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neapolitan joe 07-07-2017 04:57 PM

WELCOME ON JOEDIOS! Introduce Yourself (again!)?
I'm Francesco, 39 years old from Naples, Italy.
I started to play with G.I.JOE's action figures in 1986/87 and to collect them in 2006.
I have two sons, Pasquale and Michele and a lovely wife.
My motto for Joedios is: "where G.I.JOEs and Cobras come to life!"...
Welcome back everybody!

vespapilot79 07-07-2017 06:20 PM

Re Intros
Grazie e Buongiorno Neopolitan Joe. My name is Sean and I live in Bakersfield Ca. I was brought to the site in the search of printable props to use in a play set I was building for my now oldest son. Upon making an account and getting to know some of my now long time GIJOE friends, I got hooked on the toy photography aspect of collecting. The rest is history. I am currently working on a large scale diorama that will feature four store fronts and a stand alone shop/studio apartments on the second floor. There is a lengthy story that will accompany the dio, but that will follow at a later time. I am still in the medical field, now assisting in surgical procedures to increase circulation in the lower legs. My 2 boys Jaron and Hayden are 16 and 9 and my girlfriend 0f almost 4yrs Patricia. Im learning Italian for a future trip to Italy. My girlfriend spent most of her childhood in Aviano, her dad being in the USAF. So we will be visiting her friends and doing some traveling. I am also planning on visiting the Vespa museum and riding around on a scoot..Hence my JD handle. You will see lots of scooters in my upcoming dio. I specialize in handcrafting props for use in dioramas. Wood pallets of different sizes, cloth sleeping bags, pillows, hammocks, stretchers, tents, camo netting poles..So yes I can use a sewing machine. My hopes is to see the site active again like it was years ago and I look forward to sharing my works here again.

cmyaj 07-07-2017 06:27 PM

Hello, all!

My name is Jay; I'm 45 years old & located in Southern California. I've been collecting action figures in general since 1978 (Star Wars, like many of us) & GI Joe since 1982 (Grand Slam & the HAL were my first, followed by the Cobra trooper). I stopped in 1989 & picked them back up during the 25th anniversary release & have been filling in the gaps in my collection since. Though my collecting has slowed a bit lately, I still love my Joes!

neapolitan joe 07-07-2017 06:32 PM

Amico Sean!
Thank You Vespapilot79 and Cmyaj for writing about You!
Welcome back Friends!

Slipstream80 07-07-2017 08:29 PM

My name is Andrew and I've been into GI Joe since my father made the mistake of watching the MASS Device with me when I was 3. I'm a teacher, professor, and a Civil Air Patrol squadron commander (interestingly enough, a few Joes, including Slipstream were in CAP). I really enjoy this site and am glad to see more activity.

gijoeiwasthere 07-08-2017 07:41 AM

'Sup Guys?!
Drew Barka here...From Lawrence, Ma (Lawtown) Lurker on JoeDios for years and then found that bargain hunting 25ths was fun and fruitful so I got over my mip hang-ups (mostly) and pulled out the 3 megapixel and tried out some shots :D
Was originally totally in love with Adventure Team but I was really young and those dried up....then Bam! 1982!
So being with my lady since 88 and having no children (except the uber spoiled Niece nephews and God sons, still Joe Crazy Aged Too!) I've got a small modest brightly colored bungalow popping at the seems with music studio gear and toys....should actually be working on that chaos and not typing this right now :D I'm a Carpenter, so of course the house needs work and isn't getting any as I'm on the way out back to shoot an android gorilla throwing a Humvee, but really...isn't everyone?

tycondrius23 07-08-2017 01:04 PM

hey guys Ciarda
here Aka tycondrius23 here and tycondrius on hisstank. and also my YT review vids.

well I'm from Ireland which is good but also sucks, nice place and great people but for collecting Joes its a barren waste land hasbro pulled Joe outa Europe in 09 and before that the show on the ground wasn't great . if it wasn't for folks I met through FB and on here my collection would be a mere glimmer in my eye.

well I am in between jobs atm . but studying web design so maybe ye might see some amazing works of art from me ... speaking of art I did do ceramics and painting studies so .

well not sure what else I can write here but been a member on here for a long while and sorta just phased out when things got slow and FB took off as it was handy loading blocks of pics to the various toy groups I'm in. love collecting Joe but have so many other lines I love to do shoots of and crossovers with .

neapolitan joe 07-08-2017 05:10 PM

Thank You guys!
Welcome back Ciarda, old friend!

