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Otto the Otter 12-30-2010 11:53 PM

Quite simply, I'm cute, playful and I dwell in rivers and oceans and eat oysters on my belly while I swim.

My middle name is Otto, and it's the name I go by. Otter came from a few different sources. After I took the Force Recon indoc, the instructors asked us to see if we wanted to go for a record to see who could tread water longest. PT gear only (shorts) and all we had to do was not touch the side, we didn't have to stay in one place. During this time, I thought I'd be a smart ass, as Ia m wont to be, and a friend tossed me part of an MRE and I ate it on my chest. The instructor called me Otter, told me to get out of the pool and I had to do more than a few push ups. "The Otter" stuck with me for the rest of my time in the Marines, but was interchangable with my other nickname, "Phlip." I won't tell you th origins of that one.

After I got out of the Marines, the name didn't stick with me, but oddly enough, several years later, a buddy of mine slipped up when saying my name and said Otter, so he started calling me that, with it soon catching on with everyone else in the shop, and at the same time the woman I was dating started calling me that and it sort of stuck.

I tend to use Otter, The Otter, Otto The Otter, I am The Otter, etc on almost all the forums of which I'm a memeber.

dracconian 12-31-2010 04:18 AM

my nick is mixture of several things , my favourite band paradiselosts record draconian times and the fact im born in the year of the dragon.
it has other influences also its a play of words.

C-GDSM 2487 12-31-2010 07:07 AM

i use c-gdsm as i seved in the coldstream guards
thats how i remember the users name

Flatline 12-31-2010 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Da Talent
I was voted most modest in my frat back in college. See? Awesome at everything.

Baby Boy is classic film making at its best.

Rodney (AKA SNOOOP) DOG: I can't *believe* this muthafu&#@ had the audacity to come to *my* muthafu&#n' house, after he done *talked* $h@t to me when I was locked up, *fuc&#* my bit%#, had a baby by her. Man, get the heat, cuz. Fu&# this ni&&a.


JoeGirl 12-31-2010 03:26 PM

I'm so loving how everyone got involved in this discussion!!! awesome!!!

Happy New Years

Be safe :D

Black Knight 01-01-2011 11:13 AM

My name is quite simple as well... Last name is Black and I've always been a huge medieval nut, so Black Knight stuck when I was in school and its been there ever since.

SnakePlissken 01-02-2011 09:35 PM

Snake Plissken from the movie "Escape from New York" is one of the greatest anti-heros of cinema history.
When trying to decide upon a screen name I didn't want something that was clearly identified with either the good guys or the bad guys. Snake Plissken is about as gray as can be. When I realized the character's history had him fighting under Special Forces in World War III during the Battle of Leningrad it sounded like a perfect connection for me for a G.I. Joe screen name.
I imagine that if Snake Plissken was in the joe universe he'd have worked for the Joes, but possibly like Chuckles in the new IDW Cobra comic book, have been asked to work as a double agent. He'd soon be hated by both sides because he'd have no use or respect for authority and would constantly end up disrupting operations on both sides. Ultimately he's a man who fights for the people, and does what he thinks is right.

snakeling 01-03-2011 11:10 AM

Cobra = snake, ling = little so I guess its really just little snake.

dancontrino 01-03-2011 01:22 PM

Some guy who was walking near me died and fell down, so I grabbed his wallet thinking he might have a winning scratch ticket or Town House crackers in there. I looked at his name, "Dan Contrino" and thought it was better than mine, so I stole his identity.

giTom 01-03-2011 01:42 PM

giTom - pathetic :o levels of creativity - I like GI Joe and my name is Tom

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