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View Full Version : joedios or joe battlelines???

05-11-2007, 02:59 PM
[COLOR=Red]ok, i know most of us are members both on here and joe dios. i myself come here more then a few times a day, however i only go to joe battlelines maybe once or twice a month. just wondering which you visit most and why? i like joedios because its much simpler to navigate through, the new pics and dios are there on the first page and you dont have to search through a lot of stuff. i have however noticed that joe battlelines seem to have a lot more stuff and get new stuff posted sooner. here on joedios we really dont post stuff like the new figures as much, but to me, this is my main base of operations.

General Scarlett
05-11-2007, 04:07 PM
I go to both.

I started on JoeBattlelines on November 30,2006 (after buying my first home computer on November 25,2006).....I met a bunch of people, most notably our very own 'Ender098' aka 'Frank' aka 'Pimp Figure Daddy Extraordinaire'........

He encouraged me to 'check out JoeDios', a place that, as he stated, he had 'a lot of pull and respect'........... :rolleyes: :D :eek:

In any case, I joined in the beginning of December and just look at me now!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :p

But to actually answer your question...........

I log on when I turn my computer on........and stay on all day, whether I'm at the computer or not......

I'm 'online' all day here at JoeDios, at JoeBattlelines (where I Mod the 'Action Force New England' section), YoJoe.com and as of the past few days Hisstank.com (where they're making me a Mod there too!!)

And then there's my Judy Garland, Xena and Superman/Superheroes forums...........so I'm always checking around on all sorts of sites and stuff............. :cool:

05-11-2007, 04:51 PM
[COLOR=Red]hisstank.com never herd of that. gonna go check it before stargate comes on.[/COLOR]

05-11-2007, 05:05 PM
I started w/ the JBL and have friends over there.

JD is a different monster which provides me with different things.

General Scarlett
05-11-2007, 05:13 PM
well, [SIZE=4]THIS [/SIZE] is [SIZE=4]MY FAVORITE PLACE!!![/SIZE] :cool: ;) :D

05-11-2007, 05:24 PM
I tend to hang over at JoeBattlelines more then I do here, thats becasue it is more in my favor of sigma 6 and it tends to get the news about new stuff and what not more then other sites do. but I go here a couple of times a day to see if theres any new really cool pics, and to see what else people have posted :D


05-11-2007, 07:30 PM
I'm probably the only one HERE that started at the Devils Due. Then left for Savage Soundoffs (the mass exodus when everyone left DD). Then the SS turned into, uh, I'm not really sure. JoeBattlelines came under new management, joined the Ring of Collectors (ROC) and then went to being single again (like a lot of male Joe fans, right? :P ). I've been there for every incarnation. It's my best source for newz and stuff.

I admit, I've backed way off. I have accounts at Joecustoms, Yojoe and JoeSightings but I don't visit their forums. Maybe once every few months.

So I hit here first then JBL (or both at the same time). As administrator, I visit here often. JBL, not so much since I've backed off and am a dioist more than a collector. For the record, Stormer's post about the "other 25" got me before JBL. If Justin and Luke came by more often, they were part of the same posse that have moved around.

05-11-2007, 07:31 PM
This is the only board I go to every day and the only Joe board that I post at anywhere. I used to post at JoeCustoms, but I sort of stopped after a while. I still check out their forum sometimes, though. Other than that, I never check out any other Joe sites or boards with any regularity. I'm really not a forum person, and I only post here since I'm also active in posting my dio-story.

EDIT: I had originally said "I used to post at JoeDios, but I sort of stopped after a while," which makes no sense, since, obviously, I'm still posting here. I have corrected it to read "JoeCustoms". Carry on.

General Scarlett
05-11-2007, 07:37 PM
I will tell you that THIS is the FIRST window I open from my email account!! Then it's JBL and so on and so forth.............

05-11-2007, 08:33 PM
I started posting on a message board back in 1997 ran by a guy named RodZD. He also had a website called Zartan's Domain. Then a lot of BS happened and he basically got fed up with the Joe community, ZD went away and the message board died when someone else took over it. Ah well.

05-11-2007, 08:47 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, another thing sonn made me think of, who on here has a joecustoms account if so whats your name, id like to see some customs made by some of the talent here.[/COLOR]

05-11-2007, 09:05 PM
OMG. Zartan's Domain. I haven't heard that name for years!

I know this isn't exactly the site for the latest news on GI Joe. Sure, we try. Everybody helps out in that sense, but let's face it, JBL and yojoe get 'em first. I mean, is there ANYBODY here who watches the TNI site 24/7??? I mean, Fred (JBL) is constantly cruising Joe sites and other sites for the latest info! We're a picturetaking community so, the way I see it, we have a specific goal why we are here. Just as JoeDebriefed (fanfiction) site is horrible for newz, but they are all about stories.

As for Joe customs, you can find my whopping 6 entries under the Guan Ping name.

