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Originally Posted by Death_at_Midnight
Just went through and read all the questions and answers. Concerning the response to our #3, it's interesting to read the Hasbro response. Essentially, "we know what kids want b/c we do testing."
It would be interesting to know how they go about doing their testing. What sort of information do they gather? Do they ask kids questions or just passively observe? What ages? How extensive is their testing?
From Hasbro's avoidance response, it could sound like play versitality for the Pitt is as simple as you can take the Pitt outdoors, bring it indoors, open it up, close it, put a figure at the front of it, put a figure at the back of it, put two figures at the front, etc....
Hrm, I kinda wonder if they let the kid keep the toy if they are having lots of fun.
I would've rather have heard the long answer I guess.
Two questions I'm hoping to submit in two months:
1) At the last Q&A you told us that your PIT playset would have the same "playtime versatility" that the old Headquarters and Terrordrome playsets had. However, it was not the case, as in its open state bunk beds would hang off the outside of it, there was no way for figures to travel from one segment of the set to another in any sort of realistic manner, and the infirmary segment simply hung off separated from everything else with no means whatsoever to access it. This is not "playtime versatility". So we ask again. Will we ever get any playsets that actually look like bases/complexes/fortresses/etc and work as such ever again?
2) During the same "playtime versatility" question, you mentionned that you did testing to know what kids want in a playset. How exactly is this testing performed? Do you put a child in a room with the 2001-2002 Mobile Command Center release and the newer PIT set and see which one the child likes best?
RIP Minouche, 1994-2009.