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Old 01-31-2010, 05:03 PM #25
~Synder Corps.~
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As for possability and such...

That's what customisers are for!

Granted, a lot of FANTASTIC storyline artists don't make their own characters. Hell, those on are the FIRST to get me to think of the idea of doing this, and theres not a single custom in any of those dios.

But when your actually IN it, and something dosen't work fix it. 90% of the characters that *I* work with are customs. I try my best to retain the identification of the characters. The other 10, are already perfect right off the card (CS SE anyone???)

You want a new look for a character. you make it. And you make it work for the dio your doing. Whether it's a bicep trim, or a completely new figure. A splash of paint and there ya' go.

Especially when it comes to the 25th/M.E/ROC figures cause theres only a limited number of pre-fab characters to choose from in a roster of HUNDREDS.

Plus it's just fun to make a brand new figure
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