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dinoviper 05-19-2014 04:47 PM

Dragon MK-1 w/ Reptile

The Dragon MK-1 is a repainted 1990 Cobra Piranha now with a spring action launcher. I actually prefer the color of the Dragon over the Piranha. The Dragon holds one figure and includes swivel machine guns, two torpedo's and two depth charges. The Dragon also features a swiveling, elevating spring action launcher that fires four missiles.

The pilot of the Dragon MK-1 is none other then Reptile the secret character of the first Mortal Kombat game. Reptile and his kind, have appeared in the movies, cartoons and television series throughout the years. While Reptile was a individual character in the game it is revealed in that he is from a race of intelligent reptilian humanoids nick named "Raptors". They reside from a realm called Zatera whom Shao Kahn invaded. In the MK III championship edition a female version from Reptiles race appears in the game. Khameleon who resembles Katana is semi invisible and can disappear and reappear when she chooses. While I am perfectly fine with dinosaurs, reptoids and Cobra La in my Joe-verse I feel the Reptile figure is way more human then how is in the game. I am still developing his character. Reptile finds the rusted hull of a Cobra Piranha washed on shore, takes it restores it and adds a few small modifications to it. Reptile is a mercenary employed by the Black Dragon in marine operations and security of Shang Tsung's Dragon Wing boat. Reptile is the fourth ninja figure in the Mortal Kombat line "wish they made a Rain and Ermac", and shares the same head sculpt as Scorpion and Smoke. Reptile includes the same sword and double bladed weapon as Smoke.

dinoviper 05-19-2014 05:22 PM

Kombat Cycle w/ Kano

The Kombat Cycle is a recycled G.I. Joe Ninja Force Ninja Lightning from 1993 that I must say is a big improvement from its earlier predecessor. The sleek black cycle is perfect for illegal operations done by the Black Dragon day or night. The cycle holds one figure and features a pull back zip cord attached to the vehicle. It has real rubber tires and a side car spring action launcher that fires two spring loaded missiles. I will point out that an early sketch of this vehicle was going to be called "Kombat Tank" a black Triple T tank with a spring action rocket on top. Kano who would be included would have been in his black and red uniform instead of white. This may have been a vehicle use in the later movie edition line that didn't get made. This never went into production and was either replaced by the Kombat Cycle or left on the cutting room floor.

Kano the driver of the Kombat Cycle is a perfect match. I was always a fan of Kano in the game and movie. He was even reincarnated by Shao Kahn in the cartoon series to serve his purposes. Kano plays a huge role in my Joe-verse and his figure screams G.I. Joe villain. Kano is a mercenary in the Black Dragon who is responsible for the death of Sonya's partner. The Black Dragon is a perfect enemy for G.I. Joe. They not only are part of the Mortal Kombat mythos they were part of the 1970s G.I. Joe Adventure Team and actually a real organization in the early 20th century just not as dangerous. Look it up in Wikipedia. Kano uses the 1992 Ninja Force Dice body with a new head sculpt. Kano also uses the Dice staff and axe.

Marty 05-20-2014 08:06 AM

Never knew that dragon boat existed, but you're right about the colours - perfect cobra blue and silver. Imagine taking that boat and just putting piranha stickers on it. Perfect!

dinoviper 05-20-2014 04:18 PM

Dragon Wing w/ Shang Tsung

The Dragon Wing is Shang Tsung's chief mode of transport through realms. Based roughly on the one seen in the movie Mortal Kombat. The Dragon Wing is extremely delicate and has several weak points. It is not designed to float, instead it has several wheels underneath the ship and each pontoon. The Dragon Wing will hold as many figures as it will fit. Features include a spring action launcher and missile on the bow of the ship a turning wheel house that can also raise and lower. The sails are made of a thin plastic much like a kite. In my Joe-verse the Dragon Wing is the Shang Tsung's luxury liner as he travels up and down the Pacific Orient on business dealings. The ship in undetectable by radar and its outer hull absorbs most passive infared wavelengths. It is virtually undetectable on the high seas. In the event of attack the Dragon Wing features a storage bay that launches the Dragon MK-1 attack boat that allows it to defend Shang Tsung's precious cargo and crew. The black coat is a custom by

Included with the Dragon Wing is Shang Tsung. Now sporting black and gold this is my default leader of the Black Dragon. Shang includes the same weapons included with his carded figure.

neapolitan joe 05-21-2014 05:19 AM

The boat is good for Zanzibar!

Marty 05-21-2014 05:15 PM

Interesting. Also never knew this existed.

TwoOneEight 05-22-2014 03:18 AM

Dragon Wing needs a bit of dusting, but yeah! Great for Zanzibar. :D

neapolitan joe 05-22-2014 04:18 AM

The Dragon Wing!
The Dragon Wing is the only original mold for a vehicle in these toy lines.
Interesting vehicle!
It'd be a perfect Dreadnoks' vehicle with other colors!

battlewagon 05-29-2014 11:19 AM

all this time i didn't know that the mortal kombat figures were retooled repaints for the most part. johnny cage was cool but the red was ugly and it would have been terrific to see him in a business suit. but also when i was a kid and i saw these figures at the toy store, i wasn't thinking about movie accuracy. i was thinking they were the bomb! Rayden was a cool toy but i think he was a shelfwarmer. liu kang toy was awesome but i had no idea he used roadpig's chest. that's funny! shang tsung while not movie accurate was a cool toy nevertheless and the real black robe was a treat. the sonya blade in black is perfect. also, i liked a lot the artwork on the boxes of the mortal kombat figures. sonya blade's artwork made her look really hot even in that green boring dress. as for scorpion, smoke, and subzero they sure were repaints of each other but hey they were awesome ninjas. subzero being my favorite.

the goro and johnny cage two pack was the pinnacle of the mortal kombat collection IMO! i remember the first time i saw it at toysrus and i begged my mother to buy it. i don't remember if i got it that day but i did have that toy. i had the other version of goro that you don't have. only thing i didn't like was the lack of an o-ring on Goro. he was a great toy! and that arena with the mortal kombat logo was perfect. i always considered the darker version repaint of Goro to be his brother Durak from the mortal kombat movie that was like early cgi. i think it was like an hour or 30 minutes.

reptile and his vehicle was one of those toys that i never got. i only cared about the figure. not even the artwork on reptile's vehicle could make me interested in a boat. i just never been into boats really. but looking at it now and out of the box, it has its good qualities. the blue and gray combination is nice. lots of weapons too. and yeah i agree with u, it looks better than the piranha.

i got the kombat cycle with kano as soon as i saw it in stores. my mother bought it for me. i was always into vehicles like cars, trucks, and motorcycles and the artwork on the kombat cycle was just badass! it was a great toy.

the dragonwing was the rare vehicle of the toyline. i saw it only once. the colors were beautiful. it's a shame that the boat was so tiny. but hey, i was thinking that one of those Chap Mei boats could really look fantastic as a dragonwing. it's nice that you were able to fit all the mortal kombat figures that appeared in the movie into the boat! kudos for that! and finally that black shang tsung looks way better in black than in blue.

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