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neapolitan joe 02-06-2012 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by tycondrius23
well I got a nice generic sorry we can't help from Hasblo about distribution to europe. also same with them for asking about the articulation on the new figures :(

Hasbro (G.I.JOEs brand) does not cares about Europe. :confused:

neapolitan joe 02-06-2012 01:15 PM

No. No. No. But the mask of Snake Eyes really talks? Noooooooooooooooooo!
About the drivers, I hope they are still prototypes and not the definitive products.

Flatline 02-06-2012 02:05 PM

I'm liking truck definite custom potential there!!

Trench-Viper 02-06-2012 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
Do You think that the Retaliation's drivers are prototypes?

Yes. I dont think they are so stupid as to mess up the articulation on their potential biggest seller all year!

TwoOneEight 02-06-2012 03:45 PM

Ninja Truck
Originally Posted by Flatline
I'm liking truck definite custom potential there!!

I agree...that ain't a Ninja Truck to me, that'll be the Stinger MK III after I put some paint apps and stickers on it. :)

__________________________________________________ ________

neapolitan joe 02-06-2012 04:12 PM

I hope...
...we can pull off Arashikage stickers!

sithviper 02-06-2012 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
I agree...that ain't a Ninja Truck to me, that'll be the Stinger MK III after I put some paint apps and stickers on it. :)

I was thinking the same thing

80s Child 02-06-2012 04:42 PM

I agree with Flatline - the truck looks cool - it reminds me of the SWAT type vehicle I did here except the HASBRO one is more beefed-up :)

I also agree with NJ that the Arashakage stickers should go - like 218 said Ninjas are stealth, plus it's "G.I. Joe Vs. Cobra , not Arashikage Vs. Cobra - especially since in Retaliation's timeline, Storm Shadow (a huge part of that clan) is still a baddie apparently. It's like when marvel started labeling their comics "g.i.joe FEATURING SNAKE EYES" towards the end of the original run.

Don't get me wrong - I love Snake Eyes as much as the next guy, but I worry he may be in dnager of being overexposed and/or making all the other Joes seem unneccesary judging by Hasbro's latest product push. Oh well, I'm sure they know what they're doing :rolleyes:

A place for everything, and everything in it's place....

neapolitan joe 02-06-2012 05:01 PM

Eh! Eh! Eh!
Elodie yung is so cute.

80s Child 02-06-2012 06:59 PM

Does Snake Eyes wear those blue wings when he jumps the shark? ;) The figure packaging will probably say: Snake Eyes: Fonzi-Assault (JK)

Seriously though - great hi-res pics 218!

My comments:

1. I really like Storm Shadow's new "pantaloons" they remind me of how the old ball players use to wear their uniforms like Ty Cobb & Babe Ruth.
2. I like Snake Eye's Uzi & Torso-pouches gear.
3. I like the greenshirts with the helmets on - they look like Rebel Commandos from Return Of The Jedi the way their pant legs have the cargo pockets and go all the way down to their boot heels.
4. That one Red ninja looks like Slice - :cool:
5. Zartan coming with SS & SE heads - interesting....
6. The Rip-Saw, err HISS scout looks alright.
7. That green plane looks pretty sweet, original, and armed to the teeth!
8. That face camo/makeup on Roadblock ain't bad - like something Billy had I think in Predator.

troopsofdoom 02-06-2012 07:15 PM

The Greenshirt, Storm Shadow and white Jinx are all winners.

80s Child 02-06-2012 09:47 PM

It's Nerf or nuthin'~! :D

They're serious with that spitting cobra staff? :confused:

Oh man! I don't know - maybe I'm just tired now....

That parachute is pretty sweet with the Cobra Trooper though - it looks like he can also use his helmet as a colander in the field to strain his C-pack pasta rations.

Cobra rules 02-11-2012 11:31 AM

Pics are showing up on different web sites of new figs at toy fair. Yellow jynx, blind master, Joe colton, neon bat with star scream hiss. New money bags destro etc.......

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Cobra rules
Pics are showing up on different web sites of new figs at toy fair. Yellow jynx, blind master, Joe colton, neon bat with star scream hiss. New money bags destro etc.......


Cobra rules 02-11-2012 11:44 AM

there's a link on hiss .....sorry I'm at work or would post the link

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 11:48 AM

Thank You!
Originally Posted by Cobra rules
there's a link on hiss .....sorry I'm at work or would post the link

I'm searching for the pics:

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 11:54 AM

Retaliation new Waves!

Cobra rules 02-11-2012 11:58 AM

Thanks NJ I've been hiding my phone and watching this stuff all morning..

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Cobra rules
Thanks NJ I've been hiding my phone and watching this stuff all morning..

FINALLY I'll have the Blind Master to complete my ninja Arashikage dojo!

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:08 PM

Come to Los Angeles, she said...we'll have a good time, she said...well yippeekiyay mother-father!

I guess Wraith is now a Cyber Ninja...

and Lady Jaye is an NYCC exclusive, that sucks...

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:10 PM

here's the Blind Master...

looks like yellow Kimi is retail :)

and here's Flint...

