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TwoOneEight 01-23-2012 04:34 PM

Classical, Punk, or Metal, maybe?
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Cobra Commander is portrayed as a fanatical leader, who rules with an iron fist, and demands total loyalty and allegiance. His objective is total control of the world's people, wealth and resources, brought about by revolution and chaos. He is suspected of having led uprisings in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and for kidnapping scientists, businessmen and military leaders, forcing them to reveal their top level secrets. Cobra Commander is considered to be a man without scruples, and given his level of evil and corruption, is probably the most dangerous man alive.

I wonder...

What kind of music does Cobra Commander listen to?

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neapolitan joe 01-23-2012 04:39 PM

Ah! Ah! Ah!
No doubt, classical music. Maybe Mozart.

seyms 01-24-2012 08:55 AM

Nah....CC listens to pop music, of course!! Nothing dramatic. After a hard day's work, he just wants to relax with some brainless, commercial pop.

seamusharper 01-24-2012 09:28 AM

He's big with the Lay Gaga crowd...

troopsofdoom 01-24-2012 11:13 AM

I think all of Cobra's high command would be classical fans. The rest listen to metal of course. The Joes are all metalheads too. :D \m/

seamusharper 01-24-2012 01:14 PM

the cartoon Zartan actually reminded me of a young Ozzy...

TwoOneEight 01-25-2012 02:46 AM

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Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
No doubt, classical music. Maybe Mozart.

Megalomania in D minor?

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Originally Posted by seyms
Nah....CC listens to pop music, of course!! Nothing dramatic. After a hard day's work, he just wants to relax with some brainless, commercial pop.

Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Beddingfield?

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Originally Posted by seamusharper
He's big with the Lay Gaga crowd...

Born This Way - Lady Gaga?

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Django 01-26-2012 08:46 PM


Stereoevil 01-27-2012 01:02 PM

Cold slither
Cold slither. The commander is cheap and won't pay for music so he traded with zartan for services.

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