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dinoviper 04-20-2014 12:19 PM

Zombie Initiative review
2014 Zombie Initiative Set

The 2014 G.I. Joe Convention set this year is called Zombie Initiative. Composed mostly of the 1990 Eco Warriors the is an ideal set for those who collected G.I. Joe during the 90s. The set includes 15 figures, a comic book, 50 years of G.I. Joe pin and certificate of authenticity.

dinoviper 04-20-2014 12:20 PM

E.C.O. Force Commander

Flint has been reinstated as commander of E.C.O. (Emergency Chemical Operations) Force. Flint was the original leader of the Eco Warriors in 1991*, this is a pretty good update of Dashiell Faireborn. I was a huge fan of Eco Warriors always liked the characters and am now glad to see the goofyness has worn off and has matured over the years. Flint includes a removable vest, beret, helmet, anti compound Z cannon, shotgun and battle stand.


dinoviper 04-20-2014 12:21 PM

Toxo-Viper Commander

Repulsor is in charge of security for Cobra Industries. Once a former Sludge-Viper* Repulsor leads his Toxo-Vipers into battle for Cesspool. Repulsor includes removable helmet, vest, belt, pistol, shotgun and compound Z tank, hose and gun. Repulsor also includes Dawg his trusty pit bull, both are inseparable. Due to an unfortunate accident Dawg was wounded in battle with the Steel Brigade Commander. Repulsor used compound Z to revive Dawg as his "undead" counterpart. Dawg is a newly sculpted animal/pet for this set.


dinoviper 04-20-2014 12:22 PM

E.C.O. Force Technician
David "Ozone" Kunitz

Ozone was another member of E.C.O. Force or Eco Warriors back in 1991*. He specialized in neutralizing the atmospheric dispersal of toxins and other harmful chemicals as well as the inspection and identification of health hazards that effect the environment. Ozone includes a removable helmet, web gear, pistol, respirator mask of Z Positive, atmospheric sniffer, hose and back pack. Due to his colors of his uniform I made him the official driver of the Eco Striker and he looks pretty darn good driving it.


dinoviper 04-20-2014 12:23 PM

Cobra Industries Technicians
Cobra Lab-Rats

Cobra Lab-Rats are Cobra Troopers that have gain status by showing great interest in chemical and other scientific research. They are the generic scientists who are responsible for all the diabolical experiments Cobra has cooked up. Including Compound Z. I am glad we have someone other then Dr. Venom and Dr. Mindbender to do Cobra's scientific research. The set includes two Lab- Rats each comes with a Compound Z injector, Battle Stand, brief case with 3 Compound Z canisters and portable data pad. The Lab-Rats are some of my favorite characters in this set.

neapolitan joe 04-20-2014 02:26 PM

I like almost all this set!
Ozone has a great headsculpt!

dinoviper 04-21-2014 04:49 PM

E.C.O. Force Engineer
Daniel "Clean-Sweep" Price

Resembling the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant operators from the Simpson's Clean-Sweep was part of the original Eco Warriors team in 1991*. Clean-Sweep includes a removable hood, battle stand, a brief case with flip up computer screen and MP5 sub machine gun for quick access. Clean-Sweep also includes his Z Positive cannon.


dinoviper 04-21-2014 04:50 PM

Hostile Environmental Troopers

The 1991* Toxo-Viper was one of my favorite Cobra troopers I had growing up. I never had the original Toxo-Viper so I was more then happy to own the version 2. Sacrificing the more bulky, air tight solvent resistant suits the Toxo-Vipers are advised to get in and get the job done as quick as possible to avoid exposure. The Toxo-Viper includes a removable mask and belt, battle stand, sub machine gun, pistol, detailed air tank and spring action launcher with one Compound Z projectile.


dinoviper 04-22-2014 02:59 PM

Stuart "Outback" Selkirk

First released in 1987* as the GI Joe teams survival instructor, Outback was actually going to be part of Eco Warriors in 1993**. Sadly he and the other Eco Warrior figure Snow Storm were both carded in Battle Corps packaging as the Eco Warriors line was cancelled. Outback featured a marbleized coating of neon paint on his pants just before he was repainted in standard tan to suit the Battle Corps*** line better. The convention exclusive pays tribute more so to the 1987 version however is decked out in a more rugged uniform. Outback is a mesh mash of different Joe parts mostly from the Pursuit of Cobra line as well as his equipment he carries. Outback includes a removable vest, backpack that holds several items including cell phone, radio antenna, water container and axe. Outback's weapons include knife, machete, sniper rifle and shotgun.

*Outback v.1
**Outback v.3
***Outback v.4

dinoviper 04-22-2014 03:01 PM

Compound Z Trooper

The Toxo-Zombie was part of the 1992* Eco Warriors series. They were simply Toxo-Vipers who have been exposed long term to various chemicals like plasmotox. Aside from turning into the undead the chemicals must have altered the color of the suit turning it from green and purple to a pastel Easter confection of lime green and hot pink :p This version of the Toxo-Zombie has now been exposed to the Compound Z and become a walking biological weapon. The Toxo-Zombie includes a removable belt, pistol and Compound Z IED.


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