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Self-Modifier 02-27-2005 03:56 PM

The Soundtrack to G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
Hello, everyone. A little over a week ago, I put up a webpage with background music from the original Marvel/Sunbow G.I. Joe cartoon, and posted a link to it on the only Joe forum I regularly visited, However, the response I received was much greater than I'd anticipated, and the meager bandwidth supplied by Freewebs was devoured in less than three days.

However, Hammerfel, the generous webmaster of this very site, offered me hosting services to keep the MP3 files I'd encoded available to the public. It's taken a few days, but we now have it all up and running, and the only thing you need to do to download the music is register as a member of JoeDios. So while you're looking at this site, please check out the newly-created Music section:

Thanks, and enjoy!

-The Self-Modifier

PrimeOp 02-28-2005 01:50 PM

As a big fan of action 'toon background music (especially Johnny Douglas and H-B's Hoyt Curtin), I thank you for this service to the community :)

Self-Modifier 02-28-2005 08:40 PM

As a big fan of action 'toon background music (especially Johnny Douglas and H-B's Hoyt Curtin), I thank you for this service to the community

Thanks, glad you like it! I put these files together about a year ago, and finally decided to share them with the world since no one else had yet. Several months ago, I listened to the music while reading some back issues of the old comics, and it really enhances the experience, if you can believe it.

I'm a very big Johnny Douglas fan, though I like Rob Walsh well enough. His music just sounds very generic though (which I guess makes sense since it was used for multiple productions).

I recognized Hoyt Curtin's name, but I wasn't sure what cartoons he'd worked on till I did a Google search and found that he was involved in pretty much every Hanna Barbera cartoon ever, apparently! Very impressive.


Ric Rueger 02-28-2005 09:29 PM

Thanks so much I love this music. Where can I get more?Anychance of getting more ? Your the best man.

Joerhyno 02-28-2005 11:41 PM

Do you have the opening music to the Movie? Man I love that song... Coooobra... Cobraaaa :)
Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...

Hammerfel 03-01-2005 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by Joerhyno
Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...
Just you wait. :D

Self-Modifier 03-01-2005 04:29 PM

Thanks so much I love this music. Where can I get more?Anychance of getting more ? Your the best man.

Probably some day. This is something I really need to be in the right frame of mind to do, so for the time being this is it.

Do you have the opening music to the Movie? Man I love that song... Coooobra... Cobraaaa

I do have it in fact, though I personally have never cared for it. I like the voice of the original singer better, and you can't top that bossa nova beat. Anyway, I'll speak with Hammerfel about putting that up.

Does anyone know of any dios w/ Joe music in the background, that'd be pretty cool...

If I made dios, you can bet I would try to do it somehow. Actually, I've thought a lot about working on dios, even started one, but my desire to make them ebbs and flows (I wrote the script for mine in Spring 2003, started shooting in summer '03, stopped, then started again in Spring '04, then stopped again, and haven't gone back to it). But anyway, I'm digressing...

Just you wait.

It looks like someone's already making plans, and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with.

sniper 03-02-2005 08:04 PM

Thank you
I listened to the files, and I would love to hear more, especially the shared music used in g.i.joe the movie and transformers, (please make more)!!!! Thanks, it's about time that someone made a soundtrack.

sniper 03-02-2005 08:07 PM

I also wanted to comment on the question about putting music in the background of a dio,

Try the nemo codec pack, this program is awesome, you can make up videos (anything you can imagine-I personally have put the lincoln park song in the end to dragon ball video, very cool) try nemo.


Self-Modifier 03-03-2005 12:20 AM

I listened to the files, and I would love to hear more, especially the shared music used in g.i.joe the movie and transformers, (please make more)!!!! Thanks, it's about time that someone made a soundtrack.

I will eventually, but as I say, it's a time-consuming process, and since I'm not as "into" that music, it's a little harder for me to do it. I like it well enough, and I actually hum some of it a lot, but it's just so generic sounding... Which, as I've said before, makes sense since it was written to be shared between two shows.

What's funny is that Rob Walsh, the composer of that music, said he was going to release that music on CD about three or four years ago... and his website hasn't been updated since!

-The Self-Modifier
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