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80s Child 02-11-2012 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
another SDCC exclusive - Shockwave HISS tank with Destro and BAT w/ Energon cubes...

I'm betting you guys don't want to see the Ninja masks, costumes, weapons, blasters and playsets, right?

WOW! I swear I didn't have ANY knowledge that Hasbro was planning this when I did my version. I know it's Shockwave here and not Megatron - but that's eerie!!!! :eek:

Hasbro's is much cooler with the actual Shockwave gun-barrell mold and the Mini-Soundwave & cassettes are awesome, but that's spooky - they even put the stickers where I did (basically) & went with Destro to man it too. Too bad this is only a SDCC exclusive - probably go for $300 on ebay.

Great Scoop 218!

M1General 02-11-2012 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by 80s Child
WOW! I swear I didn't have ANY knowledge that Hasbro was planning this when I did my version. I know it's Shockwave here and not Megatron - but that's eerie!!!! :eek:

Hasbro's is much cooler with the actual Shockwave gun-barrell mold and the Mini-Soundwave & cassettes is awesome, but that is spooky - they even put the stickers where I did (basically) & went with Destro to man it. Too bad this is only a SDCC exclusive - probably go for 300 on ebay.

Great Scoop 218!

You work for Hasbro, dont you? :p

80s Child 02-11-2012 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by M1General
You work for Hasbro, dont you? :p

Boy, I wish!!!! :D

80s Child 02-11-2012 01:57 PM

218's other posts about the other figs
Ladies & Gents we have John McClain! Awesom!!!!

I don't like how they gave LJ a pony, but I can just keep using my DVD-pack version :)

The Blind Master looks crazy-awesome!!!! Gotta love that mask!, but I don't know if I'd want to cover up the RZA's face.....;)

I have to have to have to get one of those yellow Jinx - she will look so cool in my die cast Camaro!!!! :)

Thanks so much for posting these great pics TwoOneEight!!!!

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 02:34 PM

Hard Master.
Great Hard Master!

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 02:39 PM

80's: you're welcome. got a FB acct yet?

Neapolitan Joe: Check out Flint's right bicep...

TwoOneEight 02-11-2012 02:44 PM

Yo Arashikage!
Yo Arashikage!
Check out their arms...

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 02:48 PM

Yo Arashikage!

Pit Viper v2 02-11-2012 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
Yo Arashikage!

I'm thinking the Joes start using it as their symbol after they become renegades. If so then I guess the Snake-Eyes Mobile aka AWE Strike with giant Arashikage logo on it won't see so silly. Either that or Hasbro is using it like the "JP" symbol was on everything Jurassic Park.

neapolitan joe 02-11-2012 03:06 PM

I like Jinx in yellow!

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