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gijoeiwasthere 07-06-2017 05:30 PM

A New Era!
With New Interest.....JoeDios Is going to be The Definitive Site for Joe Premiere Photography! New Mods Will work to bring JoeDios back to the glory of the Site That Started It All! And I will post In The Same Vein!!!!! This Will Be Awesome!

cmyaj 07-06-2017 09:55 PM

I'm certainly glad to see the renewed interest & the return of some old names (some with new names :D)!

neapolitan joe 07-07-2017 02:20 AM

I agree!

TwoOneEight 07-07-2017 09:13 AM

Me 3!

:D :D :D

Some legendary names popping up.

Blakwulf01 07-07-2017 09:35 AM

It's good to kick the tires again and take this puppy for a spin.
Things were a bit stuffy here, but it looks to be lighting up again!👍

TwoOneEight 07-07-2017 12:25 PM

Now, what we need to work on is commenting. New or Old Guard, we should comment on shots posted. It encourages people to post more.

I see 153 Views, and only 2 replies, we need to turn that around.
I mean, even if you just Copy Paste "Great Shot!" or "Awesome Pic!" would help. Everyone must do their part.

We need to pull the curtains, open the windows, and let the sun in. Make the cockroaches scurry away, back in the darkness where they belong.

A New Era, indeed.

tycondrius23 07-07-2017 01:27 PM

well its been a long while since I've been on here . and I just kinda phased out due to how easy it was to pop a few images up on FB. but back now again and glad to see some those legendary names popping back up. :D I will try to be as active as I can

Dr. Phibes 07-07-2017 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
Now, what we need to work on is commenting. New or Old Guard, we should comment on shots posted. It encourages people to post more.

I see 153 Views, and only 2 replies, we need to turn that around.
I mean, even if you just Copy Paste "Great Shot!" or "Awesome Pic!" would help. Everyone must do their part.

A New Era, indeed.

This was an issue way back when. There was discussion of a LIKE button for those who don't want to comment or have nothing to say but actually do like what they see. I remember people who would get hundreds of views and almost new replies which really irritated them to no end. Can't say I blame them.

Part of the interest again in this particular website is that the photos can be seen at full size (unless that's been changed). Facebook, where people love to post in 20 different random action figure groups, doesn't really lend itself well as a public gallery site. Photos get buried too quickly there. The photos get resized so it's possible to miss a lot of what is being shown (like a page of photos). So believe it not, there is some backlash to how FB does things.

gijoeiwasthere 07-08-2017 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by TwoOneEight
Now, what we need to work on is commenting. New or Old Guard, we should comment on shots posted. It encourages people to post more.

I see 153 Views, and only 2 replies, we need to turn that around.
I mean, even if you just Copy Paste "Great Shot!" or "Awesome Pic!" would help. Everyone must do their part.

We need to pull the curtains, open the windows, and let the sun in. Make the cockroaches scurry away, back in the darkness where they belong.

A New Era, indeed.

Post! Comment! Post! Comment! @MJDGA!

gijoeiwasthere 07-08-2017 02:20 AM

Originally Posted by Dr. Phibes
This was an issue way back when. There was discussion of a LIKE button for those who don't want to comment or have nothing to say but actually do like what they see. I remember people who would get hundreds of views and almost new replies which really irritated them to no end. Can't say I blame them.

Part of the interest again in this particular website is that the photos can be seen at full size (unless that's been changed). Facebook, where people love to post in 20 different random action figure groups, doesn't really lend itself well as a public gallery site. Photos get buried too quickly there. The photos get resized so it's possible to miss a lot of what is being shown (like a page of photos). So believe it not, there is some backlash to how FB does things.

so very true....

selvaland 07-14-2017 11:28 AM

Hi guys! I was 5 days off Internet, come back home and find 5 pages of pics to look at and comment! Beautiful and interesting pictures! It just makes me glad 😁

Dr. Phibes 07-14-2017 02:54 PM

If only there was a mobile version cuz I do more jd stuff on my phone than the computer these days. :(

selvaland 07-14-2017 11:35 PM

Most of the time I'm here with my smartphone and it works well! 😎

vespapilot79 07-15-2017 03:47 PM

Fun projects.
What do you guys think about bringing back a weekly or monthly project/challenge?

TwoOneEight 07-15-2017 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by vespapilot79
What do you guys think about bringing back a weekly or monthly project/challenge?

Hell yeah! Challenge accepted!

G.I.*Jock 07-16-2017 03:06 AM

The Target Range and Theme Weeks we used to do were awesome fun!

D :)

gijoeiwasthere 07-16-2017 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by vespapilot79
What do you guys think about bringing back a weekly or monthly project/challenge?

what do you have in mind for an initial theme?

vespapilot79 07-16-2017 08:08 PM

Fave 6 person team/Specialty Team
Favorite vehicle joe vs fav vehicle cobra.
Marauder task force figure or teams.
Use your favorite prop/props.
Just to start..Others ideas are certainly welcome,and can be split up over several months.

TwoOneEight 07-16-2017 09:16 PM

What is Target Range? I've seen it before but unclear on concept.

Fan or Phooey. Unfortunately, all my figures are customs now. I've painted them and swapped out body parts. But yeah! Fan or Phooey was awesome!

Wacky Wednesdays?

Dr. Phibes 07-16-2017 10:37 PM

The target range was taking a figure and basically saying YAY or NAY to it. It's hard tho cuz the characterization can be good, the design can be good but the figure sucks. And vice versa. The name was changed cuz it was a different website. ;)

G.I.*Jock 07-16-2017 10:39 PM

Inspired by Slipstream's green MBT, I would love to add customs to the list!

D :)

Otto the Otter 07-17-2017 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by vespapilot79
What do you guys think about bringing back a weekly or monthly project/challenge?

I'm all for themes.
I liked the Weekend Warrior Challenge where a topic was given, I.e. "Tanks," and on the weekend everyone posted pics of tanks in action.

Phan or Fooey was a good one

There was another where the host of the challenge would assign a character to you and you'd post a pic and do a short write up of the figure/character.

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