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Self-Modifier 02-18-2010 09:34 AM

I feel like we did this before, years ago in some bygone era that is now long lost to the mists of time...

Anyway, my name is Matt, and I live in the California Bay Area. I'm 31 years old, and I work in Risk Management for a construction company. I'm single, never been married, and I have zero children.

G.I. Joe is actually not my number one hobby/interest; it ranks third behind Marvel Comics and Transformers. Though lately I've become pretty disillusioned with Marvel's current output (I still love their reprints though), and since I don't buy movie stuff, I haven't purchased any new Transformers in some time. Recently a friend got me into Bowen Designs' Marvel statues, though I only currently have three (Adam Warlock, Moon Knight, and black costume Spider-Man).

Besides collecting toys, I watch lots of television and see lots of movies, and about twice a month, I run a pen & paper RPG campaign for some friends, set in the Marvel Universe, using the Mutants & Masterminds game system.

ToneGunsRevisited 02-18-2010 10:27 AM

My real name is Luís Galileu Gall Tonelli, almost 30 y.o., married and got a son. I'm a physics teacher and working to get my master degree on that, maybe by the end of the year. I'm living in south Brazil in a state called Rio Grande do Sul in a small city, Lajeado.

I was always about action figures, but they were pretty expensive here in Brazil back in time. So I'd huge armies of green armymen. Around my 12 y.o. got my first G.I. Joe as a gift, Reaktor (Fast Draw). After that came some other in and like most of the folks here I hate myself for letting them go by the 15 y.o.

I was back collecting in July 2.005, by semtember of 2.005 I was a registered member here and since that I never stopped collecting. But I'm a 3 3/4 collector all the figures I think are fine to go with the Joes and money let me, I go out and grab.

I'm also posting pictures on, part and founder of the "Shit Talking Brigade". So you can find me at MSN in a regular, but I also like RPGs in the old fashion ways and some 1st person shooter. Love to read some comic books too.

pbarny1701 02-18-2010 10:48 AM

My name is Paul, I'm 32, have dual degrees in Chemistry and Neurobiology, and have been kicked out of 2 of the top 10 graduate programs in each for fighting with adminstrators over "taxing" my project to fund others in classes that were competitive grant writing contests; I understood the university took a cut, but I don't want to share with people who couldn't cut it to secure their own funding. :D I work as a permament research assitant (read STAFF) at the University of Iowa in the Dept of Biochemistry at the moment. I'm married with one son who'll be 11 weeks old tomorrow. GI Joe is secondary to me, Star Wars is primary, but I customize both equally. I have a customs blog (link in signature) of that work. I decided to join here because I don't display much Joe stuff, but do like to take it out and play around with it. My wife is from China, but do you really think she knows where the illegal deals are being the factories are in the SouthEast and she's from Beijing farther north? Of all the collecting and posing/displaying I do, she most enjoys looking over my shoulder and driving me crazy, at this site. :eek: The biggest thing I collect is actually Star Wars books and I'm very sad to see WotC let their RPG license expire.

Sonneilon 02-18-2010 11:23 AM

SelfMod, you're 31? I always thought you were like... 18 or so! Even 5 years ago when this place started, I thought... Oh well. Funny how surprises can be!

Self-Modifier 02-18-2010 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sonneilon
SelfMod, you're 31? I always thought you were like... 18 or so! Even 5 years ago when this place started, I thought... Oh well. Funny how surprises can be!
Could it be because I've always said I never got into Joes until the early 90's? Anyway, I feel like this says something about my maturity level -- but I'm not sure if it's good or bad! ;)

Originally Posted by pbarny1701
The biggest thing I collect is actually Star Wars books and I'm very sad to see WotC let their RPG license expire.
I don't want to get off-topic, but I agree that this is unfortunate -- they had a good, long run though, and they've published enough material that anyone could keep playing forever without needing anything else!

dancontrino 02-19-2010 12:37 PM

Hey Kids,
dancontrino=dan contrino. as you can tell by my handle...i'm very clever. i'm clever, 34, married, kids are 2 and 3 and i own an antique store in Plymouth Mass which funds my Hasbro and Chap-mei addiction. I could always tell Otto and Frank were Marines from their senses of humor and how efficiently they respond to pms! My brother Mike was a gunnery sergeant in Okinawa and San Diego. I'm not trying to be too glib because i'm not as funny as Frank or Otto or Marcos. I like to say that i use a camera worse than anyone on Dios and I am "The King of Flash"! I love to ruin a good composition with "flash". Anyway, Joedios is pretty awesome and its nice to know that so many other 30ish men and women have a similar, non-narcotic, addiction. i also love that this habit is international...there are some pretty cool characters here from all over! I gotta go watch some Space Ghost now.

guiltridden 02-19-2010 05:01 PM

guiltridden=Dustin Regec

I'm 29 Married my wife Dana is awesome and puts up with all my hobbies comic books, gi joe and pez dispensers. We have a daughter Gianna who was born last year @ 26 weeks she was 1 pound 5 ounces or 598 grams at birth. She was in the NICU from Feburary 2nd until June 5th of last year. She is one and healthy now just small for her age. Once she was born I knew my job as a Restaurant Manager had to end it was hard enough while she was in the hospital the hours are brutal not to mention the switching shifts. Last year the same week gianna was coming home from the hospital I bought my own Thomas english Muffin/Brownberry/Arnold Bread route (I'm the Muffin Man). It is great bring my own boss and now Dana can stay home with the baby. Guilt-Ridden was the band I was in from 2001 to 2006 (the cobra logo was a button we sold) You can hear a few of our songs on myspace. I've always loved GI Joe since my Grandma bought me my first six figures. Got into buying them againg around 97-98 with the tru exclusives and started buying vintage. My friend Tim and I started buying people's collections. Eventually we had so much extra stuff our frind adam came aboard and TAD toys was born we sold at toy shows fromm 1999-2006. This site is great and I have made some great friends here. The best part is I was able to trim down my collection if I don't take pics of it I don't need it.

GoCards 02-19-2010 05:14 PM

Scott Henke. Born and raised in St.Louis, MO. "GoCards" comes from my hometown Baseball team, the Cardinals. 32, single, never married, no kids. I'm a MBA, but I'm overeducated and underemployed. Love my Joes and Star Wars, but I also collect other 1:18 figures, Pez dispensers, and sports memorabilia. I've been trying to get some pics, but the creativity just isn't there right now. I think this is a great site and y'all are good peoples. Later. :eek:

ToneGunsRevisited 02-19-2010 05:21 PM

You just know how much you needed a thread like this when it is online. Nice to know more about the last addictions to our site.

Sonneilon 02-19-2010 06:22 PM

Well GoCards, things make sense now!!!

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