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ender098 12-05-2007 03:50 PM

Wants/ Needs and now HAVES thread!!
The Old thread was getting clooged up, SOOOoo.....
It's Time for V 1.2

Again, to keep the begging to a minimum....(Or to keep from getting banned FOR begging) this here thread is to post what you're lookin for and if you have some goodies to trade or give away!

Ok, here's the deal. Rather than pleading throughout the threads about what we want/need for our collections, let's start one thread to post what we want/need and hopefully someone can help you out.


No Begging! Just a simple "I'm looking for a ______ version ____" Or something similar.

Also, so as not to clutter up this version, just post once and edit it, instead of reposting 100 different time about what you want! Remember to remove items you've recieved from someone and add the new items you're looking for in your post! Conduct all business in PM's, not on the boards. The board should only have what you're currently looking for. We HAVE threads for What you got and good/bad trader alerts, so lets keep this thread post per user.....

You enter into a deal with someone on here, it's at your own risk! Don't go flaming " ENDER098 shafted me!" . My Advice, start small and work up trust with the person. (I have given dozens of people free stuff I had extra from buying lots on ebay, and I don't like to trade or sell because I have been ripped off so many times.) I do encourage "kudos" if someone helped you out. Most of you know me and I'm a straight shooter, and I DO have a reputation to uphold!

I see this as an opportunity to help out each other and the collecting community as a whole (God Knows Hasbro aint lookin out for us) but if it degenerates to flaming or accusations, I'll have the Mods delete this thread and all the good that it creates along with it!

I'll start out;

I need the following (Realize some of these are IMPOSSIBLE to get, but here goes anyway!) ;

The 2009 Con 3 pack or JUMP 2 pack!

Defense of Cobra Island BAT

Resolute 5 pack BAT

Any of the Eversparkle sets like in this pic;

A Complete list of my needs/haves can be found here;

I have a two boxes of extra vehicle parts and accessories, if you're looking form something, let me know, the worst I will do is tell you I don't have it! I have NO ACTION FIGURE PARTS LEFT!!!

ok...your turn.....

gogorobo 12-05-2007 09:16 PM

i'm looking for a swivel arm flash and cesspool i have to trade a Mcquarrie concept Vader, iron grenadier Destro and operation flaming moth shipwreck

gung ho 12-07-2007 06:17 PM

ok i need:

APC: turet gun and front hatch
dreadno thunder machine (stiring wheel)

Rachel 12-08-2007 07:52 PM

hey guys and dolls :)

I am looking for any night creeper figs or parts you have. Full figs with broken crotches, thumbs, bad paint, its all welcome! I wanna (well I'm gonna make fireflyed) make a troop of creepers for agent rachel ;). again any condition, any parts, heads, chests, whatever. I'm sure we can work something out ;)

also: need the night creeper (i think its the leader) that has the bright orange pants with black stripes. I want to give it to fireflyed for christmas, I let a friend stay with us and bring her dog when he was out of town. His office is also the spare bed room and her dog severly chewed up that figure. I personally don't like the colors, but he is a huge cinncinati bengals fan, and that figure was one of his favorites (he shouldn't have left it out right ;) ). Please let me know, thanks all :)


Cobra Freak 12-12-2007 07:19 PM

Terror Drome
Crimson Guards(85)
Cobra Officers(82-83)
Range Vipers(90)

Cobra Freak :D

General Jones 12-18-2007 03:20 PM

I guess I'll post mine now. If anyone can help that would be great. Here is what I need:

Copperhead V1 legs
Track Viper V1

I have a lot of stuff for trade, let me know what you are looking for to trade or I can pay. Thanks

tunnelrat88 12-22-2007 02:42 PM

Anyone want to trade for a 25th Comic Pack Scarlett? I got the pack for Hawk and don't really need her. I'd be interested in an army builder if anyone has some extras, so just send me a list of the ones you have.

Prince Adam 12-26-2007 07:40 PM

I'm looking for a LAW (Laser Artillery Weapon). Doesn't have to be mint by any stretch, but i need all the parts. :)

battlewagon 12-29-2007 02:12 PM


the chap mei toys below are bootlegs. the plastic on them is flimsy and bendable. great for customizing though.

battlewagon 12-29-2007 02:14 PM


Chap Mei dinosaurs
small dinosaurs (baby triceratops, pteranodon, diplodocus, dilophosaurus, ankylosaurus, etc)

Bad Guyz
chainsaws, spiked clubs
blue jeep-looking vehicle with a brown rollcage, a silver rear gun that can rotate; holds one bad guyz in the thingypit, has a silver futuristic bumper

Ninja Fighters
Cyber Cycles = yellow atvs or quads, 4 wheels, a black machine gun on one side with a band of bullets (want many of these Cyber Cycles)

repainted blue jeep from bad guyz

Soldier Force
green harley-davidson motorcycle with sidecar (want many)

Wild Quest
red grappling hooks (originally part of a backpack)

Beast Raiders
catapults (these came with plastic rocks; want many)
small purple pteranodons (these are mini versions of the Big Blast pteranodon)
shields, swords, staffs, etc
Hurricane red t-rex
slime, warr (want many)
gallopus (red and black centaur)
snakeman (3 headed purple snake; want many)

Dino Valley
black or brown cages (want many)

Star Wars
30th anniversary R2-D2 with cargo net; keep the little droid; I want as many cargo nets as possible

Star Wars TAC Umpass Stay removable chest-shoulder armor (want many)

Dreadnok Motorized Axe (interested only in the double-sided gray axe)
Hammer seatbelts (need 4)
Spytroops Barrel Roll mask, gauntlets, chest armor
Mutt helmet and mouthcover
Ferret wheels, seat
25th anniversary Buzzer chainsaw (want many chainsaws)
Scorpion jeep front bumper section, machine gun
Desert Striker black boxes & black barrels
Ninja Force Zartan
GI JOE 1992 Headquarters missile launcher fires 6 green missiles (want many of these launchers)

Masters of the Universe
Skeletor staff (the newer version, not the vintage one)

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