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Hammerfel 01-20-2011 10:15 PM

The Terrordrome's Awesome "Famous Art Dio Contest"!
My good friend Joshdahl has started a very unique Dio contest at The Terrordrome!
And he has honored me by inviting me to be a guest judge.

"The idea is to recreate a famous piece of art, but using Joes and Cobras. For example: Michelangelo's "God Creating Adam", but with Croc Master as God and Duke as Adam or "The Starry Night" by Van Gogh using the Terror Drome with Flight Pods & Fangs flying around. The possibilities aren't endless, but they are there and can be quite creative. And that is what we want to see."

read the full thread here:

and enter! JoeDios members entering will strengthen the relationship between our two awesome sites, so go forth and PWN! :)

Prince Adam 01-20-2011 11:16 PM

It's an interesting concept for sure, but in the end I think its going to come down to who has the best photoshop skills. I liked the Outdoors theme better, given Joes and the outdoors go together like peanut butter and jelly, but it was a broader topic and more people can sink their teeth into that kind of thing. Sure it was slow goings at first but the overall turn-out was pretty good, especially for their first contest. My two cents though, your mileage may vary.

joshdahl 01-23-2011 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Prince Adam
It's an interesting concept for sure, but in the end I think its going to come down to who has the best photoshop skills. I liked the Outdoors theme better, given Joes and the outdoors go together like peanut butter and jelly, but it was a broader topic and more people can sink their teeth into that kind of thing. Sure it was slow goings at first but the overall turn-out was pretty good, especially for their first contest. My two cents though, your mileage may vary.

It MIGHT have gone to the best photoshopper.... if photoshop were allowed! (GASP)
But it isn't!
Well, in a way it is......
You can use whatever image alteration you want to doctor up a recreate the background of your favorite painting perhaps.....
But in order to use that image you must print it and actually take a picture of your joes in front of it.

I have seen a few of the things people have been working on already. this contest is going to be a lot of fun. And one of the things I like about it is the challenge of the fact that Joes and fine art go together like peanut-butter and mustard! I like the creativity that that challenge demands.

And speaking of challenges... Consider this an official challenge from the Terrordrome to JoeDios! The gauntlet has been thrown down! You goofs couldn't dio your ways out of a paper bag!!

Good luck!


dancontrino 01-23-2011 07:06 PM

"You goofs couldn't dio your ways out of a paper bag!!"
Oh yeah??? Wait till you see my Crucifixion scene with Torch and Big Boa :D

Roland da Thompson Gunner 01-23-2011 07:14 PM

I would've participated until I learned that The Terrordrome takes people's photos without asking permission to use them. :mad:

Prince Adam 01-23-2011 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by joshdahl
It MIGHT have gone to the best photoshopper.... if photoshop were allowed! (GASP)
But it isn't!
Well, in a way it is......
You can use whatever image alteration you want to doctor up a recreate the background of your favorite painting perhaps.....
But in order to use that image you must print it and actually take a picture of your joes in front of it.

When you're done patting yourself on the back for putting the word "Gasp" in paranthesis make a note that it doesn't say anywhere in the link that Hammerfel posted above that Photoshop isn't allowed, and to be honest the line "Flight Pods and Fangs flying around" seems to imply that such a thing be used. Unless your assuming folks will just go outside and jerry rig things with visible fishing line, in which case you're looking for a whole different (read: subpar) brand of creativity as the people on this site take their hobby just a little more seriously. :cool:

Originally Posted by joshdahl
And speaking of challenges... Consider this an official challenge from the Terrordrome to JoeDios! The gauntlet has been thrown down! You goofs couldn't dio your ways out of a paper bag!!

The irony of that statement is you asked the Admin of the site (that "couldn't dio their way out of a paper bag") to judge your competition.
Now maybe it was in jest or maybe you got snooty because someone had a disagreement with your concept, I don't care. My comment was both concise and constructive.

dancontrino 01-24-2011 05:42 AM

Maybe I'll do a Picasso and just throw sh*t on the ground and take a pic :D

Nekoman 01-24-2011 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Roland da Thompson Gunner
I would've participated until I learned that The Terrordrome takes people's photos without asking permission to use them. :mad:

Yo Roland, mind telling me some about this via PM? That's got me super curious as I already have a semi-low opinion of the Terrordrome...

You know, I don't really like this too well so I'm going to change this picture around. I will start a contest on Joedios, with prizes and judges, one of which I will talk to will be a very special member you will all appreciate.

And to top it all off, I want to see what the Dromies will bring to the plate here. I welcome anyone who wants to play along and play nicely.

There's no reason in my opinion that we can't have this kind of thing here. I'm not trying to make a scene, but I want to have our own contest. Joedios is a magical site that doesn't deserve to take a tone from a website we're being asked to participate with.

I'm going to work on this more in a bit, as there will be some definite behind the scenes work. But I think you guys will like what I've got planned and hopefully the Dromies will too!

Stay tuned.

joshdahl 01-24-2011 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by dancontrino
"You goofs couldn't dio your ways out of a paper bag!!"
Oh yeah??? Wait till you see my Crucifixion scene with Torch and Big Boa :D

I think we have a winner!

Seriously, though... go for it! That is exactly the kind of creativity I am going for.
I mean, if not for this contest, you might never have realized just how much Big Boa looks like a Roman soldier..... or, is he going to be the Christ figure?

The whole point is just to have fun making stuff with your Joes, and maybe try something new... or do something old in a new way.

We have already had one Van Gough inspired entry posted... and that has given me some fun ideas.

Nekoman, let me know when you launch your contest and I will drum up all the Drome support that I can.

And just in case it actually was unclear before.....Joe dios is THE place for awesome looking dio work. I couldn't even guess how many times images from this site have been the wallpaper on my laptop.
I called you guys "goofs" because I am intimidated by the level of talent here.....and to fire up some competitive spirit.

And because you area bunch of goofs. (kidding)

Thanks again,


WildWeasel 01-29-2011 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by Roland da Thompson Gunner
I would've participated until I learned that The Terrordrome takes people's photos without asking permission to use them. :mad:

Wow, and here I thought we were done.

You make it sound like we steal images and don't give people credit.

As you can clearly see on ANY of our "Image of the Day" images we posted, we fully credit the user, the thread and JoeDios itself. So not quite sure where you are going with your post.

In respons to Roland's comment to me about if/when HissTank posts images we post without asking us, well that is a different situation. Because, they will NEVER credit us for anything. The remove our links all the time when any member posts something of ours.

If anyone wants their image removed that we featured as a way to promote the community AND JoeDios itself let me know and we'll remove it. And at this point if we do decide to continue with the "Image of the Day" feature, I'll be sure to ask first so we don't offend any fragile egos.

As for Prince Adam, I think you are seriously blowing Josh's JOKING comment totally out of proportion. This really bugs me that people here are acting that way. Seems more fitting for another site in the community that just loves to overreact to things.

In regards to Photoshop for the dio contest, you can use Photoshop, but not to put together the whole image. You can use it to remove devices such as strings that you use to hold up your Joes or Joe vehicles.

At this point, I'm really disappointed in the attitude taken by some here. It is not what I have come to recognize by the members here. And that is sad. Especially Nekoman's comment. It also shows what is wrong with this community as a whole, when you try to something together and some turns it around like it is a bad thing.

This is ridiculous and at this point, I'm thinking about shutting down the contest and not bothering to work with any of the other sites, since they all seem to be pretty selfish.

This hobby is really becoming no fun for me.

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