Crusty Ol MWO
Posts: 2,994
Join Date: Oct 2006
I've gotta give props to Flatline, set me up with a sweet Lt.Clay Moore. Also I have had a couple of dealings with Tracker, great guy, fixed me up with several figures, Viper Lockdown, Gung Ho, and Spirit Iron-Knife, and I'll be getting a few more from him. GI Tom who I just got some figures from. Additionally, I have to mention gung ho, I bought a HISS IV and a Snow Serpent from him, it took awhile to send them out, and he felt so bad he threw in a Sea Ray, several Sea Slugs, and a Space Viper. Last but not least, Tone Guns, he is helping me out by sending me a new crotch piece for my Doc.
Thanks to all of you.
Gotta add Sonneilon to the list, set me up with a full set of GI Joe TCG cards for a fantastic price, and Lord Raven, who gave me a Firefly, and a sweet deal on a RHINO last year.
"...but for a soldier his duty is plain. He is to obey the orders of all those placed over him and whip the enemy wherever he meets him."
- General Ulysses S. Grant