Lava Boss 07-09-2017 01:36 PM

Lava Boss
I live in a volcano fissure.
I'm an Aries, so Wonder Woman hates me.
If I had kids they'd be ugly.
My motto is "If it ain't broke, burn it!"*
I need a new camera, please send money to...

*No one will get that reference

Dr. Phibes 07-09-2017 01:43 PM

Graham. Old farts will remember me as Sonneilon on here. Guy who totally was jiggy with Sigma6 and the nu skulpt era of 2002-2005 (which got me back in the game for a time). I don't do much in the way of single photos because I do diostories. Not the hardest GI Joe fan anymore when the MTF was released.

Visit the Dioramas section for the link to the Zero Signal story. From there, you can find the GI Joe story index and see what else is available. (kind of long story that most of the stories are in disarray)

I'm 42. Started in 1982 with the giant size (ie; comic incentive) GI Joe #1 comic and a slew of Joes for X-mas. As with a lot of people, interest faded after the movie and when DiC came in (and Ninja Force, Eco Warriors, etc).

yorktownjoe 07-09-2017 02:28 PM

Yorktownjoe here. Been around for a while but not posting too many pictures these days. I can snap a few here and there, but life is busy with my wife, 2 boys and our 9 month old puppy.

My name is Joe, and I once lived on a road named Yorktown. Very imaginative, I know. But I also like Yorktown for the historical reference to the American Revolution. Those were the days of the very first "real American heroes..."

I remember having a beat up 1:6 scale Joe that mom got at a rummage sale. And I had that bearded SuperJoe in between scale in the 1970's. Bit I would say that I really started back in 1982 with Clutch and V.A.M.P. as my first.
Collected until 1989 or so then took a hiatus for college, etc. Started again with a few of the "Collector's Edition" reissues in the early 2000's.

Found this site in 2005 and have received many photography tips over the years.

RavensReturn 07-09-2017 03:19 PM

I was here once before, under another name....a long time ago.....many moons have changed, I've changed, worlds have underwear has changed.....

Shane here from Western Canada. I collect a little bit of everything, I have been on a toy/collecting hiatus for the last few months due to some personal issues but slowly getting back into it. I have a YT channel where I did reviews, and unsure if I want to keep going with that or do something different.

Anyways, I got convinced to come back here, and I promise to be on my best behavior this time around

neapolitan joe 07-09-2017 04:00 PM

Welcome (back) people!
Ravensreturn, what was Your old user name?

giTom 07-09-2017 04:19 PM

giTom back on joedios! Been far too long since I've been active on the site.
I'm throwing out a challenge to anyone who may be older than me - I'll be 55 this October.
I've been a fan of GI Joe nearly my entire life. I grew up with the big GI Joes and got on board with the ARAH line when I was 19 in 1982. A minor pause after ARAH shut down in 1994, but have been collecting consistently since the 25th line.

RavensReturn 07-09-2017 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
Welcome (back) people!
Ravensreturn, what was Your old user name?

I was once LordRaven

neapolitan joe 07-09-2017 04:30 PM

Welcome back!
Welcome back You 2! GiTom a real veteran!
And Raven, I remember Your pics!
I'm very happy You're back!

Nekoman 07-09-2017 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by RavensReturn
I was here once before, under another name....a long time ago.....many moons have changed, I've changed, worlds have underwear has changed.....

Shane here from Western Canada. I collect a little bit of everything, I have been on a toy/collecting hiatus for the last few months due to some personal issues but slowly getting back into it. I have a YT channel where I did reviews, and unsure if I want to keep going with that or do something different.

