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norville64 05-31-2008 03:05 PM

Cobra Fortress
Not really a "how to" but I wasn't sure where else to post this.

This is a cobra fortress I have slowly been working on for about 2 months. With school over, I will have a lot more time now and hopefully be able to make more progress. Anyways, there is still a lot more to do, but please, let me know what you think (except for you wolvie 34)

Flatline 05-31-2008 04:02 PM

wow It Looks Pretty Kick A$$ Its Hard To Get Card Borad To Look ....not Like Card Board But With The Scale Of This Project Its Hard To Tell It Is. Good Job So Far

MEXJOE 05-31-2008 07:20 PM

Can't wait to see when you finished this masterpiece, keep going.

wolvie34 05-31-2008 09:51 PM

Looks good. I knew yours would look better than mine. You are gifted, and I don't just mean mentally. :D Can't wait to see the final product.

justinm 06-01-2008 08:35 PM


Stormer 06-02-2008 05:04 AM

Very nice design; I especially like the stairs.

Dersham 06-02-2008 09:21 PM

Stormer stole what I was going to say, cause I too like the stairs. They look very practical and perfect. Definetely doesn't look like cardboard, it's awesome for that. I don't know if fortress aptly describes what this building is, I get more of a barracks building feel. I'm sure some gun ports on the upper floor would fix that. But yeah it's awesome looking and you haven't even painted it yet, which is probably what's going to make it even better, which is hard to imagine possible with the quality of work you've done so far.

norville64 06-03-2008 04:39 AM

The stairs look good because they were a pain to do :) I still have two more I have to do and they are gonna be a bit harder because I am going to have to put a turn in both of them, but they are necessary. I ran using a ladder to go from his room to the conference room by cobra commander and he wasn't too keen on it, so the stairs are a must. Besides, now I can keep my ladder to go from the roof (not done yet) to the roof of the upper rooms (also not done). I'm hoping if I can get at least one of my last two stairs done, then I can start putting together my roof and upstairs rooms. No guarantees, but I will try to put more pics up this week (and I will try to take them when I am not in a hurry)

Thanks for the feedback,

WildBill 06-03-2008 01:28 PM

I like the sliding front doors! Very neat.

norville64 06-19-2008 09:46 PM

I meant to have some more pictures put up today, but the camera wasn't charged, and then I had to do some "repair" work to a mistake I made :mad: so I should have some updated pictures up tomorrow evening.

Tracker 06-19-2008 10:16 PM

I like what you have done so far. I can't wait to what else you got in store.

norville64 06-20-2008 04:56 PM

updated link
Like I said before, I finished off the garage (except for the roof, because I am waiting until I finish the prison room). The stairway to nowhere will eventually go to Cobra Commander's private chamber and their will be a ladder on the balcony next to where Destro is to go up to the roof. Hope you like, and as always, any feedback, good or bad, is welcome.

wolvie34 06-21-2008 04:49 AM

Looking good Norville. Keep up the good work. Hope your wife lets you keep it inside, it is getting pretty big. :)

Sonneilon 06-21-2008 07:49 PM

Pretty impressive set.

norville64 07-30-2008 11:41 AM

Some new updates
here is a link for my most recent updates (even newer than you've seen, Wolvie34)

I have my jail done, the lower level roof put on with a perimeter, and the walls to CC's room on the roof.

Destro once again gives the tour, with Major Bludd's help.

norville64 09-22-2008 06:51 PM

most reent updates
I don't think anybody looks on here anymore, but here is an update at where my fortress for my diorama is at. I have two rooms that need finishing, one for strategic planning, and the top room for CC, and I need to print out some posters for the two bunk rooms one I get a new ink cartridge.

When I get to build the rest of the diorama, the frontage will have an all-out joe assault, with my vipers and BAT's outside taking on the fight. I tried to make all of the present cobras appear on alert.

Sgt_DP 09-24-2008 06:54 PM

Very cool so far, keep up the great work!

Sonneilon 09-24-2008 09:09 PM

The sections I REALLY like most is the outside area where guards can walk around and the stairs. Those are awesome!

ender098 09-25-2008 03:08 AM

Is that whole thing made from cardboard?

norville64 09-27-2008 05:01 PM

cobra fortress
95% cardboard, 3% popsickle sticks, and 2% glue. I posted somewhere else that I have about $8 into the construction of the building and about $50 into painting it. But the last coat of paint I put on it helped a lot. It took it from a sandy looking structure to something that almost really looks like it is made out of rock. I am tempted to put out another $10 for another can of it to finish it off. Thanks for the positive feedback.

wolvie34 09-27-2008 09:01 PM

Norville, you are my hero. When are you going to build me a kick-a## building/playset?

Tracker 10-01-2008 11:13 AM

Wow that looking more and more impressive every time I see it. Terrific work.

norville64 10-04-2008 05:02 PM

The Standoff
Until I get a chance to build the rest of my diorama, I felt like I would go through withdraw if I didn't at least get some joes on display. So I made a temp dio (imagine a world with no high-powered rifles) :)

here is my small Standoff album

and here is my slideshow (gives the picture in a better order)

the commander 10-13-2008 06:45 AM

Holy hell that thing is sweet. those stairs are amazing. that so dosent look like cardboard at all. I wish I had the time and the space to make something like that. I think if I did my cats would take it over. I can't wait to see it completed. great work keep it up.

wolvie34 12-21-2008 07:50 AM

Hey, Norville, you haven't given us an update in awhile. I know you have added more stuff to your 25th collection, when are we going to get more pics? You are on X-mas break, plenty of time to get things into shape. Chop chop... :)

neapolitan joe 12-21-2008 09:43 AM

Nice work!

Beast from the east 12-31-2008 02:10 PM

That looks pretty sweet. Great work.

norville64 01-11-2009 06:34 AM

My excuse
Sorry about my delay in updating my progress (mainly bcause progress has been minimal) but here is my excuse:
I know these aren't 3 3/4, but it is still the side project that has kept me busy. Pictures aren't too great, especially of my Marvel good guys, because my Joe dio is in the way of where I needed to stand to get good pics. also, I forgot to take pics of the top right shelf, which is where I have my DC Universe figures. My bad.

anyways, hope you like.

norville64 01-11-2009 06:43 AM

Dio updates
I did make a few updates, and here they are:

these are mainly additions of more figures, and a cobra logo put on the roof. For anyone interested, Serpentor is a mixture of the DVD pack serpentor and the one that came with the air chariot. When I get my dio moved, I will be able to get better pictures I hope.

norville64 07-17-2009 10:52 AM

Major Updates
My Dio is about 80% done (still working on the water so I can put in the water scene) but here are some updated images...

Here are the photos, though I couldn't figure out how to change the order of them

Rather, i recommend the slideshows

Outside Battle

Inside Battle

norville64 07-17-2009 11:19 AM

Here are the pics in a more organized order

And here is a slide show of the entire dio--the other slide shows didn't have all of the pics

wolvie34 07-17-2009 11:55 AM

Words couldn't come close to describing this. Had to see it to believe how good it looked. Nice job and can't wait to see it totally finished.

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