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ender098 02-16-2010 08:51 PM

Introductions....a bit overdue!!
Ok, here is the deal....tell us a little about yourself.

For Starters let's get your name on here and our REAL name (if you wanna give it!)

Ender098 = Frank Nash

I'm a Marine. I was originally in the Army. I joined 6 months out of high school and hated it (or so I thought!) I swore I'd never go back. I went to College, met my wife and tried to get back in the Army. The recruiters at the time were a bunch of slackers and after 5 months of getting jacked around said "If you don't like it, try the MArines!". I did, and 2 1/2 weeks late was in Parris Island and I've been a Jarhead ever since!

In the Army I was a Combat Engineer (C-4 Powered Grunt)! In the Corps I started out as a Communications Center Operator (READ: Over paid spell checker!), and later merged into Data Communications. Right now, I'm a Gunnery Sergeant in Charge of a Regimental S6 shop (Communications Directorate).

I have 2 kids. Tony is a 14 yo Genius and Video Game addict. Too smart for his own good and an Avowed Atheist (I think he just says that to get under my wife's skin!). Becky is 12 and a tomboy/Drama can she be both? She's Becky. Some of you have run into her on MSN, and yes, she's a Cracker. Kris, my wife is in Daycare...she's been working with kids since about 2000. I have a little black Chiahuahua named Rosie. She, too is a Character....she fits in perfectly with us loonies! LOL

And then there is the SECOND Love of my life (Behind my Joes....). My 2008 Dodge Magnum, Lola! I LOVE that car!

ok, enough about me, tell me a little about you!!!

silentdusty 02-17-2010 03:52 PM

Silent Dusty = Dustin Colwell

I am an Aviation Systems Technician (fancy name for Aircraft Mechanic) in the Canadian Air Force. I originally started out in an Army uniform as a Communications Research Operator (Communications Intel), after about 7 1/2 years of being a scope dope, I got tired of it, regrew my brain and joined the Air Force.

I am currently a Master Corporal (Equiv. Staff Sgt US Marines) in 14 Air Maintenance Squadron in Greenwood Nova Scotia, where I work on the CP140 Aurora and CP140A Arcturus (both based on the P3 Orion).

I am married with two girls, Emma, my oldest is 11, in love with Taylor Lautner from the Twilight movies, and plays the Bass Clarinet in her school band, she is also the resident smart kid. My youngest Allyson, is our drama queen, she is very much a girly girl, however, she is a huge fan of Superman, Supergirl, and Smallville, she also loves musicals, and Mel Brooks (gotta love her).

My wife Janice does private housekeeping, and emergency childcare for the Military Family Resource Centre on our base. We also have a Yorkie named Rufus, who goes nuts when he hears the word 'Ball'.

My obsession are my Joes, I also enjoy RPG's (the ol fashioned pen and paper kind), board games, and have been know to play the occasional video game.

lehsreh 02-17-2010 04:36 PM

Lehsreh, or Hershel Christopher Ray Layne as the world knows me.

Working for Bank of America right now, known there as robin hood because of the fact I deny the rich their overdraft fees and give them to the poor. But my job seems to change once a year as does my attitude. So basically I'm still trying to find out who I am. The only thing constant is my love for cartoons, G.I. Joe, my grandmother, great aunt and animals. I have 8 cats and 3 ferrets, Jinx, Binx and Podo.
I love playing minds and I'm often told I'm to demanding on others and that I'm an over analytical a$$hole. I'm really not, its just that people are always a let down. Thats why I seriously like the other species of animals better then the human species. I guess you can tell I'm to honest for my own good also, but that honesty makes me the person everyone comes to when they need someone to talk to.
Unmarried and no kids, I do not know what my future holds. Perhaps go back and finish my psychology degree, or become a nutritionist, or vet. since I'm still changing I don't know. Thats bad since I'm 30, but I act like a teen and date no one older then 21 and usually told I look around 24. Other then Joes I like to workout, train and fight in MMA and any sports. My favorite Joes are Quick Kick, dusty and Sci-Fi. I also like the lesser loved characters Cross County and Psych-Out, and the unpopular cobra la and crystal ball. Don't be hating.

