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raven73 05-05-2011 01:57 PM

Raven73 = Robert

Raven: from Norse legend of Odin had two ravens that flew all around the world observing everything. They would return at the end of the day and tell Odin what they observed. My quote is: I am the Raven and I observe all. 73 is my birthyear.

I've been here at JoeDios for a couple of years and just now introducing myself.

I am 37 (38 on June 10, 2011) and live in Tallassee, AL. I lived in Williamsburg, VA from December 1984 to December 2009. I had started a Joe collection around 1986 beginning with the Joe Battle Platform and Torpedo figure...that was an AWESOME Christmas! In middle school, I was bullied to give up all my Joe stuff. My parents asked where my Joe toys were and told them about the bullying. I got most of the stuff back, but some was busted, including most of a Snow Cat and a couple of parts on the Platform (my favorite Joe toy!) In the 90's I lost interest in Joes and TF's, but still kept a few Joe and TF toys tucked away. Got back into Joes with 2000-something GI Joe vs Cobra/Spy Toops. Beast Wars, then later Armada, got me back into Transformers. I've been building (IMO) an impressive Joe, TF, SW collection since. 2007, I got the idea to create comic stories with Reissue G1 TF's by superimposing toy pics over cartoon screen-caps. Then found JoeDios while searching texture graphics to use. JoeDios has been a godsend for me...many heartfelt thanks to the Moderators! The work that everyone is doing here is fantastic! The members are AWESOME! I don't have a single bad word for the site and the people here. I really like that everyone is more than willing to share ideas (thanks to Death for the ROC Jinx idea...she ROCKS!) with each other. I have always been artistic and creative, but never considered dioramas until I joined JoeDios.

---take a breath--- :eek:

Currently, at some level of progress, I have about a dozen Joe/TF stories going at the same time (manic-depressive disorder will do that to ya... :D ). Some, I'm having trouble developing the story beyond a cool scene, but a few are fleshing out excellently. It's all the set and prop building that takes time. In the near future be on the look out for the following stories:

From The Ashes...Joe diostory, basicly a retelling of ROC as a continuation of 80's GI Joe.

Venom Troops...Joe diostory telling my version of the creation of Venomous Maximus and the V-Troops.

The Jade Cat...Joe diostory telling of Cobra Commander gaining ancient powers to TRY to destroy GI Joe.

Ironclad...FTA prequel, Joe/Ironman crossover diostory.

Ghosts Of The Past...FTA sequel...Duke has left GI Joe!? oh, no! More to come.

And if it's alright to post TF stories...
Reborn...TF:Cybertron story retelling the beginning of the series in my own way.

---down from my soap box--- :D

Thanks for giving me my fifteen minutes :D to introduce myself, and enjoy all the great pics and positive feedback on my own work. Later!

nerdsgetchicks 06-19-2011 11:33 PM

Hello all. I am new to the forums. I am on Hisstank and exclusive ARAH club.

Just wanted to look around.

neapolitan joe 06-20-2011 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by nerdsgetchicks
Hello all. I am new to the forums. I am on Hisstank and exclusive ARAH club.

Just wanted to look around.

Welcome here!

johnnyspirit 06-26-2011 03:11 PM

Better late than never!
I am John comer and native American!... Hence Johnny spirit ... (sounded better than Johnny dart or Johnny airborne) I am 32 married with an 18 month old son, live in MD where there seem to be no other collectors ... How I found joedios... Lifelong Joe fan and collector never gave it up ( my first joe was torch and the watch tower) I am no good with the forums , have been listening to the wojm podcast and got the idea from there to try to find likeminded fools

TR101AL 07-05-2011 08:59 PM

I'm a long-time lurker, long-time customizer. Most folks will recognize me from I'm 38 years-old, husband and father of 2 boys (7 and 9). I work in retail which is a story in itself. I started customizing years ago starting out with Star Wars, then Joes, and many, many more. My youngest son has caught the custom bug from his old man, and I hope to show our combined works here.

Oh yeah, my name is Brad Odom.

Jefehawk 08-11-2011 04:12 AM

CODE NAME: Jefehawk
PRIMARY SPECIALTIES: father of twin boys; sex assault/child abuse detective
SECONDARY SPECIALTIES:renewed Joe collector,Iowa football fan,whatever my boys do

JEFEHAWK grew up playing with GI Joes till his mid-teens in Iowa until he put his collection in storage during his college age years to focus on school, sports, girls and finding a cop job.
After landing a career in law enforcement and having kids, JEFEHAWK had the idea of starting a collection of 25th anni Joes for his still infant children. That collection for his kids is now taking over the basement and the rumor is the collection seems more like it belongs to JEFEHAWK then his boys.

