06-04-2005, 10:49 PM
hi all!
the photos i uploaded tonight aren't new. they were taken back in january over a couple of weekends fresh after acquiring the cobra ninja sets. i'm especially proud of one technical achievement in pic #1, where i managed to perfectly balance a slice figure atop the foot of a kamakura v1.
yes, like many others, i use my slice v4's as red ninjas, even though they released some official ones. i still think they mix well and help swell the ranks. oh, and even though that new storm shadow is decked out in cobra sigils, he is definitely still a good guy in my universe, just like in gijoe #47 where he and snakes trampled over cobra island chewing up cobra troops as they went, stormy decked out in full cobra gear at the time.
that's two good guy arashikage ninjas in the background preparing to jump into that mess of red ninjas in pic #3. their dialogue once they enter the fray?
"hello there!"
the photos i uploaded tonight aren't new. they were taken back in january over a couple of weekends fresh after acquiring the cobra ninja sets. i'm especially proud of one technical achievement in pic #1, where i managed to perfectly balance a slice figure atop the foot of a kamakura v1.
yes, like many others, i use my slice v4's as red ninjas, even though they released some official ones. i still think they mix well and help swell the ranks. oh, and even though that new storm shadow is decked out in cobra sigils, he is definitely still a good guy in my universe, just like in gijoe #47 where he and snakes trampled over cobra island chewing up cobra troops as they went, stormy decked out in full cobra gear at the time.
that's two good guy arashikage ninjas in the background preparing to jump into that mess of red ninjas in pic #3. their dialogue once they enter the fray?
"hello there!"