Flatline 02-17-2010 05:04 PM

Marcos Alvarez
Work for a aircraft fasteners company in Irvine California. Little League coach weekend warrior softball playa! ;) I have the best wife in the world who puts up with me and my nerdy tendancies who blessed me with 3 kids 2 stinky boys 11 and 8 :rolleyes: A darling beautiful 6 year old girl who will drive me mad by the time she hits junior high i'm sure. But that's what sons are for. I have always been a big kid comic books cartoons sci-fi flicks and TOYS!!!. G.I.Joe being my main addiction. But recently have started buying select Star Wars figures The photography didn't sdtart till I found Joedios now i'm a member of this the HISStank and flickr. This has been such a great outlet and way to make frinds and meet some kick ass people. :cool:

Scuba Steve 02-17-2010 06:19 PM

Scuba Steve - Patrick McDonnell

Unimpressively I am a local truck driver for a company that manufactures flex duct for HVAC here in Phoenix AZ, although I have a BA in computer animation and graphic design and an Accociates degree in video production I found being behind the wheel of the big rig made me happier than an office cubical. So today I use my evil graphics training to entertain you fine folk while at the same time finding an excuse to play with my toys! Lately I have been taking a break from the hobbie to give my creativity a recharge. I also had been trying to befriend my 16 year old step daughter who ended up being a selfish, using, little piece of sh@t like her two older sisters so not all my away time has been productive.

Sonneilon 02-17-2010 07:20 PM

Graham Hughes

Currently at the local tech school for Civil Engineering. Will be done in JUne and who knows where I'll end up.

zedhatch 02-17-2010 09:34 PM

Zedhatch=Robert Hatch.

Married with 3 daughters (step), unlike most people I know I did not ever stop collecting toys when I reached that magical age of girls. This is my second marrage, first one was just too young. Much better with my second wife.

Been going through some tough things lately, My mother in law was in a bad accedent and had some head truama which has made things very hard latley. Hence my speratic pressence around here. On the plus side she got awarded enough money from the trucking company that hit her to take care of her for the rest of her life.

Sorry for the depressing part.

On toys I have always had a very broad interests, but I stick primarly to the 1:18th scale. My faves are Gi joe (Of course) and Star Wars. Of late my main interests have been Marvel Universe and DCIH (Since the new articulation has begun). other Lines that have held my interests are Indian jones, Mincroman, Hellboy and many more.

Also I am the author of Toxies 1:18th universe which (to me) is the biggest emotional outlet I have. When all hell breaks loose I just retreat into that universe and come up with the silliest, craziest and (to me) finniest things I can and well you hopefully have read the results.

Beyond that I have recently gone back to college to finish up my degree, should be done this dec.

LordRaven 02-17-2010 10:36 PM

LordRaven = Shane Welin

Well, I live in Winnipeg, MB where I am the assistant manager at a clothing store called Bootlegger, been there almost 2 years now. I'll be 29 in 2 weeks. I moved here from Nova Scotia about 3 years ago, and when I was in NS I palled around with Dusty.

I collect lots of different kinds of action figures, mostly Joes and Star Wars, but anything I think is neat I'll pick up.

I play video games, board games, and RPGs like D&D.

I'm a published poet, author and musician.

Black Knight 02-18-2010 12:07 AM

Black Knight - John Black

I'm 30, I live in Knoxville, TN and I've been collecting toys for years now, my collection focuses on GI Joes, Transformers, and Star Wars. I have a daughter who just turned 5 and her mom and I seperated back in August 2009. Since then I've been going to school for Mechanical Engineering and I've been putting all my money into restoring and customizing a 1985 Chevy Camaro. I also play alot of video games.

I haven't been around in a while due to school, the car, my PS3, and not having a camera.

That about sums me up.


Otto the Otter 02-18-2010 02:43 AM

Otto the Otter = Otto Phillips (Otto, that's "Toot" inside out, and Phillips, yeah, that's right, I'm German and Irish. That means my family is highly efficient and well organized at drinking and fighting)

I am currently an unemployed highly trained steering wheel chasing, truck aiming monkey living in Mesa, Arizona (a suburb of Phoenix), and I am a former Marine. I live in Mesa but my heart is in Denver, Colorado and I'm hoping once I get employed again, I plan on moving back there.

My primary interests right now are Joes, which is a good thing because although it's not the cheapest hobby, it does keep me from getting in trouble from other vices. The photgraphy part of it helps me contribute to this fine site as well as gets me out of the house for a few hours a day. The picture taking and story telling part has gotten my creative juices flowing again. If I end up going back to Denver, it'll give me a reason to buy my Show Job some friends and equipment as Phoenix is sorely lacking in the snow department.

If it ain't Joes, it's Heavy Metal and if it's not that, it's off roading (but not so much for a while, that can get kind of spendy)

Ender, glad to see you're a working Marine, I wasn't sure if I'd have to dumb down our conversations or not.

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