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roguetiger 02-12-2011 01:22 PM

New Joes revealed at Toy Fare
Didn't see any pics but from TNI..............

Originally Posted by TNI
- DePriest goes on with G.I.Joe. 2012 will be the 30th Anniversary of the Joe Vs Cobra mythos. A lot of things happening in 2012 so they are starting earlier to celebrate. 30th for 35th. 30 items celebrating this landmark anniversary, 12" are back as well. Brand New look, it will be tightly focused for collectors. - The 12" figures will be kid targeted and be more military not Joe Vs. Cobra oriented. Hasbro has listened to fans on the 3.75 line-up for this line. - Look for a new look for the line, G.I.Joe, Cobra, Renegades will be in one assortment but the differences in the line will be reflected on the cardbacks. So you will know which ones are Renegades. - Haek, Cobra Trooper looks to be female from the image shown, Steel Brigade, Blowtorch, Jungle BAT and Cobra Commander will be in wave 3 Spring and be on the POC cardbacks. These look like ARAH figures except for Hawk. Lots of accessories. - Wave 1 of Fall will see the debut of Renegades. Firefly, Techno Viper, Hazard Viper, Cobra Commander, Snake-Eyes and Duke. These will not be done in animated style like say Clone Wars. So they match the animated stylings but using the existing tools though they are creating new tools as well. Basically they will have the costumes of Renegades but be done in 25th/POC style. Vehicles Black Dragon Vtol, Crimson Hiss Tank, Vamp. - 25th Anniversary style Skystriker will be on shelves Fall 2011. Looks like the original. Comes with ACE. It is retooled. It will hold 1 figure, not 2 because they couldnt make it to hold 2 of the new figures.No Parachute either. - Comic Con will be a Transformers/GIJoe Starscream Skystriker with Cobra Commander and Megatron blaster. Doesn't Transform, just a redeco of the regular Skystriker. - There will be more stuff for this 30 for 35th anniversary line later this year. - Mike Fogel Jeff Kline is on stage to talk about G.I.Joe Renegades, the cartoon. Show a clip which debuts 2 new characters, Crimson Guard Commander Twins. The Crimson Guard is also introduced. Though they seem to be more of a cult than soldiers, and Scarlett, Duke and Roadblock seem to be members of the cult fighting Snake-Eyes and Tunnel Rat. The twins seems to have some type of memorizing powers which is how they control people in their cult. - Q&A with the two, one of the reasons why they started at the beginning was because these guys were more fans of the 12" than 3.75" so they weren't as familiar with them so it was a way to learn and develop them as they go from the beginning. - They also wanted to make Cobra evil. In the original series, Cobra never seemed to win so with this show, in a way Cobra has already one and that makes them more evil. - Shipwreck is a character that was hinted to we might see in the near future of the show. - Hasbro plays a tribute video to Clement Sauve - a G.I. JOE: RENEGADES' Character Designer and artist who passed away earlier this year after loosing his battle with cancer.

BUT the vehicles section lists Vehicles Black Dragon Vtol, Crimson Hiss Tank, Vamp.

- 25th Anniversary style Skystriker will be on shelves Fall 2011. Looks like the original. Comes with ACE. It is retooled. It will hold 1 figure, not 2 because they couldnt make it to hold 2 of the new figures.No Parachute either.

- Comic Con will be a Transformers/GIJoe Starscream Skystriker with Cobra Commander and Megatron blaster. aka SDCC

so New SKYSTRIKER...but single seater.... Black Dragon VTOL sounds interesting..

also the Indiana Jones line that didn't make it here in the states will be available at the SDCC as well
edit to add link to pics...... you have to log on but you can get in and see the pics with the non paying member way as well... officer rank or whatever it is.

Nekoman 02-12-2011 04:26 PM

Totally lame that the Skystriker's lost half it's gimmicks... but then again it may be half the price of an original so we'll see.

The cones that the Techno Viper come with look awesome. Also, the Viper and Trooper interest me a surprising amount. Crazy legs on the other hand... he makes the original look so much better now.

roguetiger 02-12-2011 04:49 PM

The pics at the GIJOEclub of the Skystriker shows 2 seats......... :confused:

Terror Drome is reporting that it was mistakenly identified as a single-seater, and will actually seat two.

Though that Skystriker in Justin's pics at Generalsjoes only shows one... :confused:

sithviper 02-12-2011 05:32 PM

Digging the 2 Zaranna figures, especially the one in black :)

San Pickles 02-12-2011 07:56 PM

I may be wrong in my time frame of events. But I was under the impression that the new GI Joe film would be out in 2012. Will there be a movie tie in as well? That would be a lot of product being released at the same time. I like the idea of a new Skystriker being released.

rnrhero 02-12-2011 08:22 PM

Love the Skystriker finally coming out. I am going to have to get someone to pick me up the SDCC version as there is no way I can go.

black rhino 02-12-2011 09:51 PM

i cant believe those are joes... they look so... wrong. the Hawk looks like a cheesy knockoff. steel brigade looks like crap... didt bother to look at much more!

Da Talent 02-12-2011 10:41 PM

Today was a tough day, as I watched a sizable fraction of my salary float away... Fuck that....

Today was a good day.

Nekoman 02-12-2011 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Da Talent
Today was a tough day, as I watched a sizable fraction of my salary float away... Fuck that....

Today was a good day.

You gonna make a green Skystriker with LEDs? Cause I think that would look really cool.

vespapilot79 02-12-2011 11:25 PM

The SDCC version has two seats too.. Guessing we will have to wait and see..And at 30+ a pop..there goes an easy 150..Im buying a few.. ;) A few good figures too, not all that impressed witht he jungle BAT..Its ok, im sure ill end up buying a few for pics..Def excited about techno vipers tho!!

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