Anyways, I got convinced to come back here, and I promise to be on my best behavior this time around

Shane, this is a really good post dude. Welcome back! It sounds like Rum Powered Reviews has gone sober. :D

A little bit of modesty goes a long way guys. This is how everyone should be talking.

gijoeiwasthere 07-09-2017 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Nekoman
Shane, this is a really good post dude. Welcome back! It sounds like Rum Powered Reviews has gone sober. :D

A little bit of modesty goes a long way guys. This is how everyone should be talking.

I'm giving this a Big Smile! I don't know shit from dick....but I know some things....and I'm not apposed to any of it.....

RavensReturn 07-09-2017 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by gijoeiwasthere
I'm giving this a Big Smile! I don't know shit from dick....but I know some things....and I'm not apposed to any of it.....

Just glad to be back, hit my 3 post cap for the day already for photos but looking forward to getting back into the groove :D

Scarrviper 07-10-2017 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Nekoman
Shane, this is a really good post dude. Welcome back! It sounds like Rum Powered Reviews has gone sober. :D

A little bit of modesty goes a long way guys. This is how everyone should be talking.

Agreed 100% Glad to have you back Shane.

Scarrviper 07-10-2017 08:33 AM

My name is Kurt, I'm from Ohio. I first discovered G.I.Joe around 2002. Before that I was mainly into Star Wars collecting. A few years later I learned more through the internet with the various fansites that existed and gained interest in the vintage O-ring figures. Eventually I discovered this site and was a lurker for a year or so before joining in 2007.

I'll admit that in the last few years I've been away from the site and not posting as much as I did in the past. I think a lot of things contributed to that. I had less time to devote to the hobby, I think we've all been there at least once. There was less being posted here and less comments being made. There were times were the site was down with technical problems. After awhile you give up. Plus in 2015 I was sidelined after having to have two surgeries.

My collecting has changed a bit. In the past I was strictly a joe collector with some original trilogy Star Wars on the side. All 3 3/4" scale of course. Now I still collect o-ring joes, that will always be my focus, but with my interest in star wars faded (no thanks to hasbro or disney), I have branched out to collecting some of Neca's 7" figures.

I've learned a lot since first coming here 10 years ago, it's hard to believe it's been that long.

neapolitan joe 07-10-2017 08:42 AM

Hi Scarrviper...
...another Legend.

Dr. Phibes 07-10-2017 10:57 AM

Hey scar, you didn't like rogue 1?

G.I.*Jock 07-10-2017 02:25 PM

"I am the Dave… The original you might say..."
Greetings all,

Some of you will know me, some of you won't. I am Dave, 32 years young and I am from Scotland. I love Sci-Fi and pop culture very much. G.I. Joe, Doctor Who and Star Trek are amongst my favourite franchises. I am a total petrol head and a massive football (soccer), darts and motorsport fan. My first Joe was Dodger V1 all the way back in 1989, my first vehicle was the RPV and I have been collecting since I was 4.

Once upon a time I was very active here after being inspired by Justin Bell's Iconoclasts dio story to photograph my Joes. I am uncertain how I came across the site back in 2005 but I was grateful I did! The people and talent here were (and continue to be) a total inspiration for sure!

You will find some of my work here: Joedios and hopefully here: Flickr

I am quite the lurker these days for various reasons. None of them good... Joes in storage... Gave my niece a loan of my digital camera and never got it back etc... First world problems huh? :rolleyes:

Anyway, it is great to see so many old names and new 'Bludd' too. I will end on a confession... Yes... I did start buying 25th Joes despite swearing I would never betray the O-ring Joes... I regret nothing! Although I just picked up O-Ring Horrorshow, which I think is my first old skool ARAH purchase in 10 years! :D

D :)

RavensReturn 07-10-2017 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by G.I.*Jock
Although I just picked up O-Ring Horrorshow, which I think is my first old skool ARAH purchase in 10 years! :D

D :)

O-Ring Horrorshow is one of my fav O-Ring figures :D Welcome to the magical modern era of Joes ;)

GoCards 07-11-2017 10:06 AM

I'm Scott, 39, and from St. Louis, MO. Over educated, underemployed. No wife, no kids, no problems; I prefer to be the favorite and fun uncle. The Cardinals had just won the World Series when I finally got around to creating an account, hence my name. :D

Meddatron 07-11-2017 02:00 PM

Kirk D aka Meddatron. I've been in and out for a few years now for no real reason. Just the way I am. Lose focus often. Been doing mostly facebook. Had been on a long hiatus from here until a recent return. Gi joewasthere said to stop back again. 218 reiterated it as well. So here I am again. Still enjoying the hobby. Liking what I see. More activity again. Well done whoever is responsible. Take care.

