View Full Version : Remaining Anniversary figures revealed...kinda...
05-11-2007, 05:18 AM
Check this out:
Pics of carded figures (black Timber...?) including a cardback with silhouettes of forthcoming figures. Since they're using vintage card art, it's fairly easy to determine who they are...
Middle row: Beach Head, Lady Jaye, Buzzer, Serpentor (not vintage art, but it couldn't be anyone else...), Cobra Trooper (will it be different from the 5-pack version? Red bandana, maybe, or silver chest logo?)
Bottom row: Firefly, Satan (it's the Argentinian Satan card art... might be a Red Ninja or Ninja Viper, either way it'll be a total v1-costume Storm Shadow repaint...), Stalker, Shipwreck, Zartan (using the Funskool card art here)
I kinda like the line-up; mixed feelings over "Satan" although on the one hand I like the idea of exploring EVERY aspect of the brand's 25-year history, on the other it's the third use of that mold already... Nice that Buzzer got a shot considering he never got a new sculpt version (although it's a shame this one will be v1-based instead of DDP). Dead characters I don't really care about but I'll probably buy anyway, and the rest are good choices IMO. Still, I'm glad the line's definitely continuing past this...
General Scarlett
05-11-2007, 05:28 AM
I commented on this yesterday over at JBL.............
I really hope that they either change their minds and 86 Lady Jaye's hat, or at the very least make it removable and give her a decent head............
Here's hoping.............. :confused:
05-11-2007, 06:17 AM
I thought JBL had probably covered this but wasn't sure how many members here also went there. It keeps getting referenced, I should look at it myself sometime...!
Oh, and I TOTALLY agree regarding Jaye's hat. The character may be dead to me, but that's all the more reason to show her some respect!
05-11-2007, 07:48 AM
I am pumped about the 25th Anniversory figures. I notice there is going to be a Pimp Daddy Destro as a convention figure (no surprise there) I can't wait.
05-11-2007, 08:00 AM
Interesting... I suspected we'd be seeing Shipwreck, Firefly, Lady Jaye, Serpentor, Beachhead, and Zartan (and if you don't believe me, check the post where the 25th figs were first announced to see my predictions!)...
It's great that we're getting Stalker, because even though he was an integral part of the comic, he was virtually nonexistent on the cartoon, which is what these figures seem to be drawing from for inspiration. I'm not sure why we'd need another Cobra Trooper, but I'll wait till we see it. Likewise for another repaint of Storm Shadow, but I guess ninjas sell, so I can't blame Hasbro for wanting to get as much out of that mold as they can.
Buzzer is the only one that really makes no sense to me since they aren't doing the other Dreadnoks. Why not Major Bludd instead??? I would've grabbed him up in an instant, but Buzzer is just going to be a "wait-and-see-and-probably-not-buy-when-I-do-see-him" figure.
But... Get this-- An entire 25th anniversary line without Hawk represented at all! Take that, Abernathy! Duke fans unite!!
(...I honestly bear Hawk no ill will, but I just like Duke a lot better)
05-11-2007, 08:42 AM
Un F'n Believable. They are making v2 SE chase variants (different timbers)!!!
I am pretty pleased with the list. Beach Head! Zartan!!! No f'n Bludd??? :(
05-11-2007, 08:49 AM
So will we have a Snake Eyes v1, v2 and v2.5? Hasbro is really pushing us into buy many versions of the same character. But as G. stated no Bludd? :confused:
05-11-2007, 09:31 AM
I am pretty pleased with the list. Beach Head! Zartan!!! No f'n Bludd??? :([/QUOTE]
yeah, i really thought we would see a bludd, and we should have. im glad theres a beach head and zartan and sepentor, and like scarlett im hoping they can do something with lady jaye as she was one of my fave characters in the cartoon. im also glad their doing a buzzer, but if their doping him then they should have did one version of snake eyes and CC and the trooper and made torch and ripper too. or wated and did the rest of the noks but came out with a zarana or roadpig.[/COLOR]
05-11-2007, 09:33 AM
With the inclusion of the likes of "Satan" and another Trooper (maybe it'll be a Python Officer...?) and the exclusion of the likes of Bludd and Hawk, I cant help wondering if this selection, which is now the first 25 of an ongoing line, is any different to what the lineup would have been if it were only going to be 25...?
Maybe they had Bludd & Hawk in there but decided to keep them back for later waves so there's still some big characters to come...?
05-11-2007, 09:59 AM
Satan? Why not Gatilho? :p
I'm not sure what Hasbro wants but I think will be more figures than we think.
Lava Boss
05-11-2007, 05:02 PM
Buzzer's as worthy as any 1982-1986 Cobra character IMHO. The Dreadnoks were significant players. Hasbro's said they are continuing the line into 2008...more time to make more Dreadnoks. Making one Dreadnok for starters is not odd to me, they certainly did that in the "new sculpts". Making just Tomax or Xamot without the other brother...that would be odd. Keep in mind UK and Europe fans never got vintage Torch in Action Force, just Buzzer and Ripper! :( Likewise, South America never got Buzzer and Ripper...of course their characters and "universe" were bit different there.
