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Old 03-03-2005, 01:20 AM #10
Crossover King Emeritus
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I listened to the files, and I would love to hear more, especially the shared music used in g.i.joe the movie and transformers, (please make more)!!!! Thanks, it's about time that someone made a soundtrack.

I will eventually, but as I say, it's a time-consuming process, and since I'm not as "into" that music, it's a little harder for me to do it. I like it well enough, and I actually hum some of it a lot, but it's just so generic sounding... Which, as I've said before, makes sense since it was written to be shared between two shows.

What's funny is that Rob Walsh, the composer of that music, said he was going to release that music on CD about three or four years ago... and his website hasn't been updated since!

-The Self-Modifier
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