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Old 01-26-2010, 04:35 AM #13
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Now, maybe I'll add some international and maybe exotic feeling to the topic

As for me, firstly and mainly, the Joes were toys (the best toys ever, ex aequo with Lego, but still toys). I had quite a collection and when my cousin get to my place (or I to his), we always had some major Joe vs Cobra battles.

Then I grew up from them, and then when I got broadband internet (hell... when was it... 2003? 2002? around that date somewhere) I started digging up the net and found - Joes are still alive and I was hooked again.

I never did action or story photos before, but we had a digi-cam in family back in the 2003 or something and I thought - "why not take a chance". First photos were... 4/10 if I were to give them points Layout sometimes sucked, with bad light and so on - however still have them, and they feature some nice not photoshopped effects.
And then a storyline came to my mind and it all started... (and still I"m probably the only one in my country making Joe-dioramas...)

And besides - noteworthy is a fact, that here in Poland, we have very limited amount of Joes. Mostly figures from something like 88-89 wave up to Star Brigade (which were last Joes on our shop shelves). Not all figures from particular waves, not all vechicles and no real way to get them from other countries (not counting those lucky kids, who had a family in the US back then).

Joes are still hard to obtain here, as getting them through e-bay costs quite a lot and collections grow much much longer

And I do agree with other, saying that making dios is closest thing to playing with Joes in childhood
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