03-30-2005, 02:44 PM
The Sequel to Operation Rapier will be huge. I am 2/3 through the script and starting to consider the layout for the first two sets. This project will be bigger than Rapier was. However, this will not be the next DIO related project to be released by me. I want to make sure I do it right, I don't want to rush anything or jump into a year long project with a new born arriving in the next five months. I'm considering some other DIO ideas that wont require such a long time frame and the sets that the Rapier Sequel will need. The story will be continued, just not as quickly as I originally intended and the time that I spend on other projects will be shared with time that I am devoting to set construction, customs and completion of the script. I have a lot of ideas that I'd like to see come to life and this is the perfect time for me to explore them.
I don't wont to start giving away hints, but I am very excited about a great many things that I have planned for Cobra: The Inner Sanctum
I don't wont to start giving away hints, but I am very excited about a great many things that I have planned for Cobra: The Inner Sanctum