comic! There would be a few issues that got time on tv, which was very cool. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long.

03-16-2007, 10:16 AM
This is was the last number released in Brazil, the number 12 was available just in few places. After some years some issues were released for few months so brazillians fans had to import the comics and it was very expensive at that time .....
Anyway, this is what I remember when I see this comic, Airborne, Doc, Gung Ho and Destro ... very nice!!!!!!!!

03-20-2007, 05:31 PM
I always remember-my brother Jim and I got off the school bus on a Friday,after a long week and our typical hour-long busride( we lived in farm country )Mom and Dad had bought us several comics to enjoy over the weekend-and GI Joe 11 was the prize! i read it first,totally blown away by the story and the new Joes! WHO was the mysterious new Cobra leader,his head always in the shadows?

My brother and I spent an inspired weekend of Joe-playing..........thanks Mom and Dad! Thanks Larry Hama! Thanks GI Joe!