Originally Posted by Outrider
... Thank God for the digital revolution!
I probably wouldn't be taking dio photos if it weren't for digital cameras!
I can remember my very first photo, probably early '83, where I setup the Joe forces for an incoming attack (of, what,
three Cobras?!). It was 110 film (remember those?) and turned out blurry (I was only 8). No doubt I got chewed out for wasting film on toys, and the hobby was squelched. I tried it again, of and on, but we never had a "good" camera in the house, so a macro focus was out of the question. Man, I wish I could find that blurry photo of the '82 Joes, though...
These days, dio photography has kept the hobby alive for me. I'm not a "collectible" guy, in that I don't enjoy filling shelves of ambiguously valuable items. But I love the Joes, and seeing them in various situations from all of you stimulates my imagination. For me, any diostory is a fun read, because someone's putting a lot of effort into a presentation. Things were pretty dull when the site was down.