I like Bludd, too, and would be happy for a good since I didn't like the DTC one. But some characters can be saved for next year. I think they are over-rangering the line already by making both Stalker and Beach-Head (if that is who they are making)...I think a good ol' helmet G.I. type needs to be in the line-up.
Another forum showed the cardback Serpentor sillouette to match the shape of the "Order of Battle" artwork for Serpentor.
I don't even comprehend the "dead character" stance. Especially since these are tributes to the past, not even a new storyline series. I've never heard of any other fandom where some fans won't buy figures of "dead" characters. But everyone collects in their own way.
In the Q&A, didn't Hasbro more or less say that things like Tiger Force and Python Patrol wouldn't be done anytime soon?
Also, I don't care about the wolf's color.
The archer ninja? Don't know...don't much care...too many ninjas already. :p
05-11-2007, 07:28 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Buzzer's as worthy as any 1982-1986 Cobra character IMHO. The Dreadnoks were significant players. Hasbro's said they are continuing the line into 2008...more time to make more Dreadnoks. Making one Dreadnok for starters is not odd to me, they certainly did that in the "new sculpts". Making just Tomax or Xamot without the other brother...that would be odd. Keep in mind UK and Europe fans never got vintage Torch in Action Force, just Buzzer and Ripper! :( Likewise, South America never got Buzzer and Ripper...of course their characters and "universe" were bit different there.[/QUOTE]
I think my comments about Buzzer were colored by the fact that I'm not a big fan of the Dreadnoks. I guess it's not that I find it odd that they would make one Dreadnok without the others... It's more that I think there are other Cobras more deserving of being made first, like Bludd or Scrap-Iron. But like I said, that's just my own personal opinion influencing my idea of what's "right."
05-11-2007, 08:47 PM
I think a lot of people underestimate Serpentor's popularity. I am presently surprised he's getting the 25th treatment; he is more than worthy. In any case, my only dislike is 4 Snake Eyes/Storm Shadows, plus another ninja of some sort clogging up the line, but ninja madness will not be denied, I suppose. Here's hoping Doc holds off 'the boy' in the fan poll.
05-11-2007, 08:53 PM
[QUOTE=Swindle]I think a lot of people underestimate Serpentor's popularity. I am presently surprised he's getting the 25th treatment; he is more than worthy. In any case, my only dislike is 4 Snake Eyes/Storm Shadows, plus another ninja of some sort clogging up the line, but ninja madness will not be denied, I suppose. Here's hoping Doc holds off 'the boy' in the fan poll.[/QUOTE]
i concur, i have always liked serpentor, but not as much as CC. dont pick on me, but i liked the movie too, i love nemesis enforcer and golobuius. yeah, it was a lil out there, but not so much when your talking about a blue masked face group led by a hissing psyco. i didnt like johnson as falcon, but then again i wish the rawhides werent even in the cartoon. [/COLOR]
05-11-2007, 09:02 PM
I'm a huge fan of Cobra Commander. If you look through my picture posts, I've posted a lot of the original face mask CC, which may be my all time favorite GIJoe action figure. Sadly, I'm not sold on the 25th version. Looks a little to bulky for my taste.
I think Serpentor will look amazing given this treatment, though.
05-11-2007, 09:18 PM
I could care less about the test tube baby.
05-12-2007, 01:12 PM
I was never really a big Serpentor fan, I always preferred Cobra Commander. Also, I think "THIS I COMMAND" got kind of annoying in the cartoon. I'm also surprised he made the 25 since his character was killed off in the comic (I don't Larry Hama ever really liked him) and I think he was turned into an iguana in Operation Dragonfire, seeming to indicate he wasn't well liked.
Not really a fan of the Dreadnoks, but they are definitely iconic.
I'm not sure about the character with the bow. My first reaction is another Stormshadow is taking someone else's place in the 25 (like Hawk or Bludd). It might be Satan, a South American repaint of Stormshadow, but I have nothing but hatred for this character after seeing his appearance in the comic.
It is cool to see Beachhead, Lady Jaye, Stalker, Firefly, and Zartan.
05-12-2007, 02:34 PM
DIC isn't regarded as a very substantial aspect of the GIJoe mythos in animated from. It's there, but its something I believe most cringe though. I actually watched some clips on you tube. I had forgotten just how bad it really was. Serpentor was a bit player in the Hama comic. 11 issues, didn't do much, then Zartan shot him. Bottom line, his popularity steams from other aspects of GIJoe media. Duke wouldn't be considered iconic if everything began and ended with Hama either.
Serpentor is most certainly one of the 25th most iconic characters.
Now if Hasbro would make the Sgt Slaughter (putting Fridge in that poll is an insult to the Sarge), then I really have respect for Hasbro as actually looking at the larger GIJoe mythos that exists and not just serving the whims of hardcore comic fans and collectors.
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