What is it about G.I. Joe that is so uniquely suited to the craft of dios? You see other properties on occasion, but I doubt it's an exaggeration to suggest that G.I. Joe accounts for 99% of the dios one comes across. Why is that?
Depends on how you word things. Calling what we do a diostory (and only that) yes you are correct. However many others call this stuff something else.
Star Wars calls it Photo-Novels, and they have as rich a history as Dios do for Joes. Oddly (for some unknown reason) most of the creators put thier photos on Photo sharing sites and post new chapters in threads (thus not having thier own websites, however there are exceptions like Yak's Pub).
Also if you were to search for Photo-web comics then you would find a very rich world of toy related comics.
Twisted Kaiju Theater
http://neomonsterisland.com/ is one of the most popular web comics ever which just celebrated its 10th annaversy (which would date it slightly before the posting of GI Joe Warfare, which is considered by many to be the first GI Joe Diostory)
Alien Loves Predetor
http://alienlovespredator.com/ is a mega popular one about the love affair between an alien and Predator (mostly with the toys extracted into real world sceanes).
Legostar Galactica
http://www.legostargalactica.net/ is another popular one that uses Legos
http://www.insecticons.com/ is transformers based.
Stickfas actually have a huge level of comics devoted to it, some of my favs:
http://sigma.alt-world.com/ Stigmartyr
http://www.jesusismygrandpappy.com/?q=latest Stuck (But not had updates for some time)
http://www.actionfigurecomics.com/ Home of Perils of the bold, Ark Omen Rising, also a SW and Sigma 6 (GI joe) comic there)
Sub Standard comics
http://www.drunkduck.com/SubStandard_Comics/index.php another funny and popular comic.
http://fanwank.net/wordpress/ which is primarly Marvel Legends/DCU figures. Slow on the updates.
Men of Action
http://moacomic.com/ Been a long time since last update, shame cause it was Marv (sin city) meeting up with MU characters.
Kiminos Townhoue
http://www.kimonostownhouse.com/ Yes even my little pony is in on it.
Nukeland Cinema
http://www.nukelandcinema.com/ a comic that refuses to be catagorized.
Irregular webcommic
http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/ another lego based comic
I will wrap up with GI Joe,
http://blowtorch1984.webs.com/ This site hasn't updated since dec 2008 but also has some of the first MU and Joe Crossovers I have dated at this point and even has SW bounty hunters tale too.
That is just the tip of the iceberg of what is out there that is often ignored.