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View Full Version : Reputation Points

05-09-2007, 08:34 AM
So I was looking at my User CP just to update and I notice I had some new reputation points added> Now I'm not sure what purpose they serve, but I can assume that a red dot means disapprove. With that said TONEGUNS REVISITED would you like to explain why you disapproved this post.


I'm just curious.

General Scarlett
05-09-2007, 09:04 AM
I'm watching this topic guys................PLAY NICE..............thank you

05-09-2007, 09:15 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I'm watching this topic guys................PLAY NICE..............thank you[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear it, cause it looks like it was done for pure meanness. I hope I'm wrong

Urban Saboteur
05-09-2007, 10:13 AM
[FONT=Arial] :confused: I'm totally stumped.. how do you know that it was TG and how do you know it was specifically that post he disapproved of? :confused:
I wasn't aware you could find that out?
When I click on my own profile it says how many rep points I have, it also tells me if i click on someone elses profile if I want to add to their reputation.. so I'm wondering how you found this info and how you could be so sure it was this post by this person?[/FONT]

05-09-2007, 10:17 AM
I just added rep points to you, but if you look in your User CP you should have something that looks like this ....

Latest Reputation Received
Thread Date Posted By Comment

Reporting for duty... 05-08-2007 08:29 PM ToneGunsRevisited
Cobra Infantry 6 Pack 04-17-2007 06:24 PM General Jones
Cobra Infantry 6 Pack 04-15-2007 06:09 AM Fisher
Happy Holidays! 12-24-2006 07:44 AM miragearmy

It tells you who left the points and to what post.

05-09-2007, 02:43 PM
Rep points are good, you want them. If Rep is left, it means you added something good to the site, TG gave me the same rep bonus for the same thread. Each time rep is left, it's a different colour. He gave everyone who posted in that thread rep points. Relax dude, we're not out to get you....::sheesh::

05-09-2007, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]So I was looking at my User CP just to update and I notice I had some new reputation points added> Now I'm not sure what purpose they serve, but I can assume that a red dot means disapprove. With that said TONEGUNS REVISITED would you like to explain why you disapproved this post.


I'm just curious.[/QUOTE]
I don't have to explain not a word of what I do, specially to you. If I did it I would assume it, but I can assure you to me you don't even exist here or anywhere. I really don't care for you. So I would not expand my time doing it for someone that odesn't exist for me.
I'm always out adding reputation points for my friends, but I can tell you that I don't even look at what you post. If tehre was something left for you it was not me or something was a error. As I said you don't even exist to me anymore, as I said at another treath I'll not left anyone bad mounth me 2 times. So go on and do the same to me.

05-09-2007, 03:32 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I don't have to explain not a word of what I do, specially to you. If I did it I would assume it, but I can assure you to me you don't even exist here or anywhere. I really don't care for you. So I would not expand my time doing it for someone that odesn't exist for me.
I'm always out adding reputation points for my friends, but I can tell you that I don't even look at what you post. If tehre was something left for you it was not me or something was a error. As I said you don't even exist to me anymore, as I said at another treath I'll not left anyone bad mounth me 2 times. So go on and do the same to me.[/QUOTE]

Figured you weren't man enough to explain it.

05-09-2007, 03:45 PM
Ok, now this is just degenerating into a flame war......

Luis, True, you don't have to explain why you gave him negative points, but if it's something he can fix, it would be nice!

Alan, from the sound of it, he just doesn't like you. 'nuff said. No matter why he gave them, he's not gonna tell you and I don't think you can change his mind.

If you two can't get along, fine, can you agree to ignore each other for the peace of mind of the rest of us? I can tolerate you both and I enjoy hearing your different points of veiw, so I don't wanna see either of you banned for blasting each other. Can we agree to ignore one another?



(God, and of all people, who would have thought I would be the one playing diplomat???)


05-09-2007, 04:46 PM

(God, and of all people, who would have thought I would be the one playing diplomat???)


Not me, that's for sure. Yikes. Frank the Diplomat ::shudders::

05-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Reporting for duty... 05-08-2007 11:56 AM Blowtorch

So, Is this how you show how man you are?

Frank if I've to be banned from here ok, I'll not cry for that. I did my part to this place creating the Theme Week that turned in todays YFV. I can sleep knowing that I did my part to make this better. I like this place, but things sometimes have to change. And you're right when you said that I don't like blowtorch I don't have to. I can't like someone who stab me on the back after I was always there to help him, as I stated before. But to end my part here I'll say him if he has a problem if someone else doesn't like him and he will blame me again, go on. As I said there can be a bad reputation point left to him. What I really know is that WASN'T I lefting it. I never hide any of my actions here or at other places and wouldn't start it having him like a motivation. Just look trought my historic at this place and you can judge me.

Major Bludd
05-09-2007, 05:09 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Rep points are good, you want them. If Rep is left, it means you added something good to the site, TG gave me the same rep bonus for the same thread. Each time rep is left, it's a different colour. He gave everyone who posted in that thread rep points. Relax dude, we're not out to get you....::sheesh::[/QUOTE]

Well I'm confused because I did a search and came up with these two threads

[QUOTE=General Scarlett]For each thread that a person posts on, any other member(s) can approve or disapprove 'reputation' points, depending on what said person has contributed to that thread.

Does it have any 'real' signifigance?? It does if you keep getting 'diapproved'. It's like a 'red flag', you know?? If you keep getting 'approved' then you follow the 'distinguished path'.............whatever the hell that means, I haven't found that out yet!! :p

Does that help you out?? :)[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Hammerfel]You can add to a user's reputation on one of their posts, and leave a reason for it that they can see in their CP, but you only get a few "Reputation points" to spend. 5 at first, I think, and you recieve more the longer you're here and the more you post, so you can continue to spend them on quality posters.[/QUOTE]

So which is it, and do the colors mean anything?

05-09-2007, 05:21 PM
The only rep I ever got was from valor11.

Thanks valor! :D

05-09-2007, 05:38 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Reporting for duty... 05-08-2007 11:56 AM Blowtorch

So, Is this how you show how man you are?

Frank if I've to be banned from here ok, I'll not cry for that. I did my part to this place creating the Theme Week that turned in todays YFV. I can sleep knowing that I did my part to make this better. I like this place, but things sometimes have to change. And you're right when you said that I don't like blowtorch I don't have to. I can't like someone who stab me on the back after I was always there to help him, as I stated before. But to end my part here I'll say him if he has a problem if someone else doesn't like him and he will blame me again, go on. As I said there can be a bad reputation point left to him. What I really know is that WASN'T I lefting it. I never hide any of my actions here or at other places and wouldn't start it having him like a motivation. Just look trought my historic at this place and you can judge me.[/QUOTE]

Hate me, don't hate me whatever. I don't care. I'm still going to remain civil.

General Scarlett
05-09-2007, 05:51 PM
Alan and Luis-

From now on I would like you both to avoid 'quoting' each other on posts unless your agreeing with each other on something.....as a matter of fact, PLEASE avoid each other as much as possible unless you can resolve your differences.....and since I'm not seeing that happening in the near future (considering that Luis is so against it, as is his right and Alan feels just as strongly on his end as is his right as well), PLEASE leave it at the door!

Any questions/concerns/misappropriations that either of you feel the other has 'thrown' at you, either work them out on your own or through me..........

Thank you for your understanding and compliance on this matter........I really appreciate you BOTH respecting Me, the Forum and ultimately Each Other!!