View Full Version : UH! stupid snake eyes declassified...
05-07-2007, 10:12 AM
[COLOR=Red]as some of you know the comics have made me a lil ill toward snake eyes. i finally got around to reading snake eyes declassified, i wasnt going to, but i dont like to leave stuff unfinished, and that is part of the joe verse. it had him talking, thats cool with me, in my world he thinks in captions. im done with the second issue and i knew this was gonna happen. the guy who pulled him from the truck turned out to be cobra commander... do they not read the stuff we joe fans write on so many joe sites. over 90% of the people i talk to say they hate the way the later joe issues had snake eyes tied in with CC, the baroness and firefly. why the smurf would they go and make a story of cc and snake eyes being partners. this hasnt made me more ill willed toward SE, but this is a suck of a tie in. any thought on it?[/COLOR]
General Scarlett
05-07-2007, 01:49 PM
I honestly don't (and have never) see the BIG deal about Snake Eyes..........yes he's a black belt in karate, yes he served in Vietnam and was decorated, yes he's had some hardships........but honestly?? I think that too many people have pandered him into becoming the 'poster boy' of G.I. Joe.
I'd much rather see him in the role orignally intended, as ONE member of a TEAM......he's been puffed up into this 'godlike' role, and it's kind of sad and disgusting.............
But that's my opinion....
Lava Boss
05-07-2007, 03:49 PM
I gave up on Devil's Due years ago, only when I find their issues in 25 cent bin do I get them...and I haven't been to comic shows recently enough to do that.
I mean, kill 'em off craze, the "let's invent our own hip new characters" stuff, the often bad new character designs (zipper face Jinx?)...the Thunderbolts rip-off that lasted a few issues...and everyone predicted...
And there's that Dreadnoks Declassified issue where Roadpig is larger than any human on Earth compared to the other characters. Was he hit by gamma rays?
Lots of people expressed dislike for SE: Declassified. You're not alone.
And the problem is, us Joe fans are still a small fraction compared to the people who flip out for him. It was his popularity that lead to "[SIZE=1]G.I.Joe[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]starring[/SIZE] [SIZE=7]SNAKE-EYES[/SIZE]", not his unpopularity.
The general population, casual fans and comic fans and whatnot still totally dig the mute masked ninja so he continues to be in the spotlight.
It's sad but it's true. Same deal happens with Wolveroonie.
05-07-2007, 04:13 PM
I agree I loved SE's role in the earlier marvel run but then it seemed like every Joe issue was a SE story especially near the end of the old Marvel run. SE was a great character but dayumm enough already. He was like he was the star of GI Joe and everyone else was a supporting actor
05-07-2007, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I honestly don't (and have never) see the BIG deal about Snake Eyes..........yes he's a black belt in karate, yes he served in Vietnam and was decorated, yes he's had some hardships........but honestly?? I think that too many people have pandered him into becoming the 'poster boy' of G.I. Joe.
I'd much rather see him in the role orignally intended, as ONE member of a TEAM......he's been puffed up into this 'godlike' role, and it's kind of sad and disgusting.............
But that's my opinion....[/QUOTE]
If Snake Eyes had his own series and wasn't part of the GI Joe series, then I wouldn't have such a big issue with the amount of focus he gets. But as GI Joe is an ensemble of many different people who also have stories to tell, the Joeverse is uneven.
There does seem to be alot of pandering to the ninjas in Joeverse. If there is such a following, then take the ninjas out of the story and give them their own title. Its not like there isn't a dozen GI Joe comic books already.
05-07-2007, 05:15 PM
[QUOTE=Bayer] take the ninjas out of the story and give them their own title. [/QUOTE]
i agree, then well see just how many people buy the comic for just snake eyes and how many buy it for the joe and cobra teams.[/COLOR]
Urban Saboteur
05-07-2007, 05:45 PM
[FONT=Arial]As for the whole subject.. I'm sure.. that things like learning about a characters past is cool and all.. but the whole point of a character having a shroud.. is that he is kept a mystery.. for me Snake Eyes, Firefly & Storm Shadow will always be a closed door to most of my joe soldiers..
They aint super human.. they just excel very well in certain areas and are part of an elite unit.. I imagine ... .mr hama definately intended that himself judging by the v1 filecards.. for the characters.. which he written.. the change in the comic.. was brought about in my own opinion by pressure.. and I'm sure I read elsewhere that he sometimes ended up doing stuff or including stuff he didnt like..
I can't help but think if Larry done that under pressure.. then he quite possibly grew tired of it and thats why you saw the endings you did in marvels run..
As for the Declassified thing.. I aint even passed marvel yet.. probably wont get to read the DD comics..[/FONT]
05-07-2007, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I honestly don't (and have never) see the BIG deal about Snake Eyes..........yes he's a black belt in karate, yes he served in Vietnam and was decorated, yes he's had some hardships........but honestly?? I think that too many people have pandered him into becoming the 'poster boy' of G.I. Joe.
I'd much rather see him in the role orignally intended, as ONE member of a TEAM......he's been puffed up into this 'godlike' role, and it's kind of sad and disgusting.............
But that's my opinion....[/QUOTE]
I have always liked him............but I agree he is WAY too over-exposed and over-used..............the Joes are supposed to be a TEAM,not a one-man ninja wrecking machine..............
and don't EVEN get me started on Dreadnoks Declassified................WTF :confused:
05-07-2007, 08:42 PM
Ok I will add my two cents! I like Snake Eyes but it was from the get go because i was about 10 and he stood apart because he was all in black and half of his filecard was classified. Now unfortuneatley i can't afford to get the number of comics that i used too but with every team book there usually ends up(at least in the last 15 years) to be one stand out character. Me i liked the Special Missions comics from Marvel, because they always focused on more individual stories with a variety of less known characters. I remeber one story where they introduced Chuckles- he was p!$$ed and pushed down an office door, and he always wore a Hawain shirt!!! what isn't cool about that!
05-08-2007, 08:19 AM
GI Joe was the biggest toy property back in the 80s and the comic actually was a big hit. Hasbro/Marvel knew that even the comic would have to follow a few normal comic conventions in that there had to be things IN the GI Joe comic that followed the norm. In other words, Snake Eyes is to GI Joe as Wolverine is to the X-Men. (but in a way, SE has MORE relations much like Scott Summers and the mess that is his 'family')
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