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03-28-2007, 01:13 PM
I'm starting this thread 'cuz YorktownJoe and I were a bit confused by How old are your favorite Joes thread............

So......my favorite figure is my '85 Lady Jaye.........I got her in early December 1985......used her on almost every mission........flying the Skystriker,scuba,anything.....Lady Jaye was qualified for every mission!!!

So I've had her for 22 years this December.........she's not in great shape-I've touched up her lips and repaired her thumbs............she's a 'well-loved' toy,as my Mom always put it!!!

03-28-2007, 02:53 PM
Well... this may sound odd, but my favourite is TF Tripwire, I got from my grandmother around 1989 or 1990 - don't remember if I was 3 or 4 years old then...

Had him 'till today - now as I got many other figs, he's not playing any significant role in my dios, but it's one the "very basic" Joes I'd never sell. Or trade. Or anything.
He's quite well I must say, only a little paintwear and a broken crotch - thumbs and other stuff in great shape, maybe only not counting small elbow cracks, which are anyway sealed with epoxy glue. So, I got him for 17 or 18 years now. Brings back memories :) Like Undertow and Ambush too :) (my second and third figure. I bought Ambush myself, when I was 5 :) )

OK, enough, I could write a whoe lot of story on each my "very basic" Joe now :) And I had about 20-30 of them as a child :)

General Scarlett
03-28-2007, 05:28 PM
I know that I've said this somewhere before.................... :)

Scarlett, 1982, straight-arm grip. The one I use to this day..........the only thing changed about her is her arms(and I still have the original arms!!). And she's had a couple of 'dye' jobs courtesy of my red nail polish............... ;)

I got her as a Christmas grab bag gift in '82. Best gift I got hand's down. I started my collection/obsession from there............. :cool:

03-28-2007, 09:23 PM
This is a tough one, because my favorite figure is a custom Duke that I made (the one I use in my TF crossovers). I've had him for about two years.

Now if we're talking about my favorite unaltered figure, that would be the original Duke, which I got in 1984 when he was available in general release following his mail-away debut. I've long since lost those original accessories (though they've been replaced), but the figure lives on.

By the way Maxtype-- I love your avatar. My fondness for the Baroness is no secret, and I think her Sigma Six design is fantastic.

03-28-2007, 09:27 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]This is a tough one, because my favorite figure is a custom Duke that I made (the one I use in my TF crossovers). I've had him for about two years.

Now if we're talking about my favorite unaltered figure, that would be the original Duke, which I got in 1984 when he was available in general release following his mail-away debut. I've long since lost those original accessories (though they've been replaced), but the figure lives on.

By the way Maxtype-- I love your avatar. My fondness for the Baroness is no secret, and I think her Sigma Six design is fantastic.[/QUOTE]

Thanks,Self-Modifier! Ruki Ren put up some Sigma 6 links on JBL!

03-29-2007, 04:44 PM
Well, my favorite figure is Falcon V1, which I got around October 1988, so he's getting close to 19, but he's still in pretty good shape as you can see in my dios. The only figure I've had longer, (just by a little) is the Battle Armor Cobra Commander.

03-29-2007, 09:06 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, not really sure if i have a fave figure. and since i only had ahandful of my joes from a kid, im not sure, but im gonna say from them, dusty V2[/COLOR]

03-30-2007, 03:54 AM
I still have my straight-arm Clutch that I got with my VAMP back in 1982. Thumbs are intact, but he is what I would refer to as one my "floppy" Joes. He is off the active duty roster, but was replaced for play purposes only by a swivel arm 1983 version that I found on eBay in 1999. Still old, but all joints are tight, and I would deem him "deployable" for mission purposes. Recondo v1 from 1984 is my favorite from back in the day who still gets called on today. But I would never trade away Clutch, my very first 3.75" Joe.

[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Scarlett, 1982, straight-arm grip. The one I use to this day..........the only thing changed about her is her arms(and I still have the original arms!!). And she's had a couple of 'dye' jobs courtesy of my red nail polish............... ;) [/QUOTE]

MY Clutch (unlike Hama's) is a gentleman. :) He never says anything derogatory, just drives like a madman to get the mission done... He did say to say hello to your Scarlett. ;)

03-30-2007, 04:35 AM
Very hard to answer once I just can't choose my favorite figure. Anyway one of the coolest figures in my opinion is "Rádio Alerta", the brazillian version of Breaker. I keep this figure with me since 1984 (I was only 7 y.o.) :)

General Scarlett
03-30-2007, 04:42 AM
MY Clutch (unlike Hama's) is a gentleman. :) He never says anything derogatory, just drives like a madman to get the mission done... He did say to say hello to your Scarlett. ;)[/QUOTE]

Right back atcha!!!! ;) Don't forget, ya still owe me 20 bucks from that last poker night!!!! :D

night creeper
04-02-2007, 03:25 PM
:( :( my fav was my original firefly, it was from my grandma before she died :(

I no longer have him :(

04-02-2007, 03:54 PM
Snake eyes and Stalker.....bought them both July 4th 1982 at Fays Drug store in my home town!

Stalkers stripes have long rubbed off, and I had to replace snake eyes right arm via Ebay because his thumb broke off, but I love these two guys....like Butch and Sundance for me!