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View Full Version : OT: Do You Youtube?

Urban Saboteur
04-17-2007, 04:57 PM
[FONT=Arial]This is a little off topic, does anyone here Youtube?

By this I don't mean lurk.. but are a member and have a FREE account & Channel, If so I'd like to hook up with you and become friends. If you have any vlogs or channels post em up here and I'll happily check them out and add you to my friends list.

I have 2 video's on my channel atm check my channel out here:[/FONT]
[COLOR=Blue]Urban Saboteur on Youtube[/COLOR] (http://www.youtube.com/UrbanSaboteur)

04-17-2007, 10:20 PM
I used to. Then JASRAC got on my case and my old account got suspended. So now I just use my new account for favorites and comments.