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05-13-2007, 05:51 PM

Man, these guys are gonna be too big to use with existing figures and probably won't fit in the vehicles very well either...

05-13-2007, 07:00 PM
I never could use the '02-06 new sculpt figures with the old school RAH figures, they didn't mesh at all because the styles were too different. I never expected the 25th Anniversary figures to mesh with either previous format and I'm cool with them in fact being completely different. I love the look of these figures as they are, I wouldn't change anything about 'em.

05-13-2007, 08:14 PM
I think they intentionally made Destro, Gung Ho, and Roadblock 4 inches tall in tihs line to make up for their massive size and height. I saw a picture of Scarlett standing next to some others at hisstank.com, here it is:


She seems to be a little on the tallish side, but if the others are about the same height, it may not be so bad.

General Scarlett
05-13-2007, 08:39 PM
[QUOTE=Fisher]I think they intentionally made Destro, Gung Ho, and Roadblock 4 inches tall in tihs line to make up for their massive size and height. I saw a picture of Scarlett standing next to some others at hisstank.com, here it is:


She seems to be a little on the tallish side, but if the others are about the same height, it may not be so bad.[/QUOTE]

I hear that..........I'm hoping that they 'intentionally' made those 'taller'......being as how they're 'tall guys'...........


05-13-2007, 08:50 PM
*spits out mongolian beef*

NFC is HERE??? THat is soooooo cool! Welcome man!

I am getting the idea that these are slightly not 1.18th scale. Which is ok with me. If the 25th line was 4" or even 5", I'd be fine. But if hasbro pulled weird sizes w/ the line (ie; Tunnel Rat is taller than Roadblock and buffer than Gung Ho), then I'd have problems. But the height problems that were a part of the 2002+ line, I was ok with it! I loved the idea of the buck mold of Iron Grenadier being tall and thin!

05-14-2007, 07:12 AM
I could work with the taller 2002+ figures stretching things a bit, but the BAT v3 was one of the larger ones and the new Destro is even bigger. I never saw Destro as THAT big but maybe if Scarlett is closer to the standard and Destro's large even for this line, it won't be so bad.

Probably won't be able to get any of them to sit in a Stinger, but on the plus side maybe someone can ride the Venom Cycle without looking like a child...

05-14-2007, 08:43 AM
[COLOR=Red]its still hard for me to decide. destro, road block and gung ho are supposed to be big, so the height wont matter. scarlett however should be a lil smaller, but she didnt look so big compared to the trooper, maybe it will work, if not then then i wonder if its possible to sand the torso down or change their legs with older joes to make them smaller?[/COLOR]

05-14-2007, 02:54 PM
im very happy with these, the new line will be great, so far i would have to say the commando snakeeyes is my favorite.