05-11-2007, 11:45 PM
The first Joe site I discovered when I first got internet access was YoJoe, and I check that out every day. I have an account at JoeCustoms, but haven't posted there for years, and rarely check it out anymore. I visit JBL fairly often, though I'm not a member there I think it's a cool site. There used to be a few other sites I frequented, but most of them haven't been updated for years, or don't exist anymore. My first "published" dio shots appeared on Mike T's old site many years ago. However despite all the other cool Joe sites, JoeDios is my home because of the cool folks that hang out here, and because I've always taken pics of my Joes, since way back in the pre-internet and pre-digicam days. :)

05-12-2007, 12:30 PM
The only time I've ever looked at JBL has been when someone here or on YoJoe has linked to it. I feel I get what I need by way of news from YoJoe (that was where I found out about the 25th Ann. cardback pics) and JoeDios is where I enjoy indulging in the hobby with a cool bunch of like-minded people. Plus there's the newborn www.gijoeuk.com which could be a lot of fun (and considering I'm intending to contribute to the site content as well as being a Mod on the forum, some of that fun's down to me, I guess...)

The first Joe site I ever joined was the now-defunct custom site, thebivouac.com -- which was replaced by JoeCustoms. I have an account there -- Andrew Mortimer is my username -- but I've never posts on the forums. I have one custom up there (originally made for the first group project back in the bivouac days) and I might put more up if I ever paint them :P

General Scarlett
05-12-2007, 01:23 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]Plus there's the newborn www.gijoeuk.com which could be a lot of fun (and considering I'm intending to contribute to the site content as well as being a Mod on the forum, some of that fun's down to me, I guess...)

You know, I registered there.........but I never got the 'confirmation email'...........what's up with that chuck???

05-12-2007, 01:45 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]The first Joe site I ever joined was the now-defunct custom site, thebivouac.com -- which was replaced by JoeCustoms.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, I forgot about thebivouac.com. I think I had one custom posted there before it became JoeCustoms. It seems like sooo long ago now! :eek:

05-12-2007, 02:13 PM
I started at YOJOE.com....but after getting banned for seven days for posting a "Cobra Commander for President" link because it was "political" I decided forums were just where little kids who didn't have their way and couldn't get into the club as kids decided to make their own club and be a jerk for whatever reason they chose, so I stayed off forums for years.

I still cruised the customs sites and the like (JBL, YoJoe, JoeCustoms) and when I found this site, I was impressed...something I had never thought of....using my collection to tell stories...

I started with a lame story (Fallout) and took it from there...when no one cursed me out and banned me, I started posting in the forums....

I also post at Joe Battlelines, but I prefer it here. Fred and most of the crew at JBL are cool, but there are a few pains over there...LOL!

05-12-2007, 02:46 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]You know, I registered there.........but I never got the 'confirmation email'...........what's up with that chuck???[/QUOTE]
That's weird, sorry about that! Have you tried logging in to the site manually despite not getting the email (you were expecting it to your yahoo addy, right)? I'll have a word with the boss if you can't access it!

05-12-2007, 03:17 PM
I found this place from a link at General Joe's. I still visit Justin's site a lot, but Joedios almost every day, except when work is too busy or I'm out of town without a laptop.

Yojoe.com pretty much to see links of figures. JBL, just on occasion, for the same reason.

So mostly here.

General Scarlett
05-12-2007, 06:27 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]That's weird, sorry about that! Have you tried logging in to the site manually despite not getting the email (you were expecting it to your yahoo addy, right)? I'll have a word with the boss if you can't access it![/QUOTE]

I have tried.............I keep getting 'invalid username and password. Contact the Administrator...'

And yes, I did use my Yahoo! addy............ :)

05-12-2007, 06:47 PM
I posted exactly ONCE on JBL. I felt like a lil fish in a big effing pond. I was here before then and I love it here. I only check the daily news on JBL, and live here. woot woot

05-18-2007, 03:56 PM
I have an account here, as well as JoeCustoms. I'm Cap at both of them. Dioramas are what I do, and many of the guys who have long ongoing dios like Justin and Wowboy are my friends, as well as have been my customers. We exchange quite a bit over the years.

I'm pretty scarce but for a post here and there, because it seems just when I finish one dio, I'm asked to do another for either a fellow member, or my City Hall.

I'm very glad to see that dioramas are taken seriously, outside of the usual so-called accepted circles such as museums and wargamming.

A great site you all have here.

05-21-2007, 04:25 PM
I found JBL first-and made a lot of friends quickly...............then General Scarlett brought me over here...............and I made more friends!

So I go both places as often as possible...............I also frequent some Flight-Sim,Aviation,Scale Modeling,and Wargame Forums...............

05-21-2007, 07:59 PM
wow .when i jump on way back in 05. joeheadquarters.com wich is no longer active
and at that time i was on JoeGuide.com, but at that time it was called Quick Kick's Theatre .that went down too. so i jump to joecustoms.com, and joesightings.com. i stood on j.b.l. for a while, then found joedios. theres other site which my friends led me to like hiss.com and cobra HQ .com. there kool site too . hay dose any one know what happen to brock lee .com. he had some nice drawings of gijoe.