TwoOneEight 07-11-2017 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by Meddatron
Kirk D aka Meddatron. I've been in and out for a few years now for no real reason. Just the way I am. Lose focus often. Been doing mostly facebook. Had been on a long hiatus from here until a recent return. Gi joewasthere said to stop back again. 218 reiterated it as well. So here I am again. Still enjoying the hobby. Liking what I see. More activity again. Well done whoever is responsible. Take care.

Hey Medda. Need to get my hands on a 1:18 scale Necronomicon. I know Angel Forge used to have it. Any suggestions?

Meddatron 07-11-2017 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
Hey Medda. Need to get my hands on a 1:18 scale Necronomicon. I know Angel Forge used to have it. Any suggestions?

I'll look into it bro. We got a local custom con at beginning of next month. AF'S DW might be there. Either way, I'll check with everyone who in our setup group. If any have one, I'll try get you one.

TwoOneEight 07-11-2017 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Meddatron
I'll look into it bro. We got a local custom con at beginning of next month. AF'S DW might be there. Either way, I'll check with everyone who in our setup group. If any have one, I'll try get you one.

Fantastic! Thank you, dude! I'll pm you on FB.

Meddatron 07-11-2017 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
Fantastic! Thank you, dude! I'll pm you on FB.

Sounds good bro. That way I won't forget.

TwoOneEight 07-11-2017 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Meddatron
Sounds good bro. That way I won't forget.

By the way, give my love to Lil Missy Sippy!

lehsreh 07-11-2017 08:40 PM

First I just want to say Raven, or Shane is telling lies. His underwear has no changed, I know people in Canada who tell the tales.

Second, great to be BACK! Hershel here from Kentucky. I was lurking on Joedios in 05 before joining in 06, I think. I loved what I saw here, so many great pics, so any great people, that I know better through Facebook, but it was the dio stories that really got me. Graham did some great dio stories, and still does them today, General Joe so, so many. These stories brought G.I. Joe back to life for me. this is a love I've had since I was 6 or 7, starting with the cartoons and getting into the action figures and comics. I hope to get back into doing dio stories again, as this year will be the 10th anniversary of my very first dio story which I plan on redoing.

So, great to be back on here, great to see others coming back, great to see others never left, great to have this site that brought me so much joy, and many people I consider friends.

Yo Smurf!

silentdusty 07-12-2017 01:44 PM

SilentDusty back again, I started on the Joe bandwagon back in 78 when I got the Adventure Team Rescue Copter which I played with until it literally fell apart. Then I was introduced to ARAH when I received the Colorforms for the new iteration of GI Joe, a few figures and vehicles followed, very few of both, I held onto them until I graduated from HS when my mom gave them away. Along came a very long hiatus until my bud Shane (Lord Raven/Raven's Return) started collecting again and I got the bug. I joined JoeDios in 06 and enjoyed for a few years. I have been away from here for quite awhile, lurked here and there a couple times a year. Good to be back! I admit GI Joe is not my primary focus anymore. Canadian retailers seemed to have little interest in carrying product after the first 50th run. I collect 1/64 diecast cars for the most part now. I did recently pick up some Joe stuff, though on the other hand I am also downsizing my collection going down to single vehicles, and figures. I am in the Air Force, and am currently in Cold Lake Alberta, at least for another year.

neapolitan joe 07-12-2017 06:05 PM

Welcome back!
Cold Lake Alberta...Brrrr!!! Cold!

