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View Full Version : The Comic Box #14!!!

General Scarlett
04-05-2007, 11:04 AM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#14. Destro Attacks

Destro attacks as Kwinn, Dr. Venom, and Snake-Eyes form an uneasy truce to get out of the sunken bunker and escape Sierra Gordo.

~Notes of Interest~

This issue is Destro's first full appearance. It also establishes his connection with the Baroness. Springfield, Vermont is suspected by the Joe team to possibly be Cobra's headquarters. They don't know how right they are.
-summary from yojoe.com-


-image from yojoe.com-

Discuss away!

04-05-2007, 02:27 PM
Good issue-maybe a little rushed,story-wise........

My favorite part is when Destro & Scar-Face are leading the Cobra paratrooper squad (hmm-Cobra Paratrooper-THAT'S a figure we never really got...) to rescue the Baroness.......and Scar-Face says "one of the men is lagging behind.."

"Shoot him,Scar-Face. Then drop back and administer the same to any other laggerd." Cold!!! :D

04-05-2007, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=maxtype]Good issue-maybe a little rushed,story-wise........

My favorite part is when Destro & Scar-Face are leading the Cobra paratrooper squad (hmm-Cobra Paratrooper-THAT'S a figure we never really got...) to rescue the Baroness.......and Scar-Face says "one of the men is lagging behind.."

"Shoot him,Scar-Face. Then drop back and administer the same to any other laggerd." Cold!!! :D[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I love the airborne assault part, with Destro's troops running over the hill just in time to ambush the Joes. Cobra paratroopers would have made nice figures...

04-06-2007, 12:58 AM
Mmmmm...Cobra Paratroopers...too cool to contemplate! This was a sweet issue, which laid some of the foundations that would become constants later in the run. The issues from around this time were, to me, the first little classic era of the Marvel run. :)

04-06-2007, 07:45 PM
After hearing that line, I'm sure the laggard stepped it up. Just like my kids when they hear me deliver a threat about missing a snack. "I'm coming, I'm coming!!"

In his defense, they were double timing, and he had a pebble in his boot. ;)

We also see how dedicated Destro is to the Baroness...err...Cobra...err... his valuable clients.

A very fine issue with enough action and intrigue and a fairly straight-forward plot. Props to Hama!

Lava Boss
04-10-2007, 05:44 PM
Yeah, where's the comic pack with Cobra Paratroopers. :(

Good issue, but for some bizarre reason some fans forget that Destro set-up Cobra Commander to be killed here. Hardly the act of a truly honorable man. His later attitude is a stark contrast to his outright ruthlessness in this issue. But there's some dellusion in the character of Destro, even Hama notes that.

Score: 8/10