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View Full Version : anybody want to buy/trade a parana attach boat?

gung ho
04-26-2007, 04:01 PM
like the title says does anybody want to buy a parana attack boat? it's in great shape it's just gathering dust in my room it's got the motor but it doesn't have the shipwreck figure but if your willing to buy i'll sell it for $15 shiped if your wanting to trade here's my list of things i want/need

2004 icce sabre
2004 tiger hawk (normel or repaint will be fine
2004 cobra sting raider
2003 cobra tread fire (normel or repaint
2002 mantis sub
1990 mobil battle bunker

figures list
Interrogator (v3)
DTC Snow Serpent x4
DTC Major Bludd (major want!!)
DTC Crimson Guard x4
DTC Range Viper x4
V11 firefly
V2 Neo-Viper Commander

please PM me