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Sonneilon 02-21-2007 04:05 PM

The Target Range - March 2007
The Target Range - March 2007

The Target Range is a group project where members can rant and rave about various spotlighted characters and figures. Sometimes the concept is sound, the execution is poor. Are there more strikes than misses with the figures? Is it just plain fun to pick on the lamer characters out there? Vent your rage or love the figure, the chosen character/figure is the TARGET.

JD members sign up for specific days. Members choose 1 good guy and 1 bad guy to spotlight. Double whammys are all the hype!

Posting days are TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS.

Title: Target Range Character (yr or version)

Key Word: TRCharacter

Please sign up here. It’s up to you if you want to reveal who you are doing. People who reveal their selections get dibs! Please try to keep the characters fresh. 10 versions of Duke in a row… please… no.

3.22 - Fisher (86 Wetsuit/89Gnawgahide)
3.27 - EMike (v1 Zartan/v1 Ripcord)
3.29 - Jay (NiteForcePsycheOut/BattleCorpsMindbender)

If there are any problems, please let me know.

Please try not to take all the slots; keep it open for your fellow photographers!

Fisher 02-21-2007 09:21 PM

I will take the 22nd, my first Target Range. 86 (original) Wet-Suit and 89 Gnawgahyde.

Jay 02-21-2007 10:28 PM

I'll take the 29th, Winter Ops Blizzard (or Short-Fuze) and Battle Corps Dr. Mindbender

Stormer 02-22-2007 08:50 AM

13th, please!

Gatilho 02-22-2007 11:58 AM

15th please

G.I.*Jock 02-26-2007 03:46 PM

6 th please!

emike 02-26-2007 05:31 PM

I'll take 3/27.

Outrider 02-27-2007 11:29 AM

I'll fill the 8th!

Fantom 02-27-2007 02:46 PM

Looks like 3/20 is still open. If no one else wants it I wouldn't mind signing up...

emike 03-01-2007 06:01 PM

I'll take Zartan V1 and Ripcord.

Jay 03-08-2007 05:49 PM

Hey G, can you switch my good guy to Night Force Psyche-Out? I'm pretty sure the snow's gonna be all melted by the end of the month so I'd rather use a more environmentally neutral character.

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