Slipstream80 07-12-2017 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by silentdusty
SilentDusty back again, I started on the Joe bandwagon back in 78 when I got the Adventure Team Rescue Copter which I played with until it literally fell apart. Then I was introduced to ARAH when I received the Colorforms for the new iteration of GI Joe, a few figures and vehicles followed, very few of both, I held onto them until I graduated from HS when my mom gave them away. Along came a very long hiatus until my bud Shane (Lord Raven/Raven's Return) started collecting again and I got the bug. I joined JoeDios in 06 and enjoyed for a few years. I have been away from here for quite awhile, lurked here and there a couple times a year. Good to be back! I admit GI Joe is not my primary focus anymore. Canadian retailers seemed to have little interest in carrying product after the first 50th run. I collect 1/64 diecast cars for the most part now. I did recently pick up some Joe stuff, though on the other hand I am also downsizing my collection going down to single vehicles, and figures. I am in the Air Force, and am currently in Cold Lake Alberta, at least for another year.

I thought about joining Air Command when I was at UofT, but decided to try for a commission in the Queen's York Rangers instead. Didn't get it so I ended up in the USAF auxiliary.

ThinkTank 07-13-2017 11:56 AM

My name is Josh and I'm addicted to scale models. Gi Joe was my favorite toy as a kid because it was the most poseable action figure and they had the coolest guns and backpacks. My first was a straight arm Flash and I was 8 years old. You can do that math. Before that I had star wars and Sgt. Rock figures and tonka toys. I stopped playing with Joes around 14 years old (whenever BattleForce 2000 came out) to concentrate on not looking like a weird nerd. That didn't work out so well and I went cold turkey on toys until I saw the Modern Peacekeepers guard towers in 06 or whatever. Hooked. I bought 4 of them, all the vehicles and all the sets. I painted them and customized and accessorized. I made a big dirt fort out in the cotton field with my kid. Then they did the 25A set and thats all she wrote. I found JoeDios and I discovered the figures were a means to an end. The think I really like is making sets and constructs and populating them with good looking figures and taking pictures of them. I got fairly decent at it. Life changes and people pass and I wasn't so stressed at work and home anymore that I needed the escape of toy photography to stay sane. At this time, Wifey and I live in an RV while she follows her dream of travel nursing. We sold our house and gave most of our possessions away. Almost all of my toys are in storage and have been for almost 2 years. I have been building model cars, but Mad Max style, not shiny and new. I am working on Gundam models and plan on some dios with those. I have gotten into Maschinen Krieger (awesome models...Futuristic WW2 style armored suits and whatnot)

I have always lurked and wanted to comment more and take pics but I don't have the space and time like I used to. I'm working on it. I buy new figures when they come out if I like them. I go to thrift stores and toy stores often to find dio pieces and accessories. I'm still here and probably always will be.

DaveCW2 07-18-2017 09:13 PM

I'm DaveCW2 - Dave because I'm, well, Dave and CW2 because Flint's my favorite Joe.

I used to be on here quite a bit about eight or nine or *gasp* 10 years ago :eek: Then I got busy, started a business and had to sell a lot of stuff to keep it going. Now, I'm slowly building my collection back up, but keeping it focused on 1985-style Modern Era figs. That probably won't last long however, as there are too many cool figures outside of 1985-style Modern Era figures to ignore!

I can already hear the subdued screams of my wallet.

Anyway, I hope to be able to shoot pics with more regularity, and to be active on here again. I remember this being such a cool and helpful community back then, that I almost can't believe I stayed away for so long.

I musta been hanging out with Footloose :D

Have fun, all!

HK-47 07-19-2017 10:42 PM

Hello from Honduras
Hello Everyone,

My name is Norman and I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I have been collecting since 1995. My primary collection is Star Wars then is G.I. Joe. For Joe's I collect mainly modern era figures and vehicles. Though I don't post much here, I am always at awe with the collections of the various members here and specially the dioramas and reviews.

I am also a member of a collectors cummunity in Honduras called Pichingueros International. Look us up on Facebook and give us a like.

neapolitan joe 07-20-2017 09:28 AM

Welcome back!

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