Originally Posted by ender098
To me, "Dios" means works of Art. It is more than just crude tisspue paper and pipe cleaner palm trees with plastic dinosaurs in a box set up as a static display. It's Combining Model making, photography, lighting, Set Design, Story telling and Special Effects And enjoying taking the time, effort and imagination to combine these crafts to make people suspend their disbelief, quit thinking they are looking at toys and enjoy a story...hopefully a well told one! It's taking the childish art of the Diorama and professionally bringing it to life.
Oh thank you.
I should point out, the invention of digital cameras have made just about everyone a fotographer. I use FOTOGRAPHER as the 90% of who can't shoot a single thing clearly the 1st time around. Let's face it, real photographers, the best of the best of the best can get what they want on one try (2 if it's still life). Real photographers can take hours getting the right set, setting up the exposure, etc. Some of us are real good at taking pics of our toys, but for the more advanced folks, HOW MANY SHOTS DID IT TAKE YOU???
In a way, we are more like movie makers. We need to take several shots from different angles so we can see what we like best. In the real world that isn't easy. You only got 1 shot of someone hitting a homerun and getting it right.
Yes, real photographers have most likley moved to digital so they can, uh, well, do what they do. But I believe that a lot of the old skool guys (craig in other words) can shoot with either type of camera and do well. And EVEN if real photographers had to go thru rolls of film, well, the cost to them was a lot more to get their game right (unless of course it was all paid for).
So I say FOTOS all the time because the amount of time, effort and etc isn't as hardcore for most of us. Call them pieces, works, art, whatever... It's just that most of the stuff in the PHOTOS sections are 1-shot fotos/pieces. It's hard to explain.