"I swear they are all for my boys.....I'm just not sure I will ever let them touch them."

Xhairs 08-16-2011 12:22 PM

not sure if i posted in here but here we go
names Xhairs aka sean and have been collecting joe & tf since the 80s. i have been customizing since i was a kind with mismatching parts and so on lol. i really got into customizing back in 2000 with the new sculpt and i haven't stop since. most ppl might know me from other sites. im 32 live with my dog. i just got done redoing my joe room.

Python Six 08-17-2011 02:39 PM

My name is Enrique Fernandez aka "Python Six".

Born and raised in New York City, I'm 32 years old and a fan of G.I.Joe.
For 4 and a half years, I worked for Strike Force Protective Services, a subsideary of USI Services Group Inc. I left that job due to overwhelming office politicking and constant policy changes that took place without notification, and which I thought was inappropriate.

For the last year and a half, I've worked in Dairy and Pastry delivery, working late-night to early morning, delivering to more that 50+ clients up and down both the eastside and westside of Manhattan.

80s Child 08-30-2011 11:58 AM


TwoOneEight 09-28-2011 04:16 AM

Yo Joe!

1) Be good to each other. You can agree, you can disagree, and you can agree to disagree but don't get personal about it. We're all friends here, and we're all fans so let's just leave it at that.

2) Swearing is not allowed in any post in the forums or when replying to pictures. This includes the description area of your picture(s). IF your picture and/or dio has swearing, fine. Please keep in mind that we wish this to be a PG/PG13 sort of site. If you have a ton of swearing in a dio, please try and post a warning as a courtesy.

3) Absolutely no sniping and personal attacks on any member. If there is a problem between board members, take it somewhere else.

4) Blatant trolling. I'll be blunt on this one-- I don't care if you post links to features/reviews/dios/etc at other sites. What I do care about are people who only pop up to promote their site and don't otherwise contribute to the community in any way. This is "trolling for traffic" and I think it's a pretty sleazy thing to do. If you want to post links to your own sites/customs/work/etc, that's great and I encourage it! However, just don't show up to promote yourself and then leave.

5) Enjoy yourself. It’s a place to share stories and images w/ people who have the same interest. It’s great that we have a place like this.

The "order of battle" for disciplinary action around here.

If anyone is found consistently and intentionally violating the spirit of the rules above, the following steps will be taken:

1) Written warning. Either via email or PM you'll be hearing from me with one of those "Cut the crap!" messages. Hopefully this will be enough-- otherwise we move to...

2) Banning. I've seen too many boards grow "out of control" because some people can't remember to respect others. I won't tolerate that here-- ever. Anyone who consistently decides that they can do whatever they want will have to do so elsewhere.


If you feel the need to disrespect other board members, make blatant insults, etc, your posts are subject to a bit of an edit. However, you'll know the reasons for the edit and everyone will be able to see that the post has been altered.

By the by...

You want a 1-way ticket to getting banned w/ no warnings?

1. Steal pics from another site, post them here and say they are yours.

It's one thing to post your own stuff. It's another thing to post someone's stuff with their permission. (ie; hosting pics on your own account and posting it for the public) But taking a pic from another site and posting 'em, that's a no-no no matter where you're from.

2. Racism in any form.


comments on pics should ALWAYS be honest and polite...........if you find something that looks a bit 'off', a 'gentle' suggestion should be offered. Nothing like 'that pic sucks' or 'I hate that it's stupid' or along those lines.......

Don't sell yourself short on your own pics either! Let's be honest, YOU should know if a picture is 'decent'.......look at it this way, are you proud of what you did? Or are you doing it so you can say to your friends 'look what I crapped out and took a picture of!'? Time and patience will show through your pics all by themselves. And if you get frustrated, don't be afraid to ASK!

Now I don't expect everyone to be able to take the same level of pics, it depends on so many, speed, surroundings, theme and the most important part........each individual!! Again, it all boils down to each person taking pride in what they are doing..........I mean it is your name attached to each shot!

So, take time and have patience...and just follow your mother's advice 'be respectful'...everyone can benefit from something and you'll be churning out brillant work in no time!!!


Some of the newer folks might NOT remember this particular ruling, but the JD has a 3-picture posting limit.

Either space 'em out or if you are trying to tell a story, sometimes it's best to host the shots yourself and make a post in the forum. I am deleting random shots if you are over the 3-shots in a row limit. Please try and let others post too.

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