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Range Viper 04-21-2012 08:51 AM

Hello, Range Viper here. Born in 1979, live in Oregon and am a warehouse grunt. Sort of had a family farm untill a couple of months ago with my mom and sisters a big part of which I had a small morgan horse breeding program. Sombody altered our land contract and we lost it all. I'm a certified equine massage specialist though I'm not using at the moment. Been a huge joe fan all of my life and have a collection as well as alot of guys just waiting for action. I have three sister 12 to 18 years younger than me and I have made them 80's kids as well. They all have their own joes and collections and huge fans too. You can hardly go anywhere in the house without a joe lurking somewhere! I got my digital camera back in 2004 and the joes have been photo stars since. We all take alot of pictures of our joes though we are very novice and are terribly out classed here. We have been issuing joe photo chalanges to eachother as long as we have had the camera and I have been running my own joe story since 2005. I didn't realize other people did the joe dios thing untill recently. I need to learn how to do them right and publish them on the internet. This site looks like a perfect fit for me ! I lost my camera in the move so I'm kind of stuck untill I can get a new one. Maybe I'll post some of my old ones. I work alot of thirteen hour days so my picture taking is sparatic but I hope to participate as time alllows.

neapolitan joe 04-21-2012 09:12 AM


Gyre-Viper 04-27-2012 06:51 PM

Long time lurker...

I am Gyre-Viper. I'm a preproduction collector. My focus is basically GI JOE history and GI JOE history-in-the-making. I don't care as much about owning anything as I do just KNOWING about things. Knowing how and why and when and where things were made throughout the history of GI JOE and WHO was behind it all. And then of course being able to share it with the hobby and community at large.

I'm a booth staff/contributor/volunteer for Joe Declassified as well as the "main" host of the Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS podcast ( I don't like listening to podcasts so if you don't like listening to podcasts... you should check ours out. heheh.

GoCards 04-27-2012 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by Gyre-Viper
Long time lurker...

I am Gyre-Viper. I'm a preproduction collector. My focus is basically GI JOE history and GI JOE history-in-the-making. I don't care as much about owning anything as I do just KNOWING about things. Knowing how and why and when and where things were made throughout the history of GI JOE and WHO was behind it all. And then of course being able to share it with the hobby and community at large.

I'm a booth staff/contributor/volunteer for Joe Declassified as well as the "main" host of the Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS podcast ( I don't like listening to podcasts so if you don't like listening to podcasts... you should check ours out. heheh.

So you're the guy who's always getting the newest stuff before the rest of us. Welcome to joedios!

troopsofdoom 04-27-2012 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Gyre-Viper
Long time lurker...

I am Gyre-Viper. I'm a preproduction collector. My focus is basically GI JOE history and GI JOE history-in-the-making. I don't care as much about owning anything as I do just KNOWING about things. Knowing how and why and when and where things were made throughout the history of GI JOE and WHO was behind it all. And then of course being able to share it with the hobby and community at large.

I'm a booth staff/contributor/volunteer for Joe Declassified as well as the "main" host of the Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS podcast ( I don't like listening to podcasts so if you don't like listening to podcasts... you should check ours out. heheh.

Joe fandom's greatest spy has arrived! :cool:

neapolitan joe 04-28-2012 04:11 AM

Welcome again!

ltfalcon 04-28-2012 05:33 AM

Hey everyone my name is David Pruitt and I grew up in the groovy 60's and 70's. My first Joe was the Air adventurer which I got Christmas morning 1972. My two brothers and I cleaned up that year. I got the mobile support unit and my brothers got the training center and helicopter along with the pigmy gorilla and white tiger sets. It was one of my favorite Christmas times.

Of course I grew up and became a design engineer which has evolved from pencil drawings to 3-D modeling, FEA Analysis, mold flow, etc. Which is a fun and creative job.

I got married to my wonderful wife and had three sons. This is when I got back into joes with my oldest son in the 90's. I collected alot of 80's stuff which was bought at yard sales and flea markets dirt cheap. My boys enjoyed me building outdoor trianing camps and forts for them to play joes. Their favorite was a homemade zip line that ran about 20' across the yard to a safety zone. All of this was sold off after they outgrew them.

Then the 25th anniversary joes landed and it took me back to when my fourth brother was a child, he was 15 years younger and grew up in the 80's. His first joes arrived the Christmas of 82 and he scored big that year including the cardboard missile command set. This retro release got me hooked on collecting the 25th series which continues on through today. I enjoy kit bashing, customizing, and taking photo shots.
I picked all this up surfing the Joe message boards. My favorite 3 3/4 release is hands down the Adventure Team. You get the best of two worlds with them. You get the bearded retro 70's joes small enough to utilize all the popular 1/18 scale vehicles, playsets, and accessories.

Never grow up!

neapolitan joe 04-28-2012 08:37 AM

Welcome on Joedios!

elmobfaelnar15 04-29-2012 12:02 AM

elmobfaelnar15 = elmo faelnar

long time lurker. first time member

Im a 32 yrs old Married Filipino Electrical Engineer living in Australia. Been collecting mostly G.I. Joes (and a few odd Transformers every now and then) since grade school but stop collecting when my mom gave away half of my joes to my cousins. I disposed of the remaining joes and went to comic books till i graduated. My second foray is in 2004.It was the height of JvC / VvV era and my first purchase is an MOC Alley Viper pre 1990 for $4 and a Shipwreck vs Overkill Spytroops. It peaked my curiosity but not enough to sustain it. Then in 2009 i "accidentally" bought a 25th anniv snow job because of that fancy new trend called the internet and it showed me that the Joe landscape has drastically changed, and 300+ figures later I havent stop buying ever since. Because of this i blame Neapolitan Joe (for his awesome collection, God i envy you :)), Monte (of JBL / Hiss Tank for his awesome outdoor pics), Justin (GeneralsJoes) and Alexx (JBL) (for their reviews and cool posings) for reducing me to a giddy gradeschooler when im in a mall looking to expand my collection. i lost a lot of money because of you guys :)

neapolitan joe 04-29-2012 11:14 AM


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