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:12 PM

we need more ninjas...

another shot of Snake Eyes with his tuning fork backpack...

and an Alley Viper

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 12:15 PM

Dark Ninjas!
The Dark Ninjas are Arashikage: they have the dragon of Jinx on the vest and the Arashikahe symbol on the back pack!!!

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:16 PM

another SDCC exclusive - Shockwave HISS tank with Destro and BAT w/ Energon cubes...

I'm betting you guys don't want to see the Ninja masks, costumes, weapons, blasters and playsets, right?

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 12:20 PM

Why Roadblock has a sword on is hand and the Arashikage symbol tattoed on his arm!?

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
Why Roadblock has a sword on is hand and the Arashikage symbol tattoed on his arm!?

it goes back to my theory that whoever does the artwork for this promo is a Mucking Foron!, he thinks the I-ching symbol of the Arashikage is the GI Joe logo. and that everyone in GI Joe is a ninja. that explains why the vehicles have the Arashikage symbol slapped all over them. thankfully, you can choose not to apply the decals when you get them.

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
it goes back to my theory that whoever does the artwork for this promo is a Mucking Foron!, he thinks the I-ching symbol of the Arashikage is the GI Joe logo. and that everyone in GI Joe is a ninja.

I suppose that in the sequel all the few Joes'll become Arashikage (not ninja) memers after Snake Eyes, Jinx and the Blind Master...

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
I suppose that in the sequel all the few Joes'll become Arashikage (not ninja) memers after Snake Eyes, Jinx and the Blind Master...

We'll see...

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 12:44 PM

Blind Master!
Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
We'll see...

I like the Blind Master, but without that kind of umbrella!

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 01:21 PM

2012 battlecry:
Yo Arashikage!
From Hisstank by Jinx723:

"Wave 1 was on shelf June. Roadblock, Snake-Eyes, Cobra Commander, Duke, Storm Shadow, Zartan, GIJoe Trooper, Cobra Trooper, Red Ninja
Wave 2 in July with movie accurate sculpts. Battle-Kata Roadblock, Firefly with no mask and scar and Flint with Beret. Firefly actually will have 2 different heads and a sled. Ninja Duel Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow inspired by 1988 Camouflage version. These two will have ankle articulation.
Wave 3 August will have Joe Colton (Bruce Willis) and Lady Jaye. also have Alley Viper, Cobra Ninja and Dragon Ninja.
Wave 4 in September, Kim Arashikage (Jinx in Yellow) and Blind Master. They can't call the figure Jinx.
Wave 5 in October will have Crimson Guard and Night Viper. Crimson Guard will have decals you can use to change rank and affiliation."

80s Child 02-11-2012 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
another SDCC exclusive - Shockwave HISS tank with Destro and BAT w/ Energon cubes...

I'm betting you guys don't want to see the Ninja masks, costumes, weapons, blasters and playsets, right?

WOW! I swear I didn't have ANY knowledge that Hasbro was planning this when I did my version. I know it's Shockwave here and not Megatron - but that's eerie!!!! :eek:

Hasbro's is much cooler with the actual Shockwave gun-barrell mold and the Mini-Soundwave & cassettes are awesome, but that's spooky - they even put the stickers where I did (basically) & went with Destro to man it too. Too bad this is only a SDCC exclusive - probably go for $300 on ebay.

Great Scoop 218!

M1General 02-11-2012 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by 80s Child
WOW! I swear I didn't have ANY knowledge that Hasbro was planning this when I did my version. I know it's Shockwave here and not Megatron - but that's eerie!!!! :eek:

Hasbro's is much cooler with the actual Shockwave gun-barrell mold and the Mini-Soundwave & cassettes is awesome, but that is spooky - they even put the stickers where I did (basically) & went with Destro to man it. Too bad this is only a SDCC exclusive - probably go for 300 on ebay.

Great Scoop 218!

You work for Hasbro, dont you? :p

80s Child 02-11-2012 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by M1General
You work for Hasbro, dont you? :p

Boy, I wish!!!! :D

80s Child 02-11-2012 01:57 PM

218's other posts about the other figs
Ladies & Gents we have John McClain! Awesom!!!!

I don't like how they gave LJ a pony, but I can just keep using my DVD-pack version :)

The Blind Master looks crazy-awesome!!!! Gotta love that mask!, but I don't know if I'd want to cover up the RZA's face.....;)

I have to have to have to get one of those yellow Jinx - she will look so cool in my die cast Camaro!!!! :)

Thanks so much for posting these great pics TwoOneEight!!!!

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 02:34 PM

Hard Master.
Great Hard Master!

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 02:39 PM

80's: you're welcome. got a FB acct yet?

Neapolitan Joe: Check out Flint's right bicep...

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 02:44 PM

Yo Arashikage!
Yo Arashikage!
Check out their arms...

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 02:48 PM

Yo Arashikage!

Pit Viper v2 02-11-2012 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
Yo Arashikage!

I'm thinking the Joes start using it as their symbol after they become renegades. If so then I guess the Snake-Eyes Mobile aka AWE Strike with giant Arashikage logo on it won't see so silly. Either that or Hasbro is using it like the "JP" symbol was on everything Jurassic Park.

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 03:06 PM

I like Jinx in yellow!

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