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Cyko's Wants/Haves
Old 09-14-2009, 08:40 AM #166
Plastic Sciences, Ph.D
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Default Cyko's Wants/Haves

Updated 9/14/09

Most needed: modern AWE Striker cannon mount (to finish a custom project; the '85 mount won't fit a new style rollbar)

'86 Cobra Surveillance Port window wall piece
'84 VAMP Mk.II mail-away loose parts (esp. missile launcher)
'84 VAMP Mk.II hood pack/tarp

Lots of vintage & new sculpt figures (cheap)
-Vintage examples: Flash v1, Tollbooth, Beach Head v1, Leatherneck v1
-New sculpt examples: Duke v16, Snake Eyes v17, Storm Shadow v20 (no hood)
A few vintage vehicles (FLAK, SLAM, Dreadnok TriCycle)
Blueprints, paperwork, etc.

PM me with any wants you've got. I'd love to trade favorably